Monday, September 28, 2009

Floofy Poofer Obama

Well I see hisself has worn hisself out after his New York and Pittsburgh vacations and has to now jet off to Copenhagen, Denmark with the ever present Muchelle for another million dollar vacation in the guise of "bringing the Olympics to Chicago".

That certainly is something which America and Chicago needs with record Obama debt, a strangled economy and over 50% of young people unemployed for Obama to spend a billion dollars more in debt for a bunch of career patrician athletes to prance around in the dickest of "sports" to win gold medals.
No this blog does not like the Olympics. It sees no purpose in prancing around on floors with wands dancing as a sport. It fumes that fun sports where guns are fired, are never ever featured, but all that is shown is perpetual pansy things like swimming, basketball and hermaphrodites running around a track.

The Greeks used to have contests of sports that pitted human against human for nothing but a twig prize. This Olympic village stuff of welfare for athletes in perpetual competition, run by coaches who couldn't get a job in real sports, just is something that speaks of something Obama would be thrilled by.

It is typcial of Obama in this though that he has no time for Soldiers in discussing their lives and deaths he is putting them into jeopardy over in his wars, but can find time to cuddle with terrorists and communists in meetings.
At the drop of a hat, he and his trust horse Trigg........I mean that more beautiful than Jackie Kennedy could ever hope to be Muchelle, jet off in Air Force one to Copenhagen to try and strong arm the Olympic Committee into dumping those games into Chicago, when Chicago Citizens don't even want that floofy poofer stuff.
Chicagoans likes manly games like the Dah Bears in Butkus and Erlacher, not people in pantie hose on rubber mats.

So that makes one wonder as Obama has not time for Soldiers dying for his cause, perhaps the trip was not to just have Trigger put the horse bite on the Olympic pansies. (I must apologize here to Trigger as he was a magnificient animal ridden by that epitome of Ameican Virtue in Roy Rogers, a class act and loyal husband to his wonderful wife, Dale Evans. I use the term Trigger in not degrading those fine American cowboy traditions, but because most people equate horses with Trigger.)
I could have used Mr. Ed, but the hermaphrodite sex test is not yet back on manseuxal Muchelle, so I did not want to start calling her a male with a reproducing womb just yet.

In any event, perhaps why Obama was jetting off to Copenhagen was instead to put covert pressure on the Swiss to release the pedophile Roman Polanski, as he likes sexing up 13 year old girls like Obama's Uncle Frank Marshall Davis did.........well Polanski didn't bring a white wife along to hold the kid down, so it is not mirror Obama image of his mentor, but as we now see how much President Sarkozy wants to resolve this, and it is common knowledge that David Letterman and all liberals think child impregnation rape sex is fun, perhaps Obama has gone to Europe to win Polanski's release.

Perhaps he has gone for a pedophile autograph.

Perhaps he has gone for a pedophile comparison in what Obama experienced and what Polanski administered on a 13 year old girl.

Perhaps he has gone to pardon him.

Perhaps in pardoning him they both will appear on David Letterman where the Obama daughters will be treated by Letterman, Obama and Polanski the way they treated Gov. Sarah Palin's daughters.

Do not count any of this out, as I posted the photo here of Muchelle in Pittsburgh not going for an economic summit, but instead of on safari to have wind blown up her faux leopard print dress.

I do hope Carla Sarkozy and her husband figure out the shine is off the Obama apple and find some new playmates to be photographed with as the Obama's are not doing their reputation any good with normal moral people.

As the sun though slowly settles in the west, there rides Floofy Poofer Obama the Phallic Fraud with his trusty mount Muchelle, somewhere in the east spending more American millions in Europe and a cuddly pedophile within feeling distance.

Sort of sounds like the old Hawaiian pineapple express days.........or 2000 AD Chicago fun times.

Giddy Up!


Swiss arrest pedophile and pedophiles protest

No time for Warriors