Thursday, December 4, 2008

Poltical Bastard Obama

The term "bastard" is one of a fatherless child, ie, one not claimed by anyone.

Barack Obama in his rather dubious beginnings in life being abandoned on the world stage and somehow registered in Hawaii is fast approaching the status of Political Bastard in not being a child of any political worth as more and more information comes forth concerning his dual citizenship status, his being a born British Subject due to his father being British and his mother an under age American.

Mr. Obama's entire life has been one of abandonment by dad, mom (sorry Peggy Noonan there are those two horrid words American use) his birth nation and soon to be his own Democratic party and the United States.
Mr. Obama pure and plain is a usurper. He is not qualified on Constitutional terms to be President on the issue of citizenship in he admits it on his own website in once being a dual citizen.

It has been completely shameful that 50 Secretaries of State have not required Mr. Obama to make certain his legal qualifications. No one reading this could go to any state in this union and buy a home, a car, get a loan, buy land, open a banking account with telling the person in the deal, "Oh my identification is posted online, go there and it will all be legal".
If Mr. Obama pulled what he just pulled in this election in trying to cross the United States and Canadian border, he would still be sitting in detention in having invalid documentation.

This is really inexcusable as I have contacted various Attorney Generals to the Department of Justice to simply ask, "Who is it that is supposed to be doing the checks and balances" and to a complete number all have refused to even address the subject.
This is fast becoming beyond inexcusable to being criminally responsible in federal and state officials along with the entire Democratic leadership knows there is a problem and all are not providing legitimate documentation, so therefore are committing by collusion fraud in a series of felony crimes.

All Mr. Obama has to do is release his birth certificate and passport records. If they match known facts, then the issue is solved. If they do not, then he is immediately disqualified along with Sen. Joe Biden.
The moment that the Secretaries of all 50 states without proof of citizenship verify the voting results for the casting of the Electoral College votes, not only are those Secretaries guilty of fraud, but every person in the Electoral college is guilty of fraud which will bring 20 year federal prison sentences.

This is all getting way out of hand as Pravda is covering this story which means the world. This fraud by Barack Obama has now moved from the coverage of internet bloggers exposing his criminal activity in a chorus branding him a political bastard to one of where now Russians and the world are terming Barack Obama a political bastard.

As this blog noted this past summer, what on earth do people think was behind the chorus of support in other nations who hate or use America in promoting Barack Obama?
The answer is blackmail as the British know full well Mr. Obama's Kenyan citizenship which means every nation on earth knows this.
The Russians and Chinese all know this and will use it to their utmost propaganda purposes.

It will not be long before the Islamocommunist press starts building on these Bolshevik and Maoist propaganda fueling the information in their based hatred on Rahm Emanuel "the Jew" in blazing headlines that their legitimate governments in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran etc... do not have any legal authority to deal with Barack Obama as he is illegitimate and will be impeached in time.

How many treaties, war councils, energy deals etc... do you think our most necessary allies are going to enter into when the term political bastard is already branded on Barack Obama?
Mr. Obama is a lame duck and he has not even been sworn in. America will have 4 years of perpetual stagnation if this continues with 2009 to 2010 being Nancy Pelosi's regime of fractured state accomplishing nothing as Mr. Obama flounders in the mess his benefactors created and from 2011 on the Republicans who will gain control of Congress will be having impeachment hearings on both Obama and Biden.

There are 60 million Americans already who are not going to follow Mr. Obama over the abyss. As the days proceed that number will grow rapidly as his policies flounder, terror attacks ensue and his Democratic party fractures.
Little Stephie Herseth of South Dakota "leader of the Blue Dogs" has already sat back and let Henry Waxman oust the Blue Dogs. It will not be long before this rout takes on campaign seriousness and Democrats who were voting for Obama slack in getting out of Iraq will be hearing flack from voters concerning terrorist attacks in Obama withdrawals they voted for.

This is the worst of situations and in a real Judge Parker world, indictments of epic proportions should be handed down after one subpoena is handed out for Mr. Obama birth certificate and passport.

For Democrats who were sabotaging President Bush for 8 years which brought about all of this, remember the same zeal you had is being instigated by your own Phil Berg and other Democrats who are now being joined by Patriots who will in overt and covert ways weaken Barack Obama.
As I noted, when one reviews the hectic pace the Democratic leadership has been trying to push an agenda without Obama being President, it reveals they know they have about 90 days before they will even start abandoning Barack Obama and looking after their own interests.

Then with the worst of times ahead as Joe Biden predicted in a nuclear confrontation in 2009, America will have a political bastard at the usurper head of state. Just consider John Kennedy without any political backing at the Cuban Missile Crisis and you Democrats who voted this disaster into place and are covering it up are going to realize what a disaster is.

What happens when the Pentagon which is going to have 600 people fired by Barack Obama issues orders and the commanders in the field just find ways to not get them accomplished to save their own troops in a time of Obama crisis.
What happens when Obama voters get ordered to serve in a draft and they join with Conservatives who say, "Hey I didn't sign on to that".
What happens when Americans are told there is no more money and their savings are seized and Mr. Obama raises taxes and people just say, "Nope not paying into the government any more".

That is what happens when one is a political bastard. It is new to America, far worse than any lame duck in George W. Bush and far worse than any coup against Richard Nixon, because they were still giving orders and people were following them.
This is going to surpass Jimmy Carter in his exile at the Rose Garden.

60 million Americans have already abandoned Barack Obama. The world is abandoning him daily in increasing numbers. It only gets worse each day after day.

Someone had better stand up and legally fix this before this degenerates to protest marches and impeachment trials while Russians invade territories along with Chinese as Mr. Obama with twitching eyes wanders through the White House with Michelle on his heals listening to David Letterman's Top 10 Reasons Barack Obama is running for God because he filed his heavenly birth certificate on MyMahdiObama this morning.
