Friday, September 25, 2009

The Obama Syntax Points

I probably shouldn't do this as the benefactors of Bearick Obama are so confident now that they have the Obamalings speaking from the same George Soros talking points which is making it easier to observe them, but as this blog is in the position of Truth first it is time for school to open.

Today's lesson is the gathering of the United Nuisance and G 20 Summit of Bearick Obama in which Sheik bin Laden attended with other Mooselum politicos by their Birdie speeches from their perches.
What is interesting is Sheik bin Laden's latest message to the Europeans, because the Sheik is having assistance in his messages now just like Ahmadinejad has. They syntax they are speaking in is Obama Soros talking points. I can point to the fact that the Sheik in speaking to the German Assyrians in their elections, that he is being schooled by a British control because he keeps using the Soros British talking point of "unjust war".

This is all interesting and here is why. Remember that Birdie constantly was drubbing into American soft minds that became obamaniacs the Soros phrase "Iraq is an unnecessary war".
If one does a search, they can find that this was transformed by the Soros operatives into Iraq was an unjust war.
To his credit the Catholic Pope, Ben, also chimed in with the same talking point according to his posters online, whether he did or not..........see the point is that the Obama rat maze subjects (this would be called polling groups) were offered up different words to respond to and they found that "unjust" made Obama voters recoil as being part of the blame, but "unnecessary" made them comfortable in blaming others.
This was Obama's conditioned program of attaching like a leach to low self esteem voters by first telling them to blame others and then to apologize for America.

Notice now though these "talking points" are being tossed upon Bearick Obama by the central European authority through their English linguistic manipulators out of Tavistock in London.

Khadaffi the new oil toy of the Brits arrived at the UN and started speaking of his place on the Security Council as elected leader of all Africa, compared to those little pissy states in western Europe who are Israelite descendants. He lectured the UN about wars they did not stop.
Those are exact Soros talking points.

Listen to Ahmadinejad just waiting for Obama to come at him as he unloaded in a Time interview with the talking points of "transparency" and spoke of apologies from Obama.
Once again exact Soros talking points.

This now rolls and roles directly into Sheik bin Laden who has become the national conscience of Europeans and Americans.........just like some other soft spoken tan guy calling hisself the messiah.
Note as revealed exclusively here that the Sheik who in the past in being outed here was making some mistakes in speaking to the west as he is of a Middle Eastern mindset. The message to the Germans is perfect, base old Indo European dialect in using the term "unjust" which was a plant word from the Obama benefactors.

These German Assyrians are most interesting in Merkel was pledging to destroy all comers attack the current Israeli state a few weeks ago. There has now been a rapid influx of intelligence of al Qaeda going after the Germans on their own soil.
In bin Laden's message it was noteworthy he actually pulled off the most interesting of copulations in linking the understanding of the Madrid bombing with the series of Obama mass slaughters in Afghanistan of civilians.

The Sheik pulls this guilt off perfectly and it is Obama's operations which have been deliberately blowing the hell out of civilians when McChrystal has stated in public that the US can not be blowing up buildings if any civilians are there.
In perfect leftist mindset, bin Laden, then couples the entire evidence, indictment and prosecution to the Soros talking point of terming Obama as part of that gang in Washington.

This is right up Jack Cashill's linguistic tracing of Bill Ayers writing Obama's Dreams of the Kenyan Pee Tree. I am intrigued not so much of terror attacks to herd Germans, but that Sheik bin Laden's courier group has opened up quite nicely a path to the western press while Dr. Zawahiri's couriers are running at least 3 weeks behind and are the typical callous rants he is noted for.
Sheik bin Laden though is back to Saladin and his phraseology points to Anglican assistance.

See the left did it's damnedest to link the entire al Qaeda infrastructure to Bush and the CIA, but the reality is one is noting the difference now in the same benefactors running Obama are running Osama in the vocabulary of choice. There are the Rothschild leaders on top, their operatives in stage level who one never knows the names of unless one has played with them and revealing them would be boring as no one would know them anyway.
Then one has Soros and various clique agents of monetary and mindwashing dispatch who are issuing the talking points to Bearick and the Sheik, along with the UN caste of characters.
Caste is indeed the word as this is a caste system where Obama is atop of not any heap, but only being heaped upon as the evidence is moving toward what was logically deducted here in there is one coming who will take Obama's place in Europe, that is why the boys with turbans are all being issued brilliant talking points using Obama's own meanderings of teleprompter readings against hisself.

This is quite polished and noteworthy. The controls should be quite pleased as they have these turban wearers sounding quite western in speaking frankly and plainly to an American, high German and British audience.
Remember the lesson of days previous in linguistics, Obama says COLD, Ayers says FRIGID, one is Anglican the other is French. If Sheik bin Laden were speaking in Mooselum or Arabic as he was raised in Syrian, "unjust" would be "thalama" in the root word thulm. Which is melodic in sound as a musical note and definitive.
The French would be injust or illégal. Each conveys a different intensity in form as much as CUT does from SLICE.
The vocabulary is going for a short quick visceral reaction from the Germans who are prone to such things, who really for all their barbarism are at heart a very soft hearted people among their own kind.
The Sheik is a learned man schooled in university, so his Oxford patterns would be Norman like Bill Ayers as he associated with the Saudi Royals. Speech rubs off as much as poetic vice.

The intellectual would verse "unjust" as "illegal", so the phonetic response is being geared to polling data, which one highly doubts Sheik bin Laden, Ahmadinejad of Khadaffi have the resources from ACORN to be polling Germans or Americans in mass unnoticed to get the data they desire to speak to these western groups.

For all the groups who seem to be performing the et tu Brute' in leaking things on pisser Obama in McChrystal reports to most probably Bill Ayers outing Obama in Ayers having written Dreams of my Ayers for the Bearick while he played with his derrick, the larger problem for Mr. Prime Minister Obama is he has the most immense of problems in the Rockefellers are on the prowl again in America, and there is a definite MI 6 Rothschilds who installed Khomeini over the Shah with Brzezinski's coup in this ungerecht.

Ungerecht is the Germanic for "unjust" and a very long way from "thalama". The message in Osama bin Laden's thought process is not German to a German people, nor is it Arabic. It is English in thought process.

Interesting what eh?

Stay with me children as we never know where the road not travelled will bring us to as the chimpanzee are playing with their banana board keys typin' away Peggy Noonan.

agtG 290

Sheik bin Laden speaks English at Germans in Obama talking points

and I think it's gonna be a long long time
till touchdown brings me around again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
oh no no no
I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burnin' out his fuse up here alone

and I think it's gonna be a long long time