Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Vast Clinton Wing Conspiracy

Who would have ever thunk it that the Washington Post, Bob Woodward, using leaked Obama data to make him look like an incompetent fool, along with Charlie Rose and the Rockefellers terming Obama's failed strategy in Afnamistam would be part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, but we know this now to be the fact as Bill Clinton spoke it that a vast right wing conspiracy is out to get Obama.............although it is not as big as the conspiracy Bill and Hillary faced due to changed demographics we are told by William J. B. Clinton.......and we know we can trust Bill as he never lies.

I reported exclusively here that the some ones who are after Bearick Obama are the Clintons in this and backed by the Rockefellers and given the go ahead from the central Europeans who put Obama into power. The evidence was plain that something was afoot, and now that old pervert Bill is out front accusing the right wing again just like his group was blaming the right wing for shooting John Kennedy, when it was L. H. Oswald, the communist patsy leading the plot.
This is interesting in Bill wants to shift the blame of what the Vast Clinton Conspiracy is up to in derailing Obama, as their polling data points to blacks will riot and abandon Hillary if word gets out that the white folks Clinton are running a coup on the white folks Obama in the White House.

What is poignant in this is Willum going to these measures this early in shifting blame, because it means there is a coming real push to so neutralize Obama now that a sort of Pelosi blame it on Obama is about to catch fire in 2010.
I suspect the mantra will be, "We trusted Obama and he betrayed we we Democratic pigs in Congress by implementing George W. Bush policies par dux".

This strategy will be backed by the Clintons and Rockefellers with the Bobby Kennedy projection as was first noted here, that Hillary will step in and challenge Obama's insane war policy.
Bill can claim saving those two little Korean girl reporters, but his scowl while Kim smiled will be sure measure of how much he felt betrayed by Obama too.

The leftist global order always dust off the right wing whenever they have some plot afoot to lay the blame on them as scapegoats. George Mitchell did it when raising taxes on Read my Lips Bush and Teddy Kennedy did it on Abu Gharib.
It is now in the interests of the Democratic patrician white elite to stage a coup on Bearick Obama in order to save themselves from their insane communist policies.

This is what is behind Bill Clinton's little blame game in he is the Vast Conspiracy and this has moved to the point where he has gotten off the golf course, put down the tater chips and sour cream, long enough to point that bony finger away from Hillary who has been remarkably quiet as Richard III.

It will be good news for America in this happening as Obama the Feckless is best left in his rubber play room flossing hisself. The real right though has now already exposed Bill Clinton's coup on Obama, so the story is out there and as Obama continues to get hammered by Bob Woodward and the growing Rockefeller leftist chorus, they will be the ones getting the full benefit of coverage for their actions on the tan guy.

This blog is the one on the right which was calling for high level black and hispanic appointments and pointing out the leave em by the side of the road policy Obama has had for minorities.
It has been the right which again seeks to keep black people from being pawns again in another Vast Clinton Wing Conspiracy for them to take white power back while stepping on the black man.

If black people want real power, they need to stop looking to tan slum lords like Obama and Jarrett and start voting for Conservative policies which empower them, so they don't need any programs to sell themselves for.

The saga continues and this blog thanks William Bill J. B. Clinton for alerting the world the old tater masher is back at work. Go get em Bill, but you are going to get full credit for the coup against that bright boy of yours, Bearick Huxxxein Obama.

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Bill Clinton Conspiracy against Bearick Obama