Sunday, September 27, 2009

No more Mr. Nice Guy

The world is an interesting place when you take harmless face paint of a clown and put it on Bearick Obama. Instead of a happy face, one instead finds glaring underneath it the face of a witchdoctor.

Make him a the joker with big red lips from Batman, and he turns into a creepy version of some loup garou as his face looks like he has been feeding in a gut pile as the big lipped smile, becomes an African plains blood smile.
Perceptions are odd as another Charlie Manson follower dies in prison from brain cancer trying to get out of prison on parole, but never apologizing to the Tate family for butchering their beloved Sharon.

I remember Sharon Tate in a movie about gay vampires which was quite ahead of it's perverted time, but at the same time hilarious and equally mesmerizing as Ms. Tate was starring.
I often puzzle about what it is that makes a woman like Sharon Tate the most beautiful of her generation, and yet a beauty that is so timeless that even today she is a rainbow's sunset to catch one's breath away. Beauty is beautiful in eternal scope, both inner and outer, and some people are so ugly inside that no matter what you dress them up in or put on the horse paint telling the world how lovely they are, they are still the same old nag from the streets of grubby Chicago.

I was always puzzled by a song from Alice Cooper in No more Mr. Nice Guy, because the lyrics made no sense as he sang them:

I got no friends cause the read the papers
They can't be seen.
With me, I'm feeling real shot down
and I'm getting mean.
No more Mr. Nice Guy
No more Mr. Clean.
They say He's sick
He's obscene.

Strange that Alice Cooper had friends who read papers which could not be seen as he sings the lyrics, but if understand the poetic license he is singing the words to in matching it to the music stanza, all of a sudden the things he is saying take on a new meaning entirely as this is the way the song is written:

I got no friends, cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me.

I'm feeling real shot down
and I'm getting mean.

Context takes on a new meaning when one understands his friends are reading papers with stories about him, and shunning him, so they can not be seen with him by what he is doing.

In Pslam 11, King David reveals the traumatic times of life in how things are not all as they seem to be. Good people desire to flee like a bird to a safe area, because often good people are the ones who do nothing to stand up with a voice and stop evil policies bringing down a nation.
Those who do have an immensely hard task, because every little nit expects you to do things exactly their way........a way they are too sloven to get up and do anything about. They always know without the facts the things which "should be done" and the "way they should be done" and often, they "know it all" after it appears in someone else's writings.

The people in the position of taking the hits to save and build America, are tracked by the government and make lists from Janet Napolitano. For the George Washington crimes of terrorism for thinking American, being American and living the Christian life of an American.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, the Bible teaches, and I remember as a child reading that and thinking, "That is nuts as that can never happen".

Here we are though Americans, branded evil by the anti American patricians for being good Americans.

God will always set things right in His time. His time though is on a scale of exact dates as Gabriel informs the Prophet Daniel while he is in exile in Babylon. There is a great book in heaven, The Book of the Future, where all things are recorded. The times are set in this Book of Truth to events and to human lives.
One of the most interesting of examples of this is Joan D'Arc before the infamous battle of Patay. It is raining a light mist on a dark night and her Generals approach her with concern and questions as the English have massed against them led by Talbot.

Talbot has sent a message just before nightfall for Joan to come to battle, but Joan waves him off and says, "It is too late in the day to engage in battle, but on the morrow we will come to terms".

The Generals are worried as their numbers are depleted by 2400 troops who are laying siege to bastilles and holding a bridge, but Joan simply laughs at the comments by asking a General to tell her which plume on his head she is touching.
He answers he can not.
Joan then scolds him and says, "If you can not know a little thing like this, then how can you know what is born in the belly of tomorrow in where the troops will be?"

This causes an stir, especially when Joan relates that the troops she believes will be with her tomorrow for the battle.

At that moment the sentries arrive and say the English are marching in retreat and the Generals erupt in surprise, because the English having seen their danger are moving out.

Joan goes on to relate in answering the Generals questions of why she did not engage in battle on June 17th was because of the lack of men, the weariness of the men and the lack of time as it was getting dark.
At that point she utters the real eye opener in, "It was not the day. The blow must be decisive. Tomorrow is the day. It is written".

The group then jumps with exclamations in how she knows this, but she holds up her hand and simply says, "It is enough", and will not tell them.
Joan's Angels like Gabriel with Daniel were telling her things from The Book of the Future.

Americans need to realize that in this current generation which started in adulthood from the 1950's onward that they are a special breed. They were born to a task like none other in history. They have existed in the filth of Sodom as righteous Lot did. They have been sullied, dirtied and they to a core of them numbering around 90 million are being ground, honed, polished and whetted for a fight they have no inkling of.
This will be glorious battle in which this Bearick Obama is but a fairy dance in preparing them, a joust with a wooden post and a straw horse.

God's Eyes see and through slitted eyelids He studies His American realm and His children there. Most of them have no idea the field of battle they are about to face, but it will grab their hearts which seem wearied now and charge them as they take up the full pack for the empire to battle to come.
It is the Christian Soldier's responsibility to listen to God in the assistance of God helping those who help themselves in making certain His choices end up in this government in the next cycles as e pluribus unum are going to require those in leadership positions whose souls are fired by the Spirit of God and wed to His Christ.
It is a time which no mistakes can be made and a time when Inspiration will be divined from God.

I sincerely believe Americans and their western European Israelite brother tribes are a goodly people, but they have endured decades of being batted around by satan's hellions. They are spoiling for a real fight, yearning for a return home and looking to unload.
That is what the Obama clique feels on the opposite side of Americans and fears them greatly, because they know full well the assault they have been beating on innocent people for their entire lives.
This band of robbers, highwaymen and pirates have raped the virgin Daughter of America, stolen her dowry and sold this trusting wife to foreign debt. God sees all of this and He will reckon the situation.

The Good though must prepare, watch and stand faithful to the American Secularism and to Christ's Word. The battle is God's and Americans simply need to array and Christ will perform the victory.

All of this though is only the beginning of lamentation, mourning and woe. The masses will not listen to the warnings no more than a flock of sheep could understand Shakespeare sonnets read to it. They hear a soothing sound, but will make no more preparation for the wolves which will eat them as their spiritualess minds can not comprehend that which assails them is their master by choice.

what's your name
who's your daddy
is he rich, is he rich like me.......
it's the time and season

The siege engine is not an engine at all, but a mechanical trebuchet or catapult in the English. She is the most green and carbon friendly of all creatures for she has in her the secrets of air over stone.
Fix her solid and her great might will shatter her arm, but put her on wheels to absorb the impact of the massive flung stones and she rocks gently as a baby in the cradle.

Be silly and weigh her arm down with lead weight for leverage and she breaks into pieces and costs you all your worth in a broken machine. But court her with a basket which pivots at the end of her balance filled with boulders and she responds by gently throwing immense boulders, immense distances out of the archer's reach from the bastille's walls.

This engine breathes air and brings destruction from splintered wood to shatter stone walls. The trebuchet is a bridge of sticks that reaches out and in siege breaks down castle walls.

The trebuchet of the internet of words is laying siege now for liberty's sake against the walls of bondage being fixed about the waists of the masters inside. Let that sound in the steady music of the stamp of the pin pulled, the swoosh of the great arm lofting a stone message to the distance and the thud of that word pounding down the walls, be the melody to continue soothing those cast outside and doing the work God intends. It is a constant beat like heavy rain and like heavy rain the drops will wash the thickest of foundations to ruin.

It does not matter what kind of magik the witchdoctor is possessed by, because Christ possesses the Victory.

evil is evil and Good is Good and wherever the twain shall meet, Good will overcome evil for it is written.

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