Tuesday, October 7, 2008

As The Obama Worm Turns

It is always lovely to see petty dictators in the making perfecting their craft like serial murderers and lions batting around bleating fawns while their young chew out the loins as it is just so "what the jungle is all about", because you can take the Arab African out of the Kenyan jungle and put him in a Chicago bisexual suit and sure enough, just like Bill Ayers having his black roommate raping a Jewish girl, there is the Barack Obama pride bashing an old white guy around in Kenya.

Obama learns on a slow curve. First he tried to discredit Lawrence Sinclair and then he tried Joe Biden thug arrests in Delaware scooping Mr. Sinclair out of a press conference.
Wonder of wonders, what happens in Africa, but Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily author, is going to have a press conference in Kenya and the thugs swoop in and detain him too.

What was Mr. Corsi's grand secret? Bisexual Obama? Nope.

No Mr. Corsi was talking with Kenyan officials who have been talking with Obama.

What did President Messiah Obama have to say?

Mr. Corsi has revealed that Obama has illegally been conducting foreign policy and promising the Kenyan Luo tribe they can overthrow the government there and install Marxist cousin Odingo, Barack's relative who trotted out his terrorists as the BBC noted and murdered 1600 people after elections so he could gain a foothold in the government.
Talk about your Adolf Hitler being a minority candidate, getting himself installed and then taking over the whole nation.

All of this is Barack Obama in his jungle 3rd world mentality to now perfection. He is having Americans arrested now around the world for daring to expose his illegal activity in Africa. All of which is quite the felony for criminal Obama.

This all should make a wonderful story as it is starting to generate the noted coverage it deserves.

Oh and for those who are a little concerned about the media, have no fear as Gov. Palin trounced a heckler in a perfect way and FOX and the local press commended her for it.
Gee, the liberal press is wearing out, Brian Williams whining about MSNBC bashing Gov. Palin so he doesn't get interviews, lackluster reports by the tyraid dolts, and, they are starting to see the reality and gaining some real discomfort as more and more liberals start looking at this black thug Obama and concluding they don't want to exist in a 3rd world America where they actually have to endure Marxism from a Kenyan Obama raping not just the American economy, but the entire world this time around.

Tune in tomorrow for the continuing soap opera made for television of the Obama camp gone wild in jungle fever, As The Obama Worm Turns.
