Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leave it to a communist Chinese

In an amazing Frontline World program on PBS about Jesus in China, it
was of all people a Communist Chinese scholar who in studying American
success found the one source of it was Christians.

This Chicom was so impressed with the results of his studies that he
converted and became a Christian.

Christianity is sweeping China in House Churches being set up by local
Chinese and are spreading to the major cities. These Christians
sometimes imprisoned by the party are also being championed by the
capitalists in China as the perfect people to advance the Chinese society.

What is amazing in this from the bastardization of marriage to sodomites
and effeminites in California to the one Oprahess Obamaess religion
tossing Christ out the window which liberals are now panting over, is
that outsiders in China are seeing the key root to success in what
patricians in America have been trying to destroy for 60 years now.

I wrote a key paper on this and submitted it to the government several
years ago urging the Christian movement to be implemented in North Korea
since dictator Kim there of nuclear bomb love actually allows Methodist
Churches there as there are in his families roots and he is fond of
Christians make the best citizens. They obey governments, never revolt
if left to worship their God and they work hard, responsible and honest.
They police themselves and prosper the nations they live in.

What better thing could communist Chinese ever hope to have in a nation,
but a billion people obedient to Peking, not looking to revolution,
being industrious and not highly adoring of their nation but looking for
a reward of peace in God's Kingdom.

This is the match made in heaven literally for all governments.

This is the reason the United States is now spending trillions on
welfare, prisons and disease as without morals, responsible liberty and
the inner virtue that debauchery is harmful one gets a Godless society
self indulging.

All of this is key as no matter who is the Democratic candidate their
Zig Brzezinski is being on breaking up China in revolution which means
US expense and bushels of dead people.
My policy papers indicate as Bible based a massive Eurasian war is
coming. The Bible notes over 3 billion dead. This can all be avoided by
simply assisting Christian development in China.
Christians stay home, promote peace and only resort to retaliation if
No Brzezinski leveraging and China behaves and a China of Christians
behaving make a wonderful walking soldier to simply invade the steppes
of Russia uninhabited converting that Bolshevik regime to once linking
up and empowering the Russian Orthodox Church.

Organized religion is a detrimental thing in keeping the person from God
in Jesus for power reasons, but it has many good qualities too as
America has been blessed and Chinese communists in study papers have
actually now published.

Leave it to a Chinese communist though to prove Jesus was correct in
stating if you follow His Ways of the Father that the person and nation
will prosper in peace.

It is time we answer Gen. Douglas MacArthur's call for assisting Asians
in their Christian advancement, time the whores of the western left stop
degrading Christianity in entirety in making it pagan and time Americans
figured out they have the best built and given to them and it is time to
start protecting it..........as there are real Christians, capitalists
and communists in China who have that figured out.
