Thursday, May 1, 2008

CBS Criminal Bullship Stories: Criminal Minds

For the reason of the psychopathy of the homosexual mind being in constant denial and upheaval of the soul, Americans must constantly be deluged with the most ridiculous television stories out of Hollywood.
For example, Miami CSI had on an episode when Emily Proctor was non stop referring to a perp by his first name........the perp was raping little boys, but CBS, it's writers and apparently the cast all agreed that pedophiles were "human too". All quite disgusting.
Miami CSI upon being exposed over this decided in an April 2008 episode to have Horatio Cane beat up an oriental who was meeting teenage girls offline for sex.

So in Hollywood, a white pedophile raping little boys is "human" and a brown skinned oriental having sex with teenage girls who were willing is to have his rights violated.
Makes one wonder if CBS has white old guys running their network or is it inhabited by oriental males? You know which one it is.

This same off the wall stories appear in Eli Stone on ABC where "God" is portrayed by that drunken literal queer in being half nuts homosexual George Michael. You will remember him from cruising public bathrooms for sex in being a pervert and being arrested in his car in England passed out from whatever happy George was wasting away that night.
Of course George wears a cross and is a hero in Eli Stone. Eli also refers to him as God and George Michael of course comes up with the disgusting line, "Some men have thought so".
Just what I want to hear about excrement sex dealing with God. Sewer smells and the Divine just do not match.

What got this commentary really inspired was CBS puts on a series called Criminal Minds. Last season it was pure anti American, Patriot, Gun Owners and Christian, so I had great hope when Joe Montegna was cast as a lead on the program as he is quite pro American, Constitution and Christian.
Last night though viewers got to see it was a Christian dad's fault his "homosexual" son was going around murdering other homsexuals and Joe got to yell loudly and blame the parent.
Added to this AJ Cook, a talented little blonde out of Canada who is a Mormon as listed on her site, got to be dirtied up by flying down every week to New Orleans to get sexed up by some stereotype Cajun cop who makes Jethro Bodine look like a rocket scientist.

Great lines were the Cajun saying he loved his homosexual fellow police officer who was murdered and AJ Cook being quite emotionally odd in living in phobia that someone might learn of her relationship and then being real..........she might get hurt. Apparently being sexed every weekend does not make things real for Hollywood writers.

Criminal Minds though has returned to it's leftist idiocy in making FBI agents loons along with bashing Christians, Americans and Patriots...........all without bothering to ASK AS PROFILERS which the program is about..............
Just what pedophile from CSI Miami and CBS molested this Christian parent's child to recruit him into the homosexual lifestyle.
See I actually have profiled real people and read the real psychological data unlike CBS which just hates the basis of America.

This all flushes into "Carrier" on PBS which is about the USS Nimitz and an entire segment on sailors breaking sexual rules non stop and all of the homosexuals "doing their job better" than these mere straight types.

All of this exposes just how out of control the homosexual group is in the outlandish propaganda does not fit in any way the reality of who they are.
I can point to a gal in Florida who runs a website who is quite lesbian and who is quite pretty, but instead is slowly investing in tattoos to paint her body over to hide who she doesn't want to be.
I can point to homosexuals just begging to have that equal marriage right and now all of those people are divorcing and having a heck of a time trying to get divorced.

That is what happens when you start defining yourself by SEX SEX SEX, instead of work you are accomplishing or a God based outlook on life. Those are the normal venues to human progress as sex is like can't be happy all the time and your can't have sex all the time, so the "who" a homosexual state they are wears off daily as the drug of sex wears off.

The studies are now verboten, but over 30 years there was vast information showing that homosexuality in rats occurred when one packed huge numbers of them into one confined area. In human terms, it would be cities and in the cattle industry is it feedlots where one observes the same homosexual activity.
This lack of conformity breeds all sorts of other problems in pedophilia which creates a recruitment to the homosexual psychopathy. The other segment of homosexuals has been shown to occur in children who do not have strong bonding with their parent in specific forms.
Boys not bonding with a strong male adult will at times revert to homosexual. Girls having a dominant female will become more aggressive and lesbian. If the female is not dominant she will instead become a Hugh Hefner sex toy as little girls grow up looking for daddy. Another quite sick scenario championed by Hollywood.
Abusive strong women will produce serial murderers in males and abusive strong males will produce lesbians or prostitutes. Once again children defined by violence or sex.

None of that should be championed nor coded as "love" in Hollywood scripts as it is growing an epidemic of creatures who are not normal in conduct and quite dangerous to themselves always and in extreme cases become deadly to communities.

Bill Bennett once stated a perfect line, "Psychiatrists offices are not filled with straight people, but with homosexuals begging to be cured". It is quite reprehensible that these pedophiles and homosexual predators have gained so much leverage in our finance, media and politics that we have them now teaching 5 year olds about masterbation and that same sex conduct is sound.
Hillary Clinton pushed hard for her children as legal adults scenario and the net result of that is legal pedophilia. I have pointed out and challenge all to go to the John Kerry Democratic Convention of 2004 and just read the script of his daughter there to which Democrats there cheered.
In her statment, she changed "A woman's right to choose" dealing with aborticide to "A child's right to choose" and that choice was dealing with sex.

This was on national broadcast and not one "conservative" commentator picked up on it.

There is no love in telling someone to jump in a flooded river no more than it is being a friend to a homosexual in telling them to "go do their thing behind closed doors" as morticians are making a huge business in dead homosexuals.
Informing a homosexual that their life is not gay and that the misery is manifesting in Hollywood scripts which run from perversion to blasphemy is not Boy's Town or It's a Wonderful Life.

The only true homophobes in this world are homosexuals as they coined the phrase and have been running from who they are in fear submerged in sex. There is not one straight person who is being treated for being afraid of a homosexual and that is a medical fact.

It is past time that homosexuals start receiving Spiritual counseling to heal their past demons and for the enablers in Hollywood looking to create a new crop of children to savage be held accountable.

The pictures of this psychopathy are in view on every television screen. None of it says health and none of it is psychologically healthy.

God help them all.
