Monday, June 23, 2008

I heard George somebody Died

I heard George somebody died today and found out on Drudge it was George
Carlin as the leftists and anarchists mourned the passing of a "comic".

I remember Carlin I think it was on the Smother's Brothers show before
those liberals got tossed off the air by CBS for throwing a tantrum and
leaving the last minutes of their show blank.
Carlin's legacy is being remembered for "comedy" which attacked religion
in favor of being stoned on coke and weed to uttering 7 words which even
the liberal media will not allow beginning with the F word.

That to me is not comedy. That is vulgar.

So I choose to remember someone like Art Linkletter who was hillarious
and still alive in his 90's and successfully active. His comedy was like
Jack Benny, Bob Denver and the most noble of comedians, Red Skelton in
you could have them on television and trust everything they did was not
going to be something you would have to was all good like
real ice cream on top of apple pie. There were no surprises, just good fun.

That to me is the mark of a comedian. I have a life of the party sense
of humor, but have a temptation I fall into by satire and double
meanings which is I know how hard it is never to take
shortcuts to the laugh line like the great comedians did. It takes
incredible work to make mundane comical and as Jack Benny could milk a
line with waves of laughter for 5 minutes with just a look to the audience.

I remember Red Skelton in perhaps his most fitting tribute to his fans
in a woman was driving home one day and explaining to her child about
Gertrude and Heathcliff. Those were 2 seagulls Mr. Skelton used to mimic
and all of us kids did too back in the 70's yet.
She was doing the routine, with her arms flapping and hands waving when
she looked over in the other lane and there was Red Skelton in his car
grinning, doing the same thing, and laughing as he drove off.

That is the kind of comedy which touches generations. Comedy like Alan
Hale who played the Skipper on Gilligans Island who would wear his
skipper hat out in public and fans would flock to him and he just loved
interacting with them.
There were no walls for the comedians as they were creating joy in
people and the people in return were not venting, but returning that
love to them.

The list goes on with Jonathan Winters who was in many ways like me as
a child in not having a good one, but he created characters of comedy to
flee from the world into. He found a positive way to find his way
through difficulties and the world has enjoyed his brilliance from Maud
Fricker to a kid from nowhere still smiling fondly watching the many
characters he brought to life.

Bill Cosby is another still living legend who built his comedy out of
the death of this broken home and his dead brother Russell who would
appear time and again to the joy of audiences in Bill's stories of home.

I can not ever remember ever hearing Bill Cosby ever curse in public,
Jonathan Winters ever being lewd, Red Skelton ever having one bad thing
said about him or knowing in my heart that if a child of mine were lost
that Art Linkletter would be a person you know you could trust with them
for he would protect them as his own until they were returned.

I honestly can not name one "funny" person now who I would trust around
my family, so in respect to the good people who were real
comedians.........I will remember them today and leave George somebody
to be remembered by whoever.

God be with George Carlin's family as I know personally I would not care
to be known for being in trouble in the military, a dope head and for
having a foul mouth while attacking religion.

On to Buddy Hackett and Phil Silvers.
