Monday, June 23, 2008

Jake Tapper: ABC's Prissy Pom Pom Obama Girl

Today Karl Rove correctly painted Barack Obama as the rich country club type who has the trophy bang, a cig in his hand and leans against the wall making snide comments about everyone.

Apparently by the way Jake Tapper of ABC raked Karl Rove over the coals for saying that, Jake Tapper is that 90 pound weakling snot who always attaches himself to the popular kid, telling him how popular he is, because the kid needs his ego stroked, so the weakling can lurk around feeling important and getting laid by some drunk chic the Obama type discards.
Barack Obama does bring out the possessive in weakling liberals though, because you can find just as much the opposite in pom pom Perky Couric who would never have an Obama in their home, but in supporting him they can feel superior as it is always nice to have a token on the leash as proof.

Perhaps Tapper would since he brought up the race card which Karl Rove never did, have a more Obama type taking in his black, Indonesian, Islamic and white background......oooppppsss maybe Karl Rove was correct as Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama is indeed half white, so the smart alek country club stereotype was correct by Mr. Rove..........or is it Jake Tapper himself is such a self loathing racist that he wants to deny Barack Obama is just like him, white under that sun tanned skin?

One can think of any number of street thugs which Bill Cosby chastises the black community over in being the Barack Obama types.
Barry Obama, invested a great deal of time in weed, crack and coke while taking little white girls to bed in using them for whores. So if Jake Tapper is phobic about admitting Barack Obama is white then perhaps he will admit Barack Obama is a reflection of the thug who trash talks on the street with a background to match.
If one reads press reports by Larry Sinclair, the dope use was snorting away allot later than what Sen. Obama Claims.

Indonesian roots for Obama find numbers of them in Burma now dictating over the huddled masses, rationing food and care as Michelle Obama says, "We will all suffer under Barack Obama" and what can be more perfect than that for Mr. Tapper to find his pom pom waving for Barack Burma Obama.

Islam, well let us peruse the candidates, perhaps Yasir Arafat might fit most closely to Barack Obama as both of them seem to have an affection for sodomy, taking in huge sums of cash for themselves in not sharing for the masses while telling Jews they are ok to talk to, but hardly good enough to have around.

So what is it Prissy Pom Pom Obama Girl Jake Tapper wants? The sodomite connection, the thug connection, the racist connection, the doper connection or the petty dictator connection as white guy connection is verboten for comrade Jake Tapper?

Oh well, we the public can answer Jake Tapper's question in just who Karl Rove is at the country club?
Karl Rove is the invited guest of the shallow liberal neighbor who has no friends and needs Rove along to show people like him and Karl is doing the jerk a favor as his kids play with the liberal dweed kids........probably take them to Church on Sundays too.

Karl Rove to is the one after a half hour shaking his head and walking out the door as he left Barack Hussein Obama back at High School graduation where the jocks and cheerleaders still reside in..............those glory days.

Happy Pom Poms Jake Tapper.......maybe Barack will try and make you assistant Sec. of Communications now that he has his Obama seal for the disunity of America.
