Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Solving the Home Heating Needs for Free

I wanted to share something with you and your audience in the spirit of Benjamin Franklin to literally end the energy crisis with technology available today.

I read Mr. Franklin's autobiography online several years ago and was taken with his ability to place ideas in the public domain for the good of all Americans, because the strong and free individual American creates a strong and free American Republic.

Without further long winded explanations, what every American could do for home heating is simply place in their yard solar panels.
The panels with the proper energy flow monitor are then hooked up to what is available in electric heat storage units sold by your local power company.

These units store heat like the Edenpure or SunTwin systems which are simply an infared quartz heating tube which "shines" on a specially heat treated copper or bronze to store the heat and as needed when the sun is not shining simply bleeds this heat off.

This is efficient and power companies across the United States are utilizing these units already, but no one has yet connected them to solar power which is absolutely free once one purchases the panels and heat storage units.
The entire system can be installed usually by your local power company as they all employ electricians now to do the work.

This system as stated uses free energy. Power cords can be run anywhere and with conduit the solar panels can be placed away from homes if the owner so desires to keep things out of the way.
In the summer a switch can be installed to place the electricity generated back into the power grid so the homeowner will be paid for producing energy.

It will only require two panel grids in the coldest of areas for each unit for all the heat a homeowner would desire. They can have their home 90 degrees if they desire as stated the power is free.

Of course, it would be of great help if Congress would produce grants to all homeowners for this system to be installed as it would only be a few thousand dollars and literally end demand for heating oil and natural gas.
Those prices would then fall which would assist consumers and as heating oil would be in surplus in efficient "alladin type" lamps which are 1900's technology of high pressure burning of kerosene power plants could burn this product instead of coal.

The main thrust being is these heating units would cut demand by 90% and people could then afford as auxiliary heat natural gas, fuel oil or even wood by their choice.

After the initial start up cost, the system makes money for the homeowner and puts power back into the grid.

This is a program which could provide 100% heating for most of the nation. The Canadian line would of course need supplemental heat for the 40 below zero periods, but as people already have that heating system in place it will be no additional cost.
Local communities in counties could initiate this system on their own as well as homeowners who would be able to afford the start up costs.

If Congress would simply though grant this money as a national defense project as they do the military, American forces would not have to be fighting in wars over energy.
I submit that America could then sell this system which could be supercharged for industry to high end heating to nations like China and in balance of trade create a surplus benefiting the United States.

As I related before there are national projects using the existing technology of "water engines" to electronic ignitions magnifying 12 volts to millions of volts already proven and operational in every American car. Those systems would require power companies or the government to employ then on a larger scale. This heat storage unit powered by solar energy though is something which any citizen can install.

It is the type of project which counties could enlist the state and federal government demanding that this solution be implemented as there is no denying that, heat storage units do work and that solar panels do work.
One simply connects them and creates a free energy working system.

I post this here to assist this nation, but also on this 23rd day of September as a public notice that if some Bill Gates type steals this idea and does not see fit to playing fair by my interests in not sharing with me the fruits of my Divine inspiration that he or she will be made to in court.

God bless