Friday, September 25, 2009

Rummage Sale

So many plans of mice and men now in their crumbling policy are coming to the fruition of light, shining there, as a beacon on the incompetency of Bearick Obama and his playmate terrorists and Obamalings.

So the Perisan communists have been caught lying again. So Benjamin Netanyahu, goes to Russia to blackmail them into line with evidence about their comrades in Iran.
So Brown, Sarkozy and Obama give nattering speeches on disarming their peoples of defense at the UN, so they can at the G 20 summit all stand aroused to the missiles in their pants saying that as they have had their penis' whacked off, so must the Iranian cock be plucked of it's nuclear feathers.
This Obama policy is nothing but a rummage sale of the worst sort of rubbish.

So Obama engineers a policy to get Russia and China on board, along with the Obamalings. What though has been the price?

Britain has had to face nothing but humiliation from Obama.

The Europeans got the American auto industry and 12 trillion dollars Americans can never afford to pay back.

The Chinese get to murder their own people as long as they keep writing Obama debt checks.

The Russians, well they got all of eastern Europe, meaning over 100 million people enslaved again.

Africa? Well Khadaffi is Caliph over that Mooselum enclave now dying at the rate of 22 million infected AIDS carriers.

I guess one could mind the store of south Asian nuclear proliferation, Pakistan Dr. Khan proliferation and Norht Korea proliferation, but when one is talking just atomic bombs murdering a load of South Koreans, a bunch of Pashtuni people and those billions in Indonchina, well that is all just the broken mixer tossed in to the buyer, as Honest Obama, just sold you that deluxe entertainment set with the mouse next and dead cat under the DVD's covering his writing of Dreams of my Ayers.

Sound policy is policy which does not endanger, enslave or annihilate entire nations, numbers of people and advances it with lies.

There is absolutely nothing which can offset the betrayal of the Slavic peoples by Obama. There is nothing that can excuse Obama rewarding Kim Jong Il in starving his own people to death with a visit by Bill Clinton. There is nothing for world order that is a trade off in selling the US auto industry to Europeans. There is nothing that excludes scorn for joining to terrorists.

These same Democrats people seem to have forgotten are the ones who crucified Oliver North for stating he would deal with the devil himself to get US hostages home in Iran Contra, and in the Obama Rummage Sale, Bearick Obama has PERFORMED numerous Iran Contras in quid pro quo deals and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid deem this all wonderful with Obama's puppy press lapping at his legs they have been busy humping on for all they are worth.

The key in this though is Islamocommunist Ahamdinejad of Iran in using exact words now in threatening the United States proper, speaking of his "transparency" in a slap at Obama's lies and demanding yet another apology from apologist Obama.
The Persians are slow, but they are learning..........and in exact opposite of George W. Bush in taking the war to the terrorists, it is going to be under Obama the terrorists having heard Obama and soon America will be hearing from the terrorists.

The Obama Rummage Sale, he has sold the best of America for their debt and left America with nothing but his garbage.

agtG 288

*This is not going to end badly, because the bad in this is not going to end.

I repeat, the terrorists have heard Barack Obama and soon the American people are going to be hearing from the terrorists.