Amazing of amazing, in having posted, complained to American Enterprise Institute, belittled, humiliated and even asked in linking "Where is any plan as in a Rush Limbaugh plan to counter Barack Obama"?
Voila, here comes ole Rushbo with a plan finally. In synopsis, it follows:
Fifty-three percent of American voters voted for Barack Obama; 46% voted for John McCain, and 1% voted for wackos. Give that 1% to President Obama. Let's say the vote was 54% to 46%. As a way to bring the country together and at the same time determine the most effective way to deal with recessions, under the Obama-Limbaugh Stimulus Plan of 2009: 54% of the $900 billion — $486 billion — will be spent on infrastructure and pork as defined by Mr. Obama and the Democrats; 46% — $414 billion — will be directed toward tax cuts, as determined by me.
End Limbaugh quote.
It is a brilliant plan and it would indeed work, except this Obama stimulus is not about freedom, liberty, American enterprise nor economics. It is about pedophile economics seeing how to molest an entire American society into a submissive position.
Camile Paglia might like that in her perversion and Noel Sheppard will probably think Camile has it sexually right again in forced molestation is what people want.
Of course Doc Limbaugh knows all of the above and is once again illustrating a point as he is now ascended by Barack Obama's deliberate attack to be the counter President to Obama's Prime Ministership.
I have shown a plan that would not cost Americans one dime in initiating, and that is where Mr. Limbaugh falls short in his counter Presidency. He is playing on an Obama court with one of those wierd bi colored ABA basketballs of yesteryear and making him the balance to Obama's unbalance.
Ronald Reagan wouldn't have needed to join the fray. Ronald Reagan would have simply said, "Well there hisself goes again".
It is time Mr. Limbaugh stops the MADD nutsury which Reagan branded exactly right. America should not be talking about tax cuts, but TAX ELIMINATION.
America should not be talking about taxing the rich to fund programs, but TAXING CONGRESS and the WHITE HOUSE and the JUDICIARY, FIRST without deductions, and with full inclusions of their pension, medical and perks as IRS taxable income.
You want to see spending cut, programs reigned in and real economics instead of pedophile Keynesian rape, tax the government jokers who are passing this stuff. Take their money first in mass and they will be the first to make certain the masses keep their money first.
Sounds like a Reaganism.
Tax elimination, wealth creation without government taxpayer spending. This is where Mr. Limbaugh should be if he would dust off the half of his brain he has been not using a great deal as he has been bored. There is a whole new frontier out there Mr. Limbaugh, just use your brain in God's Grace and allow Him to lead.
Americans are already abandoning Obama in his continued erosion. He is a failed situation which does not even have to be dealt with. What needs to be accomplished are real policy creation which a hungry American public is yearning for.
My stuff seems to have shown up on your program before when I contacted you. The nod was appreciated in the collective thought. I don't want to be President as it would be a step down in power just like you do not want to be President as it is a step down in pay grade.
The GOP needs you Mr. Limbaugh as they are scared of Obama, scared in loosing their cushy jobs. Give them some policy, some cover, and they might start chirping to Birdie Obama's tweetie tweet tweet. They aren't that bright this group, so give them your dusty brain and join the foray again.
It is possible as shown on this blog to eliminate all personal and private taxes, to go back to the original tax structure of America which prospered it. One does this by production and taxing that in sales and importation. Build that, evolve to space and Americans will never be burdened by taxes again once mines on the moons, planets and asteroids are exploited.
Let us have freedom and responsible liberty, tax elimination.
Limbaugh Settling the Dust