Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Simplest of Terms

In the simplest of terms, what America has been witnessing in the predatory rape of the economy is a financial scam reversing what occurred in the 1970's to the US farm economy.

One will notice in real terms every story posted will feature mysterious "banks" making risky loans which were re bundled and then sold to lenders like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Bear Sterns.

You will notice your local bank is not in trouble in the least and this is because they took no part in handing out money to people who had no business getting loans. The reason being is that most of these small banks were gobbled up deliberately by regional banks in 1970, then purchased by regional bank franchises and a great many were then bought up in the 1990's by powerhouses like Wells Fargo.
American banking became centralized and what is happening on Wall Street is now American lending has now become centralized in a reverse of the small being overtaken in the 70's to the large now being eaten in 2008.

For example, JP Morgan Chase acquired Bear Sterns for a debt which it could write off from paying taxes, only after you the taxpayer bought up 30 billion dollars in bad loans from Bear Sterns.
This would be like your buying a Mercedes from your brother in law who couldn't make payments after the government bought up what was owed on the car yet and you took possession of the Mercedes for what you already paid in income taxes.

You don't get a deal like that, but Morgan Chase, Citi and a host of other banks which seemed not to be in financial trouble did get that deal and now own the poor housing market.
The cute part is Fannie Mae and Freddin Mac who were bribing Congress with campaign contributions to like Democrat Chris Dodd or sweetheart loans to the North Dakota Democrat Senator Kent Conrad , bought up the bad loans from the "mystery banks" and as Fan and Fred are government lenders, the government re bought loans it already had.
Wonder why Warren Buffett wants this bailout? Well he was in on this and with the operations he has in China, the new provision for bailing out Shanghia Bank for bad loans to Americans makes the green flow to Buffett in China now too and not just America.

How this all works is typical.

The Federal Reserve Banks tell the US Treasury to print up a trillion dollars. The Treasury does so by these private Rockefeller and Rothschild banks and takes a cut for it by charging the US government for it's own money.
Then the regional banks of the Fed loan this money to local banks for a percentage profit.
Then the local banks lend the money to you at a profit and you end up funding world domination.

In the scheme though, the Fed ordered like in the 1970's banks to start loaning allot of money to people to over extend them. These banks then started bundling the bad loans and reselling them to Bear Sterns.
BS then with the other lenders got the ball really rolling in handing out money to Mexican border busters and other people who had no business ever getting a housing loan.

The big banks like JP Morgan Chase set this up to underwrite loans in the infamous credit card law which stopped people from defaulting on credit cards. This cash cow stabilized those banks and brought together the major power houses to form massive leverage firms.
I will bet JP Morgan Chase is one of those mysterious banks who were loaning money and then bundling it to be sold to Bear Sterns, which JP simply repurchased in a few years for pennies on the dollar and with taxes it would be paying into the US Treasury.

Is not this a great system or what!

So these banks and lenders now produced bad loans, but milked them for about 3 years as most people, even illegal Mexicans, can simply afford about $30,000 in payments before things go bust.
The banks of Wall Street now made huge sums in interest, the banks now have reacquired the bad loans on houses 30% less then they originally made loans on, the US government is buying up the bad loans sticking it to taxpayers and the banks of Wall Street have now the property to resell (no one is asking if the US government in buying bad loans on these houses it claims it will resell will be charged transaction fees by these banks for billions of dollars when the houses are resold) and literally in two years have the houses, the original 1/3rd profit, new profit on reselling and the US government giving them low interest loans.

The Stock Market dropped before the Vice Presidential debate for two reasons. One to put pressure on Sarah Palin in a coming question to attack her to "explain things" and to blackmail Congress to come through with the cash.

If you want to look at the people behind this, just look at who made profits and acquired all the goodies. JP Morgan Chase, George Soros and Warren Buffett are the top crooks in the United States who are about to rape the US taxpayers a second time, actually a third as Buffett is going to make certain his Chinese interests get bailed out too along with a massive shift of Chinese debt to America where he will make billions more.

It is more vital for Congress to pass a law busting these illegal nation rape trusts and for the White House to as Teddy Roosevelt would do in send out the Department of Justice and start arresting these crooks like Buffett and Soros.
Arrest those two, seize their assets and it is a certain that come tomorrow JP Morgan Chase and all these profiteers will announce they have by miracle found hidden stores of money to fund their own bailout and the world will chug along until the next market crunch is engineered.

It is not that Congress should not do something, the something should be financial mandates on these lenders to repay their debt and to back that debt with an overlord bank of the 700 billion.
In this way America keeps it's money, the culprits come up with their own money and in overlord, America gets it's central bank to compete with the Federal Reserve robber barons which Congress can then enact Alexander Hamilton charters on that if they ever screw this nation over again they loose their banks and end up in prison.

The money in this did not disappear. It in fact inflated from the original 1 trillion printed. The original houses are still there, the original interest paying off 1/3rd of those houses in payments has increased. The government has now injected billions more into the system and is approaching an additional trillion dollars and the fact remains that the banks in fractal lending took the money deposited in home sales and lent that out to make 1/3rd more, as the original sale price of the homes is still on the books.
That adds up to 2.6 trillion dollars literally made, and if one adds, interest and taxes it is closer to 3.8 trillion dollars made out of American dollar thin air.

Those are the basics of this nation rape which is international now as the French and English are in the same bind in this money making venture of the financiers.

All of this to elect Barack Obama as I have pointed out so his backers can implode the microfinance accounts in the 3rd world enslaving all of those poor people which his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham set up in her Women's World Bank.

I will predict that Gwen Ifill will never ask that question to Joe Biden and Charlie Rose will never ask that question to Warren Buffett.
