Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chairman Maobama of the Obama States of Amerika

Such a fertile field there is upon the horizon of people who apparently inhabit Newsbusters in blogs as most of them are now as unintelligent as Arianna Huffington, well actually more so as at least Arianna sold what was left of her soul to give sex perverts a platform of liberalism to rant on.

Being stupid is far worse than simply selling oneself to the highest Soros bidder.

In the second McCain and Obama debate, which McCain trounced Barack and and and and Obama a second time, apparently now those on the right need to be educated as much as the maniacs on the left in being told it is a VERY BAD THING when Dictator Obama states two things:


2. Barack Obama is going to DRAFT EVERY CHILD 17 to 24 years old into either his version of the Piece Corps (yes I know it is supposed to be peace Simone) or is going to put them into the military.

No one on the grinning goomer left has a clue in how bad this is and no one on the right is bothering to even address how Mao this is in stealing children from parents.

First, what is a parent supposed to do who is unemployed, ill or just having a bad hair year as all people have in life? Mandate Obama says all parents, that means for all you dump your childern in front of a videogame while they are sexing their 14 year old girlfriend to pregnancy that you will now be responsible for fines as junior is either going to have to get a job at 15 to pay $12,000 a year in medical benefits for his little one or you will be paying a fine for junior as he is hauled away to........yes the Peace Corps.
For all the cheering Obama dolts, this is YOU that Barack Obama is targeting as it is YOU who are sticking your penis' into every thing that moves and YOU who are providing infanticide chambers in YOUR daughters. Christians for the most part wait for marriage, so Obama just told the world he is going to fine the pants off of you whether you are sick, out of a job or just having a bad year.

Ok, I will type his part slowly. THIS IS BAD.

Second, the national Obama draft will force children to serve in the military or some government agency for slave labor. Now don't think this is going to not touch your kiddies rich David Letterman, as your junior is going to be drafted, and as he will be a coward like yourself, will get himself a nice job either picking up trash in Harlem or a nice relocation program overseas in the Congo where he can pick up malaria, a tape worm a half mile long or a nice machete to his testicles.

Apparently Americans have not figured out that children sometimes work for college tuition or to help pay family bills, but that is now going all away, as Barack Obama has mandated that either your kid gets shot in the military or goes to the Congo or some devil saken area where they will be murdered, or how about this David Letterman or Jesse Jackson jr. your kid gets dumped into the 3rd world where all those little boys and girls will do anything to come to America and all your liberal children end up married to an illegal, with babies, you will be fined for if you don't provide health care and America blossoms to 50 million more border busters.

There is a reason the United States military drilled into their Soldier's heads to not be impregnating the locals and dragging them back to the United States. Barack Obama's Peace Corp is either going to have your lovely Letterman family 3rd world or junior buried or kidnapped in the 3rd world.

But let us not stop there. Have you ever known a government who has a surplus of troops to not go around tossing them into murder's way?
I beg you to recall Les Aspin of the Clinton fiasco in Somalia not providing heavy armor for US Soldiers, no we are not talking about body armor or a heavy hummer people, Clinton wouldn't provide tanks so our Soldiers were ripped apart and drug through the streets.
Barack Obama in the debate stated he was going into Pakistan. He is in talks with Marxist Kenya where his cousin is installed to overthrow that legitimate government and there are around 40 nations around the world which are just begging for Obama to send in US conscripts who don't want to be there like Vietnam so they can chew them up and spit them out.

Barack Obama promised America numerous Vietnams. Barack Obama promised America Iranian hostage situations as his Piece Corps gets kidnapped. Barack Obama promised all Americans to make them criminals if they do not obey his mandates.

This is what the idiot left is cheering about to vote for. This is what the dolts on the right are not even bothering to inform this disaster which Obama advocated in the second debate.

I won't go into details, but Obama is going to in his policies of throwing children into the arms of death have to react. The areas he is putting Americans can not be invaded with troops like Pakistan. The only thing left is nuclear weapons which kills the kids too.
It also produces nuclear dust clouds which settle on the United States from clear around the world.

America, you apparently in your not figuring anything out in this want to be paying criminal fines, want your children dumped around the world in re education Obama camps of peace and war and you want to worry about the veggies, grains and milk you are eating if they are contaminated from a nuclear dust cloud from Pakistan which is going to give your kids and you cancer in a few years.

Why is not one person being paid 6 and 7 figure salaries bothering to tell you exactly what Barack Obama stated?

Barack Obama is pure Chairman Mao in rounding up the population and mandating they do exactly as he orders.
You people who think you are going to be spared, just look at Chicago's South Side sweeties. Barack Obama turned slum lord Rezko loose on his own supposedly black people for a prey.

You have witnessed at in this, so don't expect God or Christians to keep pulling your ignorant selves out of the fire. They saved you from Al Gore and John Kerry.

It is time the dolts abandoned Barack Obama, because this is their last chance to be the sloven fatherless children of the Republic they are for when Barack Obama is dictator you are going to be put to work, put into camps to serve Obama's mandate and you are not going to have to worry about typing on websites any more as Obama will have done your thinking for you.
