Monday, January 26, 2009

Would you like pesticide or herbicide on your salad

Currently my friend, my friend, because he told me and millions of others we were his friend, Tom Daschle is overseeing one of the Obama brainwashing scams called "Health Care Feedback". Nowhere in Obamacare is there one issue raised about his agri chemical and engineering benefactors out of Chicago who are legally torturing and murdering millions of people around the world.

That genetic food you are eating is altering your DNA so you body is attacking itself and the chemicals they are loading up in food to keep it from spoiling for a thousand years, is inflaming and poisoning your body, to the symptoms of diabetes, auto immune, cancer etc...
Chances are if you are not feeling good or are sick, it is something you ate in care of Obama corporate foods.

One hears all sorts of interesting tales from people in how this brave new world tastes to them. Last year, I happened to try a Mello Yello again after not having had soda for almost 2 years. As I sat there thinking about how good it was going to be, I noticed first it tasted metallic, then it was more watery and some lipid sweetness.
I have not had any pop since.

A friend who has been tortured with Myasthenia Gravis, a particularly horrid condition where your body attacks itself and short circuits your nerve tissue so you shake, noted after ridding herself of modern hybrids she was allergic to along with the preservatives in meat and other food, she stated, "You know I can smell now the chemicals in chicken when I cook it compared to the farm raised meat I buy".

In having some experience with herds of animals, I have noticed how if cattle given the choice between alfalfa raised with chemical fertilizers which are all crude oil based to alfalfa grown without any commercial fertilizers, the cows will leave the chemical fertilizer crops at the first sniff for naturally produced feed.
Interestingly a modern seed and chicken breed husbandman (I will not use preservationist as even Lenin preserved rots without new insecticides sprayed on him, so there is no preservation in this world.) made a comment that his edible soybeans he plants are continually attacked by cottontail bunnies, but they will not touch the thousands of acres of commercial soybeans surrounding his small farm.
What is in soybeans which you eat in soy milk and soy oil etc... are new genes, placed there by Monsanto. Soybeans are so engineered now that a chemical poison named Roundup, which you spray on your lawns and will kill everything like a flamethrower, will not harm Monsanto beans which are patented in the least.
Think of that wonder you are ingesting which pure poison which kills anything from fish to your lawn, floating around in your intestines from a plant which it will not kill, but you are getting your parts per million and a heavy dose of that plant engineering converting into you.

An amusing Tom Daschle note in this is another preservationist who is an out and out, ga, ga, Obama supporter who has fallen under the spell of the monkey in hisself's pants, namely Jere Gettle, has huge problems with Bush's Iraq War and those nasty agri engineered plants, but somehow when it comes to his enchantingly beautiful wife and their new daughter, he seems to have no opinion in infanticide for African babies via Obama aborticide policy and Obama's championing the very poison agri industries Mr. Gettle states he is against.
The Obama dichotomy continues.

Vegans like Mr. Gettle, frequently in Obama circles give the air they are superior to us mere mortals who eat meat, but the very things they are supporting are the very things killing and torturing millions of people daily.

Vegans are most interesting though in what they do eat. That spinach which was killing people awhile back was not a thing to do with hog poop, but it had to do with Mexican farms use human sewage as it is legal there to grow vegetables. It is human poop poisoning American health conscious experts, and, it is the same corporate industry which is importing Mexican slave labor using cabbage leaves as toilet paper and tossing that into the truck to be washed off too.
Bon apetite.

I noted an interesting story in a person who had been having intestinal inflammation changed from Lipton black and orange tea which most people are familiar with. They decided to partake of the champagne of teas, Darjeeling, that noted British mandate which planted tea bushes in the hills and came up with a tea which is the caviar of teas.
They noted what they seemed strange that for the first two times they kept tasting afterward a metallic taste. Apparently tea which regulates fluids among other things was flushing metals from this person's intestinal tract. No doubt it was all those fun sounding metallic based meat preservatives which were being gunned out their system.
That is interesting in tea should be tea, but yet for all the teas from Oolong which is not really different from Earl Grey, except in the method of drying, rolling and toasting the gunpowder teas, so named as they look like gunpowder, but a different effect was occurring with the India based tea.
Of course this was the summer pick, and not the other more exclusive picks of spring bud, which mortals usually do not taste

That of course is the strange thing about flavors which people have no idea of. French roast coffee is but the double crack stage of roasting coffee, compared to the first crack light roast stage which most American term coffee.
American coffee though is not the choice arabica many times as Americans prefer the high caffeine of the robusta which sends Italians loopy like Obama on nicotine.

What this has to do with the curve of the world is once I had the most interesting taste of tea from Lipton. Deep within it's tea aroma was the pungent flavor of fish. For those who know where tea comes from in mass production in south Asia, they have been on those same smelly docks where the tea is dried, with all that sewage water and the fish catch of the day.
Interesting the little gifts we pay for in extras like insect eggs and rat feces in our organic premium foods to wonderful flavor of peanuts in our rolls where there is not supposed to be any peanuts at all.

These poisons though are there, injected, fumed, sprayed and soaked from chlorine in baby carrot culls to the intoxicating turkeys we all buy. Check out the label sometime on your turkeys, both cheap, and expensive. You will find besides water, there is a host of "flavorings" which mean chemicals to break down tissue so the bird is tender and with enough poison in it to make sure you will not end up with food poisoning from a botched once a year turkey roast.
Water is pumped into meat and your veggies, because water is cheap and meat and veggies are expensive, so you buy 3/4 of your food as cheap water, which so blows out cell structures that all those ruptures need preservative poisons to heal all those wounds that let bacteria in which sometimes will kill you or make your tummy upset.

But never mind your intestines hurting, vision blurring, joints sore, your getting diabetes, dementia, kidney failure, lupus and all those other little things you are taking more chemicals for to make that pop her in the microwave, plastic wrapped leaking poisons into your food, to be washed down with a healthy dose of corn syrup based juice containing all of the above poisons, distract you.

In a rough estimate, my counting teaspoons, it appears that Americans are eating about 1 teaspoon of some of the most toxic poisons and "safe" poisons a day. Maybe once a week floor sweeping hotdogs or those anti caking agents in your organic flour might be FDA okie doke Tom Daschle, but if you asked Tom Daschle to down a spoon of this daily, he would call it poison and not a campaign donation to be sprinkled safely on your cornflakes in the morning, noon and night.

There is a reason most animals and insects will have nothing to do with Obama agriculture. There is a reason millions of pets are bleeding rectally, stumbling, getting diseases and dying.

This is not the salts of 2 4 D anymore, nor is it the infrequent dose of sodium nitrite in summer sausage. This is altered genetics and 365 teaspoons a year or almost a half gallon of this stuff slowly degrading every human, plant and wild creature to death in that time period.
Dogs appear to have 6 year threshold before seizures start and then disease kills them by year 8.
People are more interesting as numbers have become very ill within the past 2 years. The regulations do not seem to have changed, so therefore something has changed in chemical signatures.

People used to pile cow excrement on their gardens, the pigs would get out and slobber all over carrots and kids would pull them out, eat dirt, poop and slobber and not even burp.
Now food is poisoning people in mass without one Tom Daschle burp to slow it down.

I might find it interesting sharing a cup of raspberry coffee with a friend, but upon noticing their expensive cat is helping them to licking of the bottom of the faucet my coffee is brewed from, it is a proof of friendship to have a second cup when offered.
Brewed cat spit will not kill you, but then I will not be kissing you as your terrier is licking your lips after licking their dog parts.

People have to stop buying the poisons, because only then will these Obama corporations stop using them and stuffing them into everything from powdered sugar to those volcano poison sulfates misted onto all of your fresh fruit and cauliflower to keep them fresh for 90 days or until your doctor tests come back.

Physician heal thyself.
