Friday, October 10, 2008

Barton, Barack and Barry Obama

Now is the autumn of his discontent, made dreadful winter by this son of Barack.
The above is a simple mirror image of the central photo of what Barack Obama looks like if he has his right aggressive side mirrored or his left passive side mirrored to form one person.
The problem is the guy on the left looks like the anemic moron from school who thought he would be president and the guy on the left looks like the not too bright sports announcer who thought he should be president.

I though have never seen one person when mirrored like this actually become 2 absolutely different looking people.

But this journey is about the problems of Barack Hussein Obama as he has real problems now. All of this would have been so much simpler if John Edwards had not been committing adultery, Bill Clinton had not been selling Muslim uranium to communist Chinese, all so Al Gore who sold his soul would now be the nominee to loose.
It would have all been so much simpler for Hillary Clinton as she would have probably been Vice President, but now like a Shakespearean play we have mixing Lady Macbeth from Hamlet, Richard III and a whole lot of et tu Brute, from Julius Caesar.

See once upon a time in the long ago of yore, there lived a dame who was upset that Republicans had impeached her beau or Bill. In retribution, she promised her fawnlings that George W. Bush would be impeached, but try as they might Alberto Gonzales did not fall into the Patrick Fitzgerald trap.

Patrick Fitzgerald is the name to remember in this as the New York Rockefeller financiers have him watching over the second city bunch of financiers in Chicago.
Fitzgerald is a right proper bastard as the English would say and I would like the guy if he was not a stooge whose failed coup against Bush 43 had not gotten American Soldiers murdered in the Middle East in the play. That conduct for politics is simply unacceptable.

But yesterday's wolf chewing on the bones of Scooter Libby is today's lobo set loose upon Barack Obama as Hillary has been sufficiently humiliated by the European Rothschilds for Bill's uranium theft and she is back with a vengeance.
As stated, this was all to be so simple. I will apologize if my blogs outing the theater has made the dame and Rockefellers have to change plans, but except for Google screwing around with my blog who pays attention to the Cerise Boiteux anyway.

Fitzgerald though is busy after Obama on a tear that is making his prowling around Dick Cheney look like the farm dog guarding the flock.
Fitzgerald has been busy putting the wood to Tony Rezko in prison who is telling all sorts of tales. It is amazing how spending the rest of your life in prison improves your memory as sentencing is coming up.
Rezko in prosecution terms is the little fish. You step on him and he starts talking about bigger fish.

The bigger fish Rezko is telling all sorts of tales about are Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and equally Illinois centric Governor Rod Blagojevic, both of whom are crooked Obama cronies.
Money is what these Illinois boys were involved in and Rezko was part of the pilfering and donations to campaigns.
Blagojevic is the source for a whole lotta mullah in state funds which are being looked at and Giannoulias is the source for Chicago bank funds.

Apparently gone are the days when everyone coming to America picked up English names in Obama would be Ovar, Rezko would be Rek, Blogojevic would be Blog and Giannoulias would be Gian.

In any case, Giannoulias was the bank loan officer of his family's Chicago bank, Broadway Bank. Giannoulias provided Obama with his first sweetheart loan for his condo. Giannoulias provided Rezko with his slum lord loans and it has been proven that Giannoulias was loaning money to mafia types in the millions as was the case of Michael "The Jaws" Giorango.
As Rezko was banking in Broadway, this in turn means Nadhmi Auchi, who was funding Rezko who was funding Obama's campaign and buying him a mansion under value had his Saddam Hussein money flowing into Broadway.
For a background brief, Auchi is the Iraqi money launderer in France for Saddam Hussein. He has since graduated to other scandals and has set up institutions for the basic Muslimazation of England.
This Islamocommunist in Auchi is backing along with numerous other Middle Eastern terrorists Marxist Arab son, Barack Hussein Obama, for the presidency of the United States.

I can just see olde David Letterman talking to Stevie Nicks again on his stage, shaking his head how Bill Clinton just wasn't ready to be president in his choice and now Barack Obama imploding the world just was another mistake on Letterman's part.
Hey Dave, you trashed George Bush 41, Bob Dole, George Bush 43, John McCain and Sarah Palin all for your "mistakes". You are about to plunge the United States into the worst impeachment corruption in any nation's history.

Fitzgerald for the New York cartel has already sunk his teeth into ACORN which is Obama funded in registering everything from the Dallas Cowboys in Nevada to vote, one kid in Ohio 72 times, thousands of dead people in Houston and as this blog broke about 800,000 too many black voters in North Carolina.
For the short of it, that is RICO Act conspiracy and Barack Obama has about a million counts in election fraud alone.

As Fitzgerald ties into this, he now has Rezko talking. He will move up to Giannoulias who had a private Greek restaurant fund raiser for Obama which the press was banned from. Giannoulias and Gov. Blagojovec will in turn come under fire.
Broadway Bank's entire records are going to be gone through and the quid pro quo of Obama's support for slum lord building in exchange for donations with sweetheart bank loans are all felonies.
Fitzgerald will start shaking that Islamocommunist tree of Auchi which ties directly into Penny Pritzker and Steve Hildebrand of the Obama campaign who have been busy collecting Isalmic contributions quite illegal from overseas and funneling them into.........ACORN.

Understand now how this little package starts fitting together for a very nice indictment as the piglets squeal on Barack Obama and Joe Biden so to avoid 20 years to life.

This is New York running this and Hillary Clinton is via Bill of thee upper tier of New York. Chicago is second city, allowed to deal in hog bellies in commodities and agri business, but this is the big boys after Obama. If you think Barack Obama has cover, just remember what Bill got away with due to his Rockefeller connections.
Obama only has second city backing and when push comes to shove in this order, Obama does not have a deal he can cut and Obama does not have a Delaware District Attorney to indict Fitzgerald, because Fitzgerald is with the upper tier and he is doing Hillary Clinton's coup now on Barack Obama.
As a side observation, has one noticed that Zbigniew Brezinski has suddenly in the past weeks disappeared from being the Obama face on foreign policy?

This all should have been easy, but John Edwards could not keep his zipper up and Bill got greedy in his trailer trash ways. The drama now begins anew as Hillary is leveraging this for a win win.

Patrick Fitzgerald has only until January 20th if Obama is elected to serve up an indictment as Bush 41 tried to nail the money fraud of the Clintons with Gram Obama out of Bankho in Hawaii, but the Clintons shut down the investigation when they took over the White House.
Fitzgerald is leaking this and it is being backed by the New York syndicate press as the ACORN stories are starting to show up all across the media.

Frankly, Hillary would prefer to have John McCain win this election as she then could as leader of the Senate bog down the McCain White House for 4 years of harassment at which time in 2012 Hillary having vanquished all rivals would take the DNC nomination and have her attempt at the White House.
If Obama blunders into this, this American nation is going to go through hell and Hillary will have her pounds of flesh off the media, politicians and Obama.

Logic would dictate a host of problems are going to arise if Obama wins the election. Foremost would be a phone call from Vernon Jordan explaining that a certain birth certificate of Obama's has shown up noting he is not qualified to be president elect.
Mr. Jordan will then state that Mr. Obama is going to step down or face Patrick Fitzgerald who will send him to the OJ Simpson roommate hotel.

As the call has already been made to Joe Biden on his illegal troubles and Mr. Biden is hoping they loose this thing so he can disappear back into the Senate, Mr. Biden will also announce due to an allergy to vaseline in federal prison in not wanting to be a big black man's wife, he too will decide a slap on his naughty wrist in the Senate beats a spanking on his butt by black men in prison.

Mrs. Pelosi already knows this game and is not about to clutch at the White House prize as the Democratic party goes into a fizzle. She realizes Mrs. Clinton has this kill and will eat Nancy if she gets in the way.
So look for Mrs. Pelosi to announce a supreme affection for being Speaker instead of Hillary bait.

For succession, that leaves one up and coming President Pro Tem of the Senate, Hillary Clinton to replace Bob Byrd who seems to have forgotten where West Virginia is.

That is the huge mess facing this nation and Hillary will do it as she is not about to wait 8 years to become a more hag like looking creature no one will vote for as her party passes her by.

An October indictment of Barack Obama seems unlikely, but leaked stories of his coming indictment as was spoken of here months ago seem to be building.

The window that seems best would be in between for a Clinton coup of a different sort where the Electoral College is summoned and votes attributed to the winner. The scenario would be most interesting for a late November indictment of Obama and Biden, whereby the Electoral College with Democrats in a closed meeting would re vote for one Hillary Clinton and her running mate, a rather sniveling wimp probably along the Wes Clark lines.

This of course would save Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Pelosi a cat fight and give America it's first Soviet style election where not only the candidate with the most votes does not win, but no candidates in the race are elected, but the Demolitobruo selects Dame Hillary and Wacco Wes.

That would of course fit Mrs. Clinton's immediate style as Wes could plow over black rioters with tanks the way he did in Waco with children putting down the Obamaniacs.

Who knows, whore buyer, Eliot Spitzer might just be the Democrat nominated to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate who was nominated to replace Barack Obama looking in the White House window.

As noted, it would be easier if these Democrats could stick to the script as even if their play is more interesting, it has become, "A whore, a whore, my kingdom for a money whore".


PS: Note to Barack Obama, winters coming in a Fitzgerald chill. If you decide to use the above photos on a new Axelrod forged document name the one on the left Barton Barkstead and the one on the right Barry Bomstead.
They have that nice Oprah Steadman ring.....remember lets not leave Oprah out of this mess as she helped Chicago start this.

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