Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wheat is a Treat & Rice is Nice

It is reported that the UN chief is demanding that world food production
be increased and that bio fuels are now evil as it "drives up prices".

Ok beam me up Scottie facts, honesty and truth do not matter.....well
they are going to matter and this commentary is going to slap world
socialists upside the head and perhaps put a few thoughts into
American's minds so they can actually have the light go on in discussing
this with people moaning Al Gore and the parties over.

First, there is as much food in the world as there was last year. So
there is no shortage. What there is IS Cargill, George Soros and other
speculators went in last summer and bought up the world wheat supply at
4 dollars a bushel from farmers who thought they got a deal and now are
selling it at 3 times the profit in an illegal monopoly.

Second, ever wonder why during the Clinton years that America voided
it's policy of cheap food and sold off the doomsday reserves America was
mandated to keep to ward off scenarios like this?
Gee do you think they have had this in the works planning this for a few
Yes Virginia there is not a Santa Claus, but there is a clause to switch
from the global warming scam to using food and water to control the world.
We are now in it and food is a weapon.

Third, did you know that when corn is used to create ethanol fuel that
only the starch is used just like that starch is used to make all sorts
of things and yet corn starch prices never rose nor anything else "in
short supply".
What did rise was white corn prices which aren't even used in ethanol
and wheat.......last time I checked wheat is not corn.
Further for the record, ALL OF THE FOOD value in processed corn for
ethanol is still there for cattle feed or whatever food product it could
be made into.

I will repeat that. Wheat is not corn. The entire corn food product is
still there and ethanol only uses starch and leaves what a person or
animal could be nourished by.

Fourth, the only reason ethanol is used in this propaganda is it is
taking the money away from the financiers and putting it into small
companies which create it and farmers. Financiers do not like sharing
money as people with money are competitors. That is the only reason
ethanol is the real issue.

Fifth, want to know what kind of food shortage there really is?
America through bogus UN programs "gives" grain just like it gives
billions in "loans" to "3rd world nations".
Ever ask yourself what is in a 3rd world nation in why people are so poor?
The answer is COMMUNISTS who are taking American "loans" and depositing
it all in European financiers bank accounts as free money for them to
profit off of. That is why Paul Wolfowitz was canned from the world
bank.......he was actually trying to put US aid into individual poor
people's hands and not the money launder chain.

This same chain skims grain, hordes grain, uses grain for leverage and
resells it on the open market. You know it happens if Iraq oil is being
skimmed that the same communists are skimming grain as Egypt just "lost"
a load of grain.

In this UN demand is the key that allot of money is being made off of
this scam by the elites whose interest it is to keep communists like
Robert Mugabe in power, keeping that ilk in South Africa in power to
peons like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in power as when you have one
dictator in power it is so much easier to plunder entire nations of
their wealth.

THIS IS KEY to understanding this scheme as if those African nations
like Rhodesia were operating under Republican forms of government like
when the white's ruled.........Rhodesia / Zimbabwe were producing food
and no one was starving.
It is vital to understand this that the problem of "starving people" is
not about food, it is about people not having a reason to produce food
as what they have is all stolen from them so it is easier to wait around
starving having a UN truck dump loads of American grain on them.

It does not matter if it is Bangladesh, China or Somalia. All the people
in this world if you gave them an arm length of room could still fit
inside of the county you live in.
That is not over population. What that is IS a global scam of people not
being nurtured in their God given right to sow, harvest and prosper.

People do not need 40 acres and mule. The Irish bred like Chinamen on
rocky cold ground of an acre for a cow and potatoes. The potatoe there
caught the blight and people died from starvation.
There is no blight now and it does not take an acre of land to feed a
family. An area of 90 by 90 feet will produce all the food a family
needs with a surplus for an entire year in potatoes, squash, tomatoes
and chard. Toss in a goat and you have fed the world.

Sixth, the reason there aren't potatoes and goats is because if
communists allowed that people would start acting like humans instead of
sheep bleating for rations and the communists would end up hung as they
should be.

So before the chime wagon comes in for those people ignorantly ranting
about ethanol or the world needs to increase food production.......let
us get the facts straight.

1. There is plenty of food.

2. Communist nations need to be removed so their people can farm their
own land for profit which will feed them and their families.

3. This is a scam just like high oil prices are a scam. DeBeers with
Russia now creates shortages for diamonds which are as common as dirt in
the world so the price inflates. The same thing is done with oil. The
same thing is done now with food and soon water.

Until people start getting some common sense and acting like parrots
because Al Gore or Rush Limbaugh are saying the same things, this
enslavement is not going to end.

Inflation caused by financiers is what drives prices up in monopolies.

Someone starting with George Soros belongs in prison over this.....yes
food is being used as a weapon as I said it would while everyone else
was whining about the housing bubble, all to equalize the monetary war
being pursued against America, but a strong dollar as I have laid out in
Hamiltonian principles fixes all of that.
It is the weak dollar making Chilean grapes cost more than gold now in
the monetary exchange the financiers are pushing to create regional
currencies so they stop loosing money in exchange.

There are criminal acts being waged against the citizens of the world by
the people in charge of money who are chartered to run this to benefit
all of mankind instead of just themselves.

There is no food shortage, but there is a grain monopoly and a money

Fix that and boot that UN moronic shill out of office as by God's Grace
I have more sense in my little finger than the idiocy which that dolt is
