Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama Flu Cometh

Somehow everyone has forgotten that the flu in Mexico was an impossible cross between human, poultry and piglet which seemed to trace itself into European labs...........but no matter, we now have another crisis for Bearick Obama to exploit and make a gazillion dollars off of.

I just saw a banner headline that 90,000 people are going to croak from Obama Flu this season, so there has to be these draconian forced vaccinations.
I remember the same thing in the 70's with another Swine Flu that everyone had to get shots for and no one go the flu, but tons of people croaked or had medical problems from the vaccine.

I checked the CDC and noticed they say 36,000 people go tits up yearly in America from that boring old flu. I really don't get the problem with a flu that only kills 54,000 more people considering it is going to cost billions from those people, and the fact that complications from the vaccine is going to cause more than that many people to go room temperature or get forever complications.
So people are going to be scared and threatened to get a vaccine that will kill and harm more than if they don't get it.

Now compare that to Obama and aborticide where he just paid a fortune in January to exterminate 1 million black babies in Africa. Now that is 910,000 more people dead and I don't see any vaccine for that warding off frying babies in the womb to death.

As I recall if this flu does not mutate, it only seems to kill Mexicans with ease, and healthy Mexicans at that.

The Brits who have been suffering from the Obama Flu all summer seem to somehow not be able to get it down as there are not thousands dead at all.....just 60 and some school kids in May getting sick.

So as Bearick Obama is murdering more people around the world than his Obama Flu, I don't see a great need to get excited about this as the last two times some medical person prescribed something for me.........well the tetanus cure gave me a fever, stiffness and my arm felt like a boil and then the cipro put me into the emergency ward almost killing me.

Therefore until they come up with a vaccine against aborticide, deficits by Obama, Obama nuclear war and Obama hisself.........I think the odds of washing my hands are better than taking something that none of the rich people named Rockefeller will be taking to ward off Obama Flu.

Kind of amazing isn't it all these things which kill the masses, and you never hear any of the powerful people ever getting a runny nose from pig flu.

I guess they would have you believe that is coinicidence, like Ruth Ginsburg and Teddy Kennedy living on and on while poor folks go tits up from the same cancer in weeks.

Must have a vaccine for that huh.

agtG 262

CDC dead ones

90,000 dead ones

British live ones