Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Warren Buffet proves Lame Cherry Correct

Nation rapist Warren Buffett proved Lame Cherry correct in his hour long rattling to the fawning Charlie Rose who was too stupid or too much a financier pawn to realize Buffett the pariah he is.

First, I wrote almost a year ago in blogs that cash would be king. I had people asking me about that, but in Divine inspiration I said it while they were storing away gold and silver.
Warren Buffett uttered those words tonight in cash was king. King for the very reason he is rolling in it and buying up companies cheaply on the dollar.

Second, Buffett confirmed my assessment that the dollar will raise double in buying power.

Third, I predicted this created crisis would and could be ended in 6 months. Warren Buffett said that to a stunned Charlie Rose.

Fourth, I stated that the rape of this nation traces back to the farming bubble of the 1970's and Warren Buffett started his bubble burst with the 1970's, the dotcom bust and the current bust.
Proving these are all engineered shearing of Americans.

Fifth, Warren Buffett wants the Treasury Secretary to have a blank check and to get his hands on that $700 billion pronto. This proves my assessment correct that the nation instead needs an overlord bank to back loans, but not loan one nickel as if Warren Buffett wants that money there is only one reason and that is for him to steal it in his market manipulation.

Sixth, Buffett wants a thousand bucks into the hands of poor people as they can spend it. The reason Buffett wants that money is poor people buy Walmart nachos which goes right into the scams Buffett profits from including a direct pipeline to China where Walmart gets it's goods and Buffett is invested.
This proves my $40,000 grant to homeowners for survival shelters is the way to go as it will gear the economy to production.

Seventh, Buffett and none of these nation rapists are worried in the least about this created market crash proving that they know the economy will pull out of this, they engineered it to elect Obama and that they can fix it if they choose.

Eighth, I have blogged of the need for the return to Reagan monetary policy which includes Friedman and Feldman who assisted in creating a growing economy where people could save money in banks and earn a good return as was the case in the late Reagan years.
The reason this is important is Buffett was talking about how he didn't want Americans saving money under their mattresses and that they had to spend it. See Buffett can't get at American's money if they are saving it and no matter his schtik about saving money, he wants those people spending money as that is how he rapes it from them.

Ninth, Buffett was quite adament about his typical forlorn line about he just doesn't pay enough in taxes and he wants to see rich people pay more.
Earth to you pompous, lying, raping Warren Buffett, WRITE A 40 BILLION DOLLAR CHECK OUT TO THE US TREASURY OR WRITE 40,000 checks out to poor people to pay off their homes you cad as no one is stopping you from paying taxes except yourself!

Tenth, Buffett proved everything I have written about him is correct. Everything about the economy is correct and he proved the fact that America must produce goods to get out of debt Buffett created.

In closing, Warren Buffett and former CIA Director James Wolsey both are promoting electric cars. Obviously this means that the financiers already have cars which will operate, but are waiting to rape the last nickels out of the world in oil and then they will build these vunder vagons and sell the world it's soul on an extension cord for electricity at a $1000 a kilowatt.

Maybe Warren reads this column and knows he is being outed all across the net as more and more people are wising up to this money skimmers for the financiers.

This blog is still amazed though, the biggest con man in America can not figure out how to pay his taxes in knowing how to write with a pen.
I would sure like to sit in Rose's 7 figure job seat one night and ask Buffett why he lies about paying taxes AND IS ONLY WANTING A LARGER TAX RATE ON RICH PEOPLE AS IT MEANS IT WILL WEED OUT HIS COMPETITION AND GET THAT MONEY INTO THE GOVERNMENT WHERE HE CAN RAPE IT OUT OF THE SYSTEM.

Warren Buffett who keeps referring to people as "animals you can predict". Dude, you are like the critters in knowing what you are up to as you are so obvious.
