Friday, December 5, 2008

Casting the Obama first Stone

I had someone turning on Barbara Walters Fascinating People of 2008 last night in they wanted to see Gov. Palin. I love Sarah Palin even more now in she snubbed Barbara Walters after all the political rape Babs heaped on her via The View.
Rush Limbaugh though bowed, smiled and thanked Babs for inviting him on to pretend he is part of the mix.

Rush needs to wake up in the only reason Babs puts him or Sarah Palin on is to literally suck in that ten percent of the ratings who are Conservatives who would never watch that woman or her liberal garbage.

Gov. Palin though, who was in Georgia campaigning, certainly could have squeezed in a Barbara appearance, but declined which is exactly how she should treat all of this garbage media who only were taking one more rotten thrust at her.

In that, I received a most judgmental and sick email this morning from a Lee Sparks of Kansas City, Missouri. I will post his Obama casting stones below.

Mr. Sparks writes:

Its sad to see such a bitter, vindictive editorial about another human being. It says that you are a very mean spirited person, lacking in basing compassion, mercy and grace. The cure for you is to believe that you are a sinner in need of salvation. Believe in the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ on your behalf. Before God confess your sinfulness, agree with God, repent--accept the gift of eternal forgiveness and be reconciled with God for eternity. Lee

Apparently, this Obamanite is a big fan of Stanley Ann Dunham's Revenge. Whoever posted this all over the internet it resonates soundly with people and is amusing to see the reactions to something written months ago to attempt to piece together what Ms. Dunham's motives were as no one yet had even looked deep into her psyche at that point.

Lee Sparks or Mr. Sparks which is quite amusing to address yourself as sees a great deal of sin in the Truth. Mr. Sparks though sees nothing wrong in butchering babies, fornication, adultery, child sex (Stanley Ann was underage when sexed by whatever black Marxist was impregnating her), the setting up of mircrofinance in the 3rd world intended to rape their life's work and enslave them all, abandon your child, have Jungle Fever sex fetishes, divorce and to save time just shatter the 10 Commandments and use the Bible as toilet paper.

That is the Stanley Ann Dunham who Mr. Sparks is defending along with her sins.

As he voted for Barack Obama or he would not be so moved to be throwing rocks at me, Mr. Sparks is also a fan of all of the above in Barack's butchering of babies, his sodomy, drug use, adultery, exposing his wife to sexual diseases and his children, money fraud, usurping the presidency of the United States, vote fraud and being so furious at your mother that while she is dying of cancer you won't ever be with her to get your revenge on her.

That is what Lee Sparks was defending by throwing rocks at me. None of that is Christian in the least.
I could have invested the time in contacting Mr. Sparks and his Pastor, Bruce Andersen of River Market Outreach, but there really is no point. You have in Mr. Sparks someone who is not interested in the facts nor the Truth. He uses his religion of doo gooder thangs as his salve that he is good with God and thereby can damn others to his brand of judgment.

When I look at Stanley Ann Dunham, I see her as a horridly flawed self loathing person. She harmed Barack Obama horridly. In her banking quest, I have exposed that she has set up a system of savings and loans in the third world which will be sheared by the same people who just sheared the US Stock Market, ruining those poor people so their lands will be stolen and they forever enslaved.

I see in Barack Obama a white Arab black who with Tony Rezko raped black people economically in Chicago's South Side. The fact is black people are in prison in greater numbers and preying on black, white and hispanic people in greater numbers after Barack Obama's influence in that community.
I see him communizing all Americans. I see Eurasian world war Mr. Obama will suck America into where our children will be dead in mass slaughters by weapons of mass destruction. I see Taiwan obliterated by the Chicoms. I see more dead people in Latin America. I see wasted American cities by nuclear vaporization.
I see the reality of Stanely Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama while Lee Sparks is off with Cindy Sparks and Pastor Bruce Andersen, handing out 6000 pieces of "literature", filling up 2500 helium balloons and handing out a few Bibles all so 24 souls they claim were saved.

Somehow Jesus and St. Paul were a bit more ecology friendly in not creating mass pollution to get the Word of God out. 2500 balloons are horrid things in killing God's creatures, but when you are part of Olivet Baptist Church, it is all good, except of the facts and Truth by Lame Cherry.

I forgive Lee Sparks and those around him in Jesus Name, because if he was not so deluded and had God's Holy Spirit operating in him, he would know Whose I am. It though in Jesus hands and dust off my shoes as Mr. Sparks sins are upon him in Jesus Name. He will have to learn the hard lesson like others not to be picking at me when I'm about the Father's business.

All of this is quite eye opening in being able to experience what the Prophet Jeremiah was seeing so long ago in Jerusalem before she fell. The same corruption, sin, deluded people, people clinging to false teachers as that is what they desired, sodomy, debauchery and injustice with installed leaders were the rule of the corruption before God separated the faithful few from the many.

I have sadness for the people destroyed for lack of knowledge and those who think they can continue to cozy up to the liberals like Rush Limbaugh or Lee Sparks unjust condemnation of me, because we as an American people are in a time to separate ourselves from the darkness completely as the Angel marks the children of Light from the minions of darkness.

It does gladden me though to see Gov. Palin standing like a western lady in not putting up with the chaff as she has a bigger Hand in God guiding her path in Him for the destiny which awaits and she doesn't need to darkness, as she is shining brilliantly in His Light.

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