Sunday, April 6, 2008

Starring Hillary Clinton and a Stupid Fat Cop

I really appreciate the police officers in this nation who do their job
in serving the public, but for every 10 good police officers there is 1
jerk in the bunch tainting the entire image of law enforcement.
(If you want to go federal and get into BATF, then the average is 10 out
of 10 who are illegitimate bastards harassing United States citizens.)
A gal model pal I have was recently stopped with her girlfriend in
Houston by two cops whose only questions were, "Where do you go
clubbing?". That kind of harassment of women should have these 2 jerks
fired and brought up on charges.

Hillary Clinton though dawned on the stage with another type of cop
stooge. The political flunky one usually only finds in big city liberal
Her cop though was a big fat political whore named Bryan Holman. His
entire career looked like protecting donuts he was serving himself from
every business he was extorting them from.

Holman's staged story was about a pregnant Trina Bachtel who died 2
weeks after she gave birth to a stillborn baby at O'bleness Memorial
Hospital in Athens, Ohio.
In watching the tape role, one could almost hear, "I am ready for my
closeup Mr. DeMille." as a crazy actress spews her lines.

For the record, these "stories" which Holman and other political whores
tell are staged. Hillary sitting her fat rear end on that couch is
couched in handlers who picked this stupid fat cop to tell a story they
already heard, knew of and rehearsed.
To show how stupid this fat cop was, he couldn't even get his lines
right in telling his own fable tale.

Holman said Ms. Bachtel was turned away from the hospital.

LIE, she was treated.

Holman said Ms. Bachtel had no health insurance.

LIE, She had health insurance.

Holman now says he heard the story 2nd hand from Bachtel's
family...........well isn't that just the picture of a stupid Ohio
democratic family not knowing a thing about their own family and telling
a stupid fat democratic cop a bunch of lies which he will pimp a dead

What kind of soulless creatures drag dead bodies out of graves for
political gain?
Abu Gharib ring a bell for Ms. Clinton and democratic company?
One could mention Waco and Ruby Ridge, but that was Hillary putting dead
children into graves for political gain.......cutting out the stupid fat
cops, but instead incorporating stupid giant lesbians in Janet Reno to
render the story.

Deputy Bryan Holman is a disgrace. He should be fired for whoring his
job and like a ghoul pimping dead the very least this
stupid cop should not have a gun and this fat cop should be fired,
because he is about as police worthy as a cream filled Twinkie which he
apparently eats for brain food for breakfast.

So I hope that O'bleness Memorial Hospital files a lawsuit against the
stupid fat cop Bryan Holman, against the county which employs stupid fat
political cops and that all the police departments actually start
looking online at places like MySpace to other blogs in not spying on
citizens, but on policing there own.
I have seen half naked women posed on Florida squad cars posted online
while officers were supposed to be on duty.

American taxpayers do not need stupid fat cops nor horny sex offender
cops on our streets influencing or intimidating voters.

The best cop is seen and not heard from.