Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing like a fat general with ICBM's

I see nepotism is alive and well in Obama's Asian communist buddy brigades in the Chicoms newest general is the porkie fat kid of the butcher of China in Mao Zedong.
People will remember there was quite a house cleaning after Mao went chopsticks up in the PLA ridding China of that gang, but in 39 year old buddy Mao Xinyu, the Kim Jong Il promote thy worthless Khadaffi child is alive and well.

In doing the math, the old Chicom croaked in 1976 and was born two centuries ago, so at 39, the boy general was born in 1970, which means the old man had a taste for the younger comrade chics as he fathered this pudge at the age of 77.
China must have a hell of Social Security program in paying this kids bills for over 30 years and he gets the gold star without the need of passing a physical.

The general of Peking has a bunch of new toys to play with from stolen American technology which will be aimed at American cities and aircraft carriers. He has the Julong 2, which is a submarine based missile, the DF - 31A ICBM, 25 medium range and DF- 11 short range missiles.
So nice American technology is being put to use in the communist world to be pointed at Americans as Obama has the Chinese writing out checks for his debt and Warren Buffett is busy selling Chicom cars to GM.

All of this technology is being filtered down from the PLA to North Korea, Iran, and therefore Syria and every terrorist in the world. Makes one wonder why Obama just doesn't have an open house at Boeing for terrorists and save them all the time, or hand over the ICBM codes of US missiles so they could be targeted at Americans to save the Chicoms the expense.

For those who do not associate with the Chin, they have been busy for decades with advanced warfare. Strange for a nation which uses soldiers as fodder for enemy cannons, but yes the PLA has been breeding germs, miniature nano bots and nuclear bombs to exterminate Americans.
One of the first blogs I published here was an exclusive outlining the progression of SAARS was a Chinese invention or one leaked for them, as they have a history of Chinese citizens dying from escaped germ warfare labs.
I recall in posting that how some doltish nurse was asking where the information came from in a vast discussion which was labeling this blog idiotic or some other word. Apparently the detractors could not figure out how to use a search engine and type in words to find web pages outlining the history of the Chicom WMD horrific mistakes.

I sincerely hope that people who read this blog understand that I love each of you and while the enigma of me calls out to your hearts to contact me, that the distance is there for your protection as all of this is tracked and each of you has pleasant lives and does not need to show up on federal lists collected by computers that have no sense of humor.

Now back to the rice paddy.

It seems that everyone is becoming more concerned about how to manage those 1.3 billion diverse ethnic groups called Chinese in China. Just think of it if Canton had been more interested in killing people than eating fish that the Mandarin type Chin who conquered China would have been enslaved and China would now be Cantonia.
The Mandarins got the short end too, because millet sucks as a military fuel for growing warriors. One is what one eats, and is amazing how all that rice, veggies and raw fish make the Japanese into such horrendous killers.........also gives them stomach cancer.

Oh yes, I was speaking about death by Chinese bombs.

The Indians who are a billion different peoples too are quite concerned about China, or Maoism is their greatest internal security threat. I really conclude the Indians have it wrong as their greatest threat is their soldiery is pansy type and no one can manage that herd of goats which is passive India.
So India trades in a breeding program under Stalin for a cropping program under Mao, the cute little white girls that appear in the cinema and on Letterman live and those pure Hamites get the Mao and Stalin death by starvation treatment. A much greater threat is Chinese and Pakistani nukes inside of India as they make long term radioactivity a glowing Indian unsuccess.
But then the Rothschilds are cropping Indian farmers and selling the poisoned Indian land crops to Americans to poison Americans, so taking a great deal of stock in what Indians conclude is like.........well worrying that the sun will go out when a tiger is gnawing a hole in your door to eat you.

The Chinamen are at the gnawing phase of life. They are weak and looking at a weak Obama that is weakening America, so everyone from Seoul to Peking is shuffling the deck in wondering who can be the big cheese or the big kimchi pot.
Kimchi is interesting in it is chowchow or a spiced version of German sauerkraut. The Koreans claimed it cured SAARS. The Koreans buried thousands of those clay jars around their landscape to ferment and turn into preserved food.
Sure beat that rotten fermented fish and liver flukes one got down in Vietnam. Amazing how things a maggot would not touch will not kill a human if fermented.

The fermenting process though in China is in high gear as they are downsizing when their population needs jobs to expand. Numbers are encroaching on Russian lands to which Moscow ignores for the problem it brings to light.
Such a beautiful place the eastern Russian lands are. Like waking up in a bad movie set in Canada that has not been hosed down. Sort of like an Alaskan Indian dump that looks like it has some pretty good used things still in it.

The Chicoms are going to have to export their people or their people are going to eat the PLA and the party. If someone blows up some nuclear material on the autonomous borders of China and that cloud gets people sick and moving in a would think they would be told to go "northwest young Chin go northwest" which means Russia in 3 months would have 300 to 500 million Chinese illegals a few thousand miles from Moscow. That of course if Obama's wars turn nuclear as he flexed his pipes in 2008 claiming to vaporize vast Mooselum lands.

The good news though for film fans of Kim Jong Il is that Clinton's doctor, yes it sounds bizarre that Clinton has a doctor apparently like Obama tagging along with him 24 hours a day, (probably from his rumored Parkinson's Disease or some sex disease after effects resembling Parkinson's) has issued a report that Kim is not dead, but actually improving after a visit with Bill Clinton.
Amazing what Bill can do in a few hours. It must be the first Obama miracle, or maybe Bill is better at laying on the hands now in not assaulting women, but instead lays on hands to commies and makes them smile brightly.
Perhaps Bill was not scowling in North Korea, but instead drained of fluid essence in the Kim encounter.........well in any case, Kim according to Clinton's doctor is in the peach blossom of health after everyone had him maguffies up.

So Mao jr. is arising in Chicomia. Obama junior has arisen in America. Kim jr. is waiting for the dawn in North Korea and Libya has Khadaffi jr. sexing and peace making his way across the Club Med plain.
Almost looks like a trend worldwide while poor Prince Charles is going to probably beat Queen Liz into the tombs before he gets to set his bottom on anything Queen like.

Trying to think if I missed anything.........

Nope I don't believe so. Insulted a Chicom general, most of the goats over there and praised spiced sauerkraut, while being nice to the Queen on Christ's Throne, while warning that the China lotus blossom is full and ready and waiting for someone to pluck it from the ying yang tree of flow.

I wonder how many millions of people will die from starvation when the kings of the east army marches west in due time toward Har Megiddo. Rhetorical question as it would involve cyclical crops, numbers of people already cropped and the nutrition requirements for an army sent out to not return.

They say the Persians when the marched west to Greece that they drank rivers dry, churned the earth in march like a plowed will be amazing to see a military do that on a thousand times scale.
The Euphrates though has to dry up first as it is written so...........and Turkey has the dams I believe to do it if drought does not help first.

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