Monday, September 22, 2008

The Old Grey Tart whoring for Obama

Steve Schmidt of Sen. John McCain's staff today blasted the New York Times for it's raving bias in attempting to get Barack Obama elected.

Bill Burton laughed at the idea and stated the New York Times had done 50 "probing" stories on Barack Obama and listed them.

For a reality check, I will list Burton's headlines and then under them in bold print list how the headline would read if this was a Republican, Christian, Patriot or American the New York Times was smearing.

Times Headlines for Barack Obama

Burton's list of Times articles probing Obama:

1. In Law School, Obama Found Political Voice [New York Times, 1/28/07]

Obama Becomes Radical Leftist Propagandist in College

2. So Far, Obama Can’t Take Black Vote For Granted [New York Times, 2/2/07]

Obama Flees from His Black Heritage

3. Obama Had Slave owning Kin [New York Times, 3/3/07]

Obama had Slave Owning Kin - Should Blacks Fear His Installing Slavery Again?

4. Disinvitation by Obama Is Criticized [New York Times, 3/6/07]

Obama is a Redneck Unfit for High Office

5. Obama, in Brief Investing Foray In '05, Took Same Path as Donors [New York Times, 3/7/07]

Obama was Bribed on Insider Trading - Impeach Him

6. Obama Says His Investments Presented No Conflicts of Interest [New York Times, 3/8/07]

Obama Covers Up Investment Fraud

7. Charisma and a Search for Self In Obama's Hawaii Childhood [New York Times, 3/17/07]

Obama is a Lost Soul covering Up who He is with Populism

8. Clinton Camp Challenges Obama on Iraq. [New York Times, 3/22/07]

Obama runs away from Clinton Challenge

9. After 2000 Loss, Obama Built Donor Network From Roots Up [New York Times, 4/3/07]

Obama manipulates Voting System for own Election

10. A Candidate, His Minister and the Search for Faith [New York Times, 4/30/07]

Obama the racist midwestern Searches for Racism with Racist Minister

11. An Obama Patron and Friend Until an Indictment in Illinois [New York Times, 6/14/07]

Obama was bribed by Tony Rezko and cast the Crook off when Indicted

12. In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd. [New York Times, 7/30/07]

Obama is Lying Swindler

13. In 2000, a Streetwise Veteran Schooled a Bold Young Obama. [New York Times, 9/9/07]

Arrogant Obama was fueled by Corrupt Politician

14. Loyal Network Backs Obama After His Help. [New York Times, 10/1/07]

Obama Paid Back by Cronies

15. Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say. [New York Times, 10/30/07]

Obama lies about New York years and Covers Up Facts

16. It’s Not Just ‘Ayes’ and ‘Nays’: Obama’s Votes in Illinois Echo. [New York Times, 12/20/07]

Obama hides Voting Record

17. Nuclear Leaks and Response Tested Obama in Senate [New York Times, 2/3/08]

Obama whithered under Senate Pressure

18. Daschle Uses Senate Ties To Blaze Path for Obama [New York Times, 2/5/08]

Daschle uses Cronyism to Fix Election with Democratic Senate Support

19. Old Friends Say Drugs Played Bit Part in Obama’s Young Life [New York Times, 2/9/08]

Use up dope Heads expose Obama as a Fried Brain Junky Unfit for White House

20. Seeking Unity, Obama Feels Pull of Racial Divide [New York Times, 2/12/08]

Obama Fails to Unite His Racist Black Supporters

21. Obama Walks a Difficult Path as He Courts Jewish Voters [New York Times, 3/1/08]

Obama Can not Con Jews He is not a Racist

Obama in Senate: Star Power, Minor Role [New York Times, 3/9/08]

Obama Nobody in Senate Lost Among Real Stars

22. A Free-Spirited Wanderer Who Set Obama’s Path [New York Times, 3/14/08]

Terrorist Influenced Obama

23.cPastor Defends His Predecessor at Obama’s Chicago Church [New York Times, 3/17/08]

Obama's new Pastor defends old Pastor's Racism

24. Obama’s Narrator [New York Times, 4/1/07]

Obama Stutters

25. Wright Remains a Concern for Some Democrats [New York Times, 5/1/08]

Wright destroys Obama Presidential Election Bid

26. A Strained Wright-Obama Bond Finally Snaps [New York Times, 5/1/08]

Racist Obama and Racist Wright in Black KKK Feud

27. A Pulpit-and-Pews Gulf on Obama’s Ex-Pastor [New York Times, 5/2/08]

Obama's ex Pastor removed but Racist Obama Remains

28. A Fiery Theology Under Fire [New York Times, 5/4/08]

Obama's Racist Religion Stokes Riot Fears Across America

29. Obama Secret Service Agent Tied To Sex Joke [New York Times, 5/15/08]

Obama employs Sex Pervert

30. The Story of Obama, Written by Obama [New York Times, 5/18/08]

Barack Obama the Marxist Propagandist Writes Own Fictional Tale of Life

31. Following Months of Criticism, Obama Quits His Church [New York Times, 6/1/08]

Obama By Media Pressure Cracks and Flees Racist Church

32. Many Blacks Find Joy in Unexpected Breakthrough [New York Times, 6/5/08]

Hopeless Blacks Find Hope in Fiction of Obama

33. Where Whites Draw The Line [New York Times, 6/8/08]

Racist Obama can not appeal to Black Racists

34. Obama’s Organizing Years, Guiding Others and Finding Himself [New York Times, 7/7/08]

Obama's Years of Brainwashing Others Creates for Him a Political Career

35. As a Professor, Obama Enthralled Students and Puzzled Faculty [New York Times, 7/30/08]

Teacher Obama Jim Jones'd Students and Frightened Faculty

36. Delicate Obama Path on Class and Race Preferences [New York Times, 8/3/08]

Obama decieves Public on Class and Race

37. Big Donors, Too, Have Seats at Obama Fundraising Table [New York Times, 8/6/08]

Obama the Shill of Greedy Rich People

38. Is Obama the End of Black Politics? [New York Times, 8/10/08]

Obama destroys Black Voting Culture

39. Obama’s 2003 Stand on Abortion Draws New Criticism in 2008 [New York Times, 8/20/08]

Obama promotes Infanticide in 2003 Draws Revulsion in 2008

40. Obama Aides Defend Bank’s Pay to Biden Son [New York Times, 8/25/08]

Obama Defends Bribery to Biden's Son

41. Once a Convention Outsider, Obama Navigated a Path to the Marquee [New York Times, 8/27/08]

Using underhanded manipulation, Obama Steals the Limelight

42. Obama Looks to Lessons From Chicago in His National Education Plan [New York Times, 9/10/08]

Obama uses Backwards Midwest Plans to the Ruin of Entire National Education

Post Note: Yes I noticed too that Bill Burton could not count and only listed 42 stories and calling them 50.

Apparently Michelle no being able to spell and Barack and his staff not being able to count is what this camp is all about.

Those though are the "probing" stories of Barack Obama. The New York Times needs to probe a little more in Frank Marshall Davis's Loving Pedophile Teaching of Obama and Donald Young Assists Barack Obama by Lovingly Dying from Lead Poisoning.
