Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama Wind Blowing of His Defeat

I was traveling yesterday in a political town and noticed something odd in all of the rows of campaign signs arrayed by the Democrats and the Republicans.
There were McCain Palin signs with all the Republican candidate federal, state and local.

There were Democrat signs for federal, state and local in pretty rows. The problem in this there was not one Obama Biden sign on any of these Democratic lawns. In an entire city which is noted for drawing the upper crust of political candidates for the entire time I have known that area and the Democrats could not be found to vote for this guy.

That to me is the type of polling I take reference of as those are the literal signs of people's affection for any candidate. I have never in all of my life in a presidential election seen hardcore Democrats or Republicans not have signs out for their nominee.
Even in the worst times of Nixon the GOP would still bring him out to the worst days of Carter there were still Carter signs out on these Democrat lawns. This time though there is absolutely a lack of support for Marxist Barack Hussein Obama.

Now Democrat sleaze Murtha of Pennsylvania in his area can insult Democrats there as being "racists" as this ilk always tries to smear anyone who does not agree with them, even in their own party, but there is an Obama ill wind blowing across the United States and it is the very core of the Democratic Party which is rejecting Barack Obama by their very displays.

I noticed 2 days ago something was changing as the pollsters were covering their butts. CBS had Obama up by 15 points and others has a surge going on, but by the next news cycle once again liberal John Zogby was warning this was not over.
Other has McCain in "striking distance" while ABC was running footage of Reagan's old pollster telling the world,"Hey Reagan was behind at this point late in the race and it turned into a Regan landslide".
The liberal media just does not put out stories like that. They put them out for a reason in the fact is the pollsters have been lying all of October and I have maintained in real voters in the worst of times, John McCain is holding a 5 to 6 point lead.
John McCain has trounced Obama in all 3 debates. Gov. Palin smashed Biden and the ratings show that in the last debate viewer numbers went down. People have decided and it is not for Obama.

John McCain has run a brilliant strategic campaign building upon an entire venue setting Obama up. I noted as the only person revealing it that the McCain camp sent out Sarah Palin to cut Joe Biden out of the Democratic herd along with those disgruntled Democratic voters.
In the last debate, no one has noticed but myself that John McCain was talking to Hillary Clinton about economic policy.

That is worth repeating that Hillary Clinton deliberately met with John McCain to discuss economic policy. The Clinton's were not campaigning for Obama. The Clinton's instead on a stage in Pennsylvania were standing with Joe Biden. The message is now clear. Biden is going to be a good soldier to make it look like he is not the fault of Obama's defeat as are Bill and Hillary Clinton, but the Clinton's are signed on with the McCain Palin ticket.

THAT is the audience John McCain was speaking to in the last debate.

THAT is the reason Hillary Clinton's name popped up a few times in the last debate.

John McCain wasn't whoop butt'in Barack Obama for Republicans. John McCain was whoop butt'in Barack Hussein Obama for the PUMA, Hillary Clinton supporters who are still furious over the slapping around Obama did of Hillary during and after the campaign.

THAT is the audience both Hillary Clinton and John McCain were telling last night it was ok to take the step and vote Republican.
Strangely, John McCain has 3 of the toughest political women in America, in his wife, Cindy, Gov. Palin and now Hillary Clinton signed onto his ticket and he deliberately went after Barack Obama in the last debate to lay some leather on Obama for the Clinton people, because they can't.

This is brilliant strategy.

I don't care how many skewed polls come out with Obama in states running 48 to McCain 43 which does not add up to 100, but only 91, leaving 9 points which are breaking to John McCain.

Even on Charlie Rose, I noticed his panel of bigots have gotten the word on Obama as by miracle they were all pounding Obama in not being bright enough to have an economic plan and literally failing in not producing anything he could take into the White House in January.

The liberal pollsters now talk of the undecided which they had refrained from before. That means they are covering their butts. The liberal media is now hedging excuses in "Obama has not put for the a plan" to cover their butts so after Obama's election loss they will say, "Voters just trusted a guy with a plan like McCain and not Obama who had no plan.

These liberals have done their worst to John McCain and even Karl Rove has padded out with the fact everyone has known for months, "OBAMA HAS NOT SEALED THE DEAL WITH VOTERS".

All these snot patricians have attempted to destroy the Conservative movement in America and now to save face as they know what the real polls all stated and now in having to face the fact they are dealing with a McCain Palin Administration, they are pretending that they were part of the victory or were only being "objective".

Obama has a looser wind blowing across the key areas of the United States from western Pennsylvania, rural Virginia, the Iron Range of Minnesota to eastern Oregon and Washington. That is Reagan Country and it has become Palin Country and this all appears to be a McCain Palin landslide building as I noted last winter.

The liberals have tried to depress the GOP vote. Tried to herd the sheeple vote on the Obama economic rapist skewering the economy and yet in this coming election Americans are figuring this out and proving their rugged individualism once again.

Obama has airhead 25 year old self loathing college twerps and he has a segment of black voters who think if they just elect Oprah they will finally be somebody. That is it for his voters with a contingent of Stanley Ann Dunham jungle fever women.

The Democratic party of Bill and Hillary Clinton has abandoned Barack Hussein Obama. That is what these debates were about in what John McCain, Sarah Palin and in some ways the Clinton's were about.

John McCain has sealed the deal and Barack Obama has become nothing more than an spectre of an apparition of Halloween in not having a ghost of a chance in becoming President as the political winds of his own party dissipate him to the unchained smoke of memory.

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