Saturday, September 26, 2009

Some points to Ponder

With the established propaganda focusing on Iran about to build it's first nuclear atomic bomb, when sources have been noting that the Persians in buying Soviet nuclear weapons in the "now you see em now you don't" charge and denial, I thought it might be interesting to ask some interesting questions.

First question would be, "Is Germany a nuclear power possessing nuclear weapons?"

Most informed people would point to the Germans after Hitler having a phobia about staying within their borders and that the only nuclear powers in Europe would be the French and the British.
The fact is though the Germans in Buchel Air Base have 20 nuclear warheads loaned to them by the United States that they practice with Tornado fighters on bombing runs. They have no intention of disarming nor giving up these weapons until at least 2020 AD.

People might be interested to know that little Belgium has shareware American nuclear weapons, Italy has shareware nuclear weapons, the Netherlands has shareware nuclear weapons and Muslim Turkey has nuclear weapons. None of which are about to go non nuclear as Obama wants America to.

Second question will be, "Does America have Star Wars or Star Trek phasers in outer space just like in the 23rd century?"

I will point readers to the fact that the new Topol nuclear hybrid stealth cruise warhead, which as balloon dummies and is able to maneuver also has a covering over it made of carbon.

Now why would Russia put carbon on a warhead?

Why carbon is used to defeat laser weapons one might encounter in outerspace.

So you see children, the little points here about what is in earth orbit and can be used on Americans in the new Obama grid system like on Terminator, does indeed exist when everyone was calling Ronald Reagan a fool.
The Russians would not be shielding their new Topol if the space weapons platforms were not there, and it is why the Russians and Chinese are adamant to get Obama to sign onto no space based weapons.

Third timely question is, "Have nuclear bombs ever been dropped upon the United States?"

Many would in the Martin Sheen peace movement only point to Japan in having that honor, but the fact is I can tell you exactly where two hydrogen bombs are right now which were dropped upon the United States in mishaps.
One is located 12 miles off of Savannah, Georgia in the shallows there and is located in a swamp by Goldsboro, North Carolina buried in 165 feet of muck.

There is a hydrogen bomb at North Star Bay, Greenland which is buried in the ice when a B 52 crashed there.

Of course the Russians never lost any nuclear bombs, just like America never lost any nuclear bombs.

Those facts are all interesting like Mosaad stated in December 2005 that Iran would have nuclear bombs WITHIN two years. I guess that would make 2007 as the year when Iran obtained them.
Of course, Obama wants to be friends with Iran and is why in 2004, Iran already was testing Shahab missiles with nose cones specifically designed for nuclear warheads.

The United States officially states that 11 nuclear bombs are missing from inventory. Other sources estimate the number is around 50.
So if a straight answer is not coming from the United States who one can trust, then why is Russia to be believe who has been shipping nukes and technology around the world?

Pakistan just didn't happen to build around 200 nuclear bombs behind Bill Clinton's back just to make the Indians furious, who just happened to build nuclear bombs with technology they didn't have to offset communist China.
Pakistan was allowed to build those bombs with Saudi Arabian funding, to offset the nuclear bombs which had shown up in Iran and Iraq out of the Soviet KGB sales.

This is why no one has been willing to pound Iran directly in a McNamara MAD doctrine as Iran will retaliate with nuclear weapons it has, is building and building more of daily.

So as Mr. Prime Minister Obama, liar, fraud and lecturer of all things nuclear and is in a game or Nuclear Roulette with the communists, does not all of this look like no one really knows what they are doing.

A rhetorical question, but one as large as the most scary realization about to dawn on Americans in, "Bearick Huxxxein Obama now holds your life in his nuclear hands".

I would have rather had John McCain and Sarah Palin, but I suppose the Obama voters believe Barry will just blink the bombs away like Bewitched or maybe he will whip out his monkey in his pants and pee on them putting out their nuclear fuses.

So many Obama miracles to trust in..........oh wait he has yet to perform one while bankrupting and endangering America.
