Friday, October 10, 2008

People need to stop Reacting

To answer Newsbusters questions, I would ask people to calm down and stop reacting like a bunch of pigeons flushed from the park when a few dogs scare them.

What has been occurring is a massive shift of wealth. I noted that Bush 43 was forced by the Clinton ripping billions out of the economy when a recession was on, due to 9 11, to print up 1 trillion dollars.
This is what the expensive grain and oil was about as after that money was tapped out of the busted housing market which started in France and spread this chaos to elect Obama, as this housing money flooded the world.

I told people by God's Grace earlier this summer that cash was king and that is what the bankers and Buffett want as the dollar is going to double in value and they want YOUR MONEY out of stocks and banks so they can get their hands on it.
They want you to buy gold and other garbage so when the dollar goes up, gold goes down by half and you are left with half your money and they earned the other half.

People PLEASE, do not divest yourself. Keep your money as it is going to go up in buying power and that is why these financiers want it. Hiding it under your bed for now is better than buying gold or paper resources. Local CD's and tax free bonds are much better in the short term for you to keep your money.

Obama's money mentor Paul Volcker last night on Charlie Rose was speaking of rewriting the laws. Yeah the Italians are now too. The market is tanking to gain money, to elect Obama and to implement a bigger consolidation.
That is all the banks in the world in one system. See if you have one banking system, then you can have one currency sooner than later and..........does that not sound akin to a prophecy in no one being able to buy or sell without the mark of the state?

I will point out so people do not go completely hide under the blankets that even Volcker stated this is no great depression. Buffett said it could be fixed in 6 months. The reason the Obama people are not in a panic is they engineered this thing and are not being hurt.

I will also point out that the herded masses of people which many seem to be posting on this site are one nuclear mini war away from giving it all up for a dictator like Hitler in Europe.
Imagine an exchange in the Middle East where Americans die, Jews die and the retaliation is the vaporization of Damascus and select Persian interests.
That will remove America from the region. That will terrify Europeans to unite into their empire that the cartels have been pushing for.

If you have not noticed the central Europeans have been leveraging all through the Middle East and are behind the economic attack on America currently as it is in their interests.

Big deal as the stock markets fall. They are simply correcting and when they get low enough they will be worth owning again. So don't get worked up about these things. Your local bank is solvent, your job is necessary, people will continue to purchase goods and it will all work out in your personal life.
I was amazed that Paul Volcker and Charlie Rose were using my terminology last night as I have posted on Newsbusters, policy papers and my blog in "different economies" meaning Wall Street is one economy and main street is another. There actually are more economies than that, but it was interesting policy discussed here is now showing up in liberal circles.

So in understanding that the crisis is for shearing money from you, installing Obama, centralizing into a literal world order banking structure, what will come of this?

I have noted that a Middle East dust up is necessary and that his what Olmert's Rothschild backers have been pushing. These secularists hiding as "Jews" want American Jewish settlers out who are religious and their imported Russian "Jews" in.
I will note something in this for my Jewish brothers like David Horowitz who banned me from his site pointing his out. George Soros a secularist ran Jews out of Georgia over that oil pipeline.
George Soros is hammering Jews in American politics. George Soros is making deals with Hamas over Jews.

What is the prize in this?

Look at Soros history. He just stole Romanian gold as Newsbusters reported last year. There must be something in the West Bank that Soros knows is there and has cut a deal with Hamas to plunder it.

I know the Dead Sea is full of a wealth of minerals, but I believe that there is a lake of oil under the West Bank and Soros is after that to the raping of American Jewish settlers of their homes.
He is after that land. The Europeans already as Aaron Klein reported have a deal with Jordan to put an army into there. So a great deal of European finance wants Jews and Americans out of the Middle East for their plunder.

How you get it is you start a small nuclear exchange as a vaporized Damascus gets herdlings in Europe's attention to accept a new Napoleon with a peace treaty.

So America is supplanted. China is currently making grunting sounds about the end of American economic superpower status.

If you notice Russia is in Syria, has moved it's nuclear aircraft carrier destroying cruisers out of the Arctic and they are moving into eastern Europe.

You have the Persian caliph and that cesspool of moon god Isalmcommunists with nuclear weapons.

Do the math people as I have been explaining this for 2 years now. You have 4 nasty European empires who have a history of rape, slaughter, genocide and not ever playing well together all locked onto a Eurasian continent.

3 times in history in the 7 years war, World War I and World War II like conditions of leverage for the control of the world happened as are occurring today.
This is the 4th destiny. That is why I have pleaded for shortsighted people to elect John McCain as he will keep America from being pulled into this horrific war. These 4 empires are already licking their chops over America being supplanted. They have already been assassinating people to gain leverage. It will not be that short of time before they get into a weapons of mass destruction fight with each other as they all want to rule the world.

It will be Napoleon against Putin and Hu with the nuclear Muslims being nuked.

These children never play well together and several years from now the people thinking this economic crisis is a problem are going to learn like in 1929 that 1940 was where the real problem will start.
This is not going to take a decade this time to enact. I fully expect a Middle East skirmish and a bogus peace treaty coming out of Europe by which all sides will use the few years to arm themselves to literal end of the world come.

There is a 100% chance America is going to loose her entire military stores in the Middle East as Russia will move by force America out.

America is entering into the times of it will need a military leader like John McCain or at least a Sarah Palin who can shoot a full auto rifle.
I will be frank. If Joe Biden who I know is a thug was running the Democratic ticket or even an Al Gore to Hillary, they know how to pull triggers and seem to not be Brzezinski oriented so America would have a chance to not get sucked into a world war.
Obama though is so financier led that he is injecting America into areas we can not defend and when our Soldiers get killed in the tens of thousands he is going to have to use nuclear weapons and that will mean nuclear weapons will end up on here out of Eurasia.

This is a precarious time, not in finances, but TODAY America needs to implement policy which will stop the Chinese from need of resources from invading Alaska. It is certain when push comes to shove they will invade Oz for their mineral resources.
So to Democrats and people of the right who are not getting the reality of what this is all about, do you want to be fighting Chinese for our oil and fighting a southern Marxist latino invasion of looters while Obama is warming up the MERV's to get America involved in a WMD war?

I don't invest a great deal of time on current events as they bore me as by God's Grace I addressed enough of this years ago. My purpose is to witness what is coming in the years ahead as that is the real gambit in playing for checkmate.
I know what is coming because no other outcome can result from the above scenarios being worked out as history proves it repeats in the human order. I know Barack Obama is completely naked for what is coming. He is incapable.
That is why my intensity is for John McCain and why I have become short with the nonsense some people are posting as this is coming soon in a war which will be for our very existence.

I do not want American children to be dying for the next 50 years from cancer tumors as they are in Russia. That is what will happen with cobalt and plutonium bombs if this nation gets financier led into the last world war.
It is going to be a catastrophe in dealing with the dust pile of New York in the dual nuclear concussion mountain being planned by the Islamocommunists.
America needs leadership and the only person in this race with it is John McCain for what is coming. Gov. Palin can master this as she proves she can, but Obama is incapable and Biden simply does not have the resoures available to accomplish this with nitwits the financiers will Les Aspin around him.

Barack Obama has Jimmy Carter's entire foreign and economic policy mandate surrounding him. America can not have that ineptness in the executive or we as a people are going to go back to these United States instead of the federalized the United States.

It is going to be that kind of war which is coming and some of our states are not going to survive beyond being cow pastures for decades.

Calm down though and stop reacting in being herded to things not in your best interests. God's interests will be worked out, but it will work a great deal easier with John McCain in office who people will rally around as they did with George Bush 43 after 9 11 as this nation does not need an Obama saying, and and and and and and whose only response will be a nuclear one which will give a nuclear one to America from Eurasia.

God bless

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