Apparently this was a day for Lot to sully himself with Sodom, as first the Republicans sat down with Obama for Japanese hundred dollar a pound steak and then I happened to see someone I respect in Tony Dungy, former coach of the Indianapolis Colts sitting down with that child abuser, David Letterman.
Situations like that bother me, when I see good people doing things they should not ever be associated with.
I place sometimes football analogies into life, because football on the professional level is something I enjoy from the tactical aspects which I will not go into here. That love of a game though was not always in me. I can remember watching the New York Giants as one of the pathetic teams of the NFL, and, making myself watch it as it was what men did. Not my dad mind you, but these fictional men I saw on television who were role models when what one has is not what one wants.
Mr. Dungy is part of my past. It was on a December, Saturday, when I had no idea who was playing in the playoffs, that my brother who never watched football either was sitting with me behaving this time, instead of torturing me as our mom was in the hospital.
It was during that game that a friend showed up. He happened to be one of a generation of young males who happened to all get testicular cancer, which tends to terrify young boys.
Allot happened in that visit in I got to watch someone I looked up to as a young man, look like Jack Benny did at 70. As we watched the game, I got to see Eg brush his hair with his hand and out came a long clump of that hair from radiation treatment.
Eg though as sick as he was, had as he said, "I heard you Mom was in the hospital and popped in a few pain pills and decided to drive up".
He laughed as he always did, and about that time, Franco Harris of the Pittsburgh Steelers made the Immaculate Reception, and from that moment on I decided that any team which could do that was going to be my team.
Eg faded away after that game and went to see my Mom, while John Madden was tearing phones off the wall at Three Rivers Stadium for loosing that game as coach of the Raiders.
Sometimes in life bigger things are going on than loosing a game.
I appreciate excellence. I appreciated the talent of men I still regard. Mel Blount, Andy Russell, Joe Greene, L.C. Greenwood, Jack Ham, Jack Lambert, Tony Dungy etc...
I have watched Tony Dungy, since Dennie Green hired him to coach defense of the Vikings in one of the most marvelous schemes ever. I have enjoyed his Christian character and his ability like Omar Bradley to do the job without being like Bobby Knight to study how some people can lead and some just can not.
I love Bobby Knight too.
I remember the first time someone noticed an ability I had as a gift which I really paid no attention to. They stopped me and said, "How do you do it?"
I said puzzled, "Do what?"
"You know. Get people to do things. I have watched you and you just get everyone to do what you want done. They just all do what you tell them to", they replied.
Leadership is something you are blessed with. Either you have it or you do not. It can not be taught and it can not be transferred. People who have it know immediately those who possess it and those who are the fakes bluffing their way through the game.
Instinctively, that is why Barack Obama has no monkey in his pants hold nor enticement to me. There is no allure in being subordinate to an inferior who is a fake.
As a forever side note in this, Gov. Sarah Palin is not my equal nor better, but as she desires to be President and I do not, she possess the qualities already going in the direction which I'm leading. She is a leader and while she will not lead me, she will bring those who need to be led to the point for their good, and in their good, I will achieve the peaceful community I desire.
I trust Sarah Palin. I will never trust Barack Obama.
This is the bizarre thing in being President. Jimmy Carter was literal national hero in the Navy atomic submarine fleet, but as President, he was an abject failure who then went psychotic, hemmed himself into a guru retreat and emerged telling Americans, it was their fault and not his the country was failing.
John Kennedy knew the Hollywood value of leadership, but had no idea how to lead.
Lyndon Johnson was the consummate leader in bullying people in government to get things done his way, but never could figure out how to lead a nation, as LBJ was trying to not be President, but to be loved by every American to make up for what his mother had deprived him of.
George W. Bush was magnificent in crisis at 9 11 in capturing the world and leading America in his infamous, "I hear you and soon the entire world will hear you".
Yet he could not comprehend how to conquer his enemies, so in the end a majority like Richard Nixon literally brought ruin to him.
I may not like Franklin Roosevelt as he was a despot, but he was a leader. Teddy Roosevelt was a leader, and, Ronald Reagan was a leader.
What America has currently in Birdie Obama, Prime Minister is not a leader. He is a 10 year old like LBJ looking for a substitute mother in America and a populace to adore him. Barack Obama is no LBJ in character nor in ability, he also unlike LBJ does not seek love, because Birdie has no idea what to do with a real emotion in love. He desires adoration as if you study him closely, you can see he is not snorting cocaine nor engaging in bi sexual acts, but is instead using the narcotic of self grandeur in the press snapping photos of everyone wants Barry now.
The American Congress has created a massive blunder under Pelosi and Reid. Rush Limbaugh and other pundits have so lit up the switchboards that Republicans refused to give Birdie Obama his political landmine of getting the GOP to sign on to the kickback scheme.
See Birdie knows things are going to get worse, because the profiteers are going to continue to quake the economic system for worldwide gain. Birdie wanted the GOP to vote for his plan, so they could share equal blame in silence. Now though, Pelosi and Reid have just like Obama their own 'read my lips' caption in, "I won".
They hold complete responsibility now for the failure.
It is not leadership when you have Nancy Pelosi steamrolling a bill you never saw Mr. Obama, which is being passed as pork for a bunch of squealing piglet Democrats. That Mr. Obama is your being led and in the next few weeks, you are going to find out the Democratic Congress is going to be your worst nightmare.
Americans are wising up and looking at this fakery which is not going to be providing any jobs nor recovery relief and the longer this plays out, the Immaculate Election of Birdie Obama is going to be exposed as a gimmick which Americans are going to find a new team to be fans of.
Birdie Obama lecturing Wall Street on payouts, when he just wasted 170 million on his coronation, is serving 100 dollar a pound steak and has the White House so hot that David Axelrod stated, "You could grow orchids in there".
A World War II Veteran just died last week when a city shut off his electricity and the man froze to death. There is nothing more cutting to tears in a soul than to know your own nation and people have cut you off and there is nowhere to turn. To have a war hero freeze to death in his own home is reprehensible and murder.
In those moments of despair as you lay there calling out to God Who does not come as He never does, you lay there and pray without tears. lying in the anxiety of what you know is coming and yet at peace in knowing it has come.
Only then in those moments does the cold nature of the world disappear and death enshrouds you not in an icy embrace, but in God given kindness, death is warm and encompassing as she invites you in, and, you gladly slide your foot forward like a ballroom dancer joining a partner so many fear, but one whom you now find your best friend.
That kind of loneliness in meeting an end in a frigid apartment is not what any human deserves. It makes it even worse as 72 degree Obama in campaign promise is 92 degree Obama in the White House.
Somewhere in there is the joke and I will say it, "Yeah Obama is running the thermostat high as he doesn't want it to be such a shock when he gets to hell".
This is the crux of a leader. One moment a heart beats and the next it does not. One moment is the glassy glint of life in the eyes and the next is the drying faded stare.
One is the servant of the people and one makes the people your servants.
Leaders are born and position finds them as it is what people want to be led. Usurpers are thieves who steal positions conning the leaderless that they can lead.
David Letterman is a conman and his ratings reveal that as people refuse to go into the malevolence he embraces.
Moment by moment Barack Obama is proving everyone who saw through him by God's Grace what a fraud he is. This trend will only expand.
As it is a matter of trust.