Sunday, September 27, 2009

I ran from Iraq to nuke Vietnamistan

Bearick Obama is at the precipice according to New York Times propagandist Frank Rich and is about to become this fictional great leader if that dastardly George Will right wing Pentagon doesn't have larger earth balls than Obama.

I though know Obama is at the abyss and is attempting to drag American down with him in this suicide bid of his lusted after post birth abortion.
For hero Bearick with the derrick, pumping hard for Libyan oil in trade for terrorists, it seems reading what is written for him on a teleprompter is a bit different than reality.

We need to remember that Bearick said he would knock of Sheik bin Laden in a heartbeat. Remember he knew that Iraq was the wrong war and that Afghanistan was quite stable when he took office in January was the right war to fight.

Currently Obama after hammering bad terrorists in having the US military murder them for good terrorists, Obama is said to be loosing Afnamistan, along with high numbers of American and allied Soldiers fighting his war.
Obama did manage to destroy Sheik bin Laden's son who was being tracked to kill the Sheik and according to Sheik bin Laden, Obama blew the life out of bushels of Aghanistan citizens recently in trying to kill bin Laden.
The Sheik says he was a witness of this exclusively posted here in discovery, so while Sheik bin Laden adds to his growing audio archives of listing Obama crimes akin to Nazi's rounding up Jews and throwing them in cattle cars which bin Laden states NATO did to the terrorists, Obama is even losing the moral propaganda war in his war.

People need to remember that Barack Obama bragged that he knew how to do all of this. Remember that he dispatched Richard love kosovo wars Muslim to the region to run Obama politics to the epitome of success.
Well, as of now this blog was correct in the Obama Afnamistan elections were all fraud and were US Soldiers dying for ballots in an election equal to Obama's fraud in stealing the US Presidency.

There is one word in this and that is FIRED, which Mr. Holbrooke should be as America, unless they impeach Obama can not fire the Prime Minister for this bungled policy which is designed to destroy US Troop moral and US national will just like Vietnam was in the globalist plan.

Bearick Obama has not brought any Soldiers home. He has lied and increased Troop numbers. More Soldiers are dead. Obama has abandoned his March white paper which the Pentagon was planning a sustained war plan, and now, Obama and Aaron Burr Biden have seized upon a new plan of, "Gee if running from Iraq was great, let's run from Afnamistan we created and start blowing up Pakistan!"
For some reason it was evil when Richard Nixon started bombing terror bases in Laos in the Vietnam War, but Biden is all over this for reducing troop numbers so Afghan locals will only have to serve 65,000 US Soldiers at tea instead of Obama's over 100,000 in country.
Biden then wants to start blowing up Pakistan and even more sweet in this, Biden wants to invade Pakistan and start kidnapping TalEEban and al Qaeda people in Quetta, Pakistan in major operations.

According to the facts in the world, even after Obama's love fest with Muslims, 2/3rds of Pakistani's still hate American view it as an enemy. Pretty poor offering there for the tan guy who vacationed in Pakistan and won't release his passport records.

So in looking at what Bearick Obama has done in his first round.

Obama has turned Afghanistan the contained war into a festering Afnamistan.

Obama has turned a legitimate government in Afghanistan into a fraud, at the cost of US Soldiers lives.

Obama has tried to execute Sheik bin Laden twice, and only killed his son, and the Sheik as a witness revealed Obama killed bushels of tribal Afghani's the second time.
Those are both major misses and only inflame the recruitment of terrorits. I WIL STRESS THIS LOUDLY and I desire people to GET THIS POINT. It is not US Soldiers who Obama is blaming for the problems in terror recruitment, it is HIS BLUNDERED assassination attempts on Sheik bin Laden which shows the Sheik invincible and Obama the dolt in the room.

Obama's now "thoughtful" plan is to sit thinking while Troops die in his wars. Obama had from March until August to prepare alternatives, but instead went on endless vacations and while US military policy hangs in limbo, he is busy poking Iran in the face with a pointed stick.

Obama seems to have an obsessed affection for wars, as like potatoe chips he seems not to be able to get enough of them. Certainly, Obama likes starting wars, but he doesn't like finishing them, and like any 10 year old, he goes off looking for new wars to start when the old ones are no longer over in the length of a movie night in the White House.

Barack Hussein Obama is currently attempting to start a war with a population of Pakistani individuals who have English passports and access to America, who hate Americans at almost 70% of their population.
This is a population which holds nuclear weapons in the number of 200 bombs and is 1000 times the problem for America compared to Obama's Afnamistan.

Next Obama is walking into the sand trap of the Persian communists who are daring him to push the Israeli state into attacking them on the kinder and gentler mode of warfare, leaving them all alive to vaporize American, European and Jewish cities.

This is Obama's answer to his Afnamistan in expanding his war east into Pakistan and west into Iran, adding almost 100 furious Mooselums as Obama calls them into the Obama wars operations.

The New York Times political artist who started the above work was wrong as Obama and Obamalings in their original had a warhawk on Obama's ass while he had his hand on Afghanistan.
The reality is this is his demon monkey hanuman of India on his back stoking up the nuclear fires for these Obama Mooselum wars, with Iran being the nuclear mushroom cloud skull cratering a major part of the world as Obama has deliberately painted hisself into a corner with absolutely no way out.

Obama did this all on his own. He has failed as his policy was intended in Afghanistan. He fully intends to keep poking this festering pot of sub Asia until someone starts lobbing nuclear warheads. Remember again readers that it was George Soros drilling for oil in Brazil, massive new "finds" in the Gulf of Mexico and China buying Venezuelan oil. All of the oil supplies are moving out of the Middle East.
For those who missed it, there was to be a pipeline from the central stans into Pakistan they were counting on which was snuffed out along with all the port city development for no apparent reason at all.
No reason unless those robber barons are preparing a scorched earth policy for that region. These barons do not invest capital into projects unless certain results are promised. There is no reason to drill oil in the American sphere while a 25 year supply still exists in Saudi Arabia.

No reason unless Obama is nuclear stoking this.

Look at the Brzezinski chess pieces in this and see if the Muslim oil revenues are ended, that ends the money supply for terrorists. Polluting that region with radioactive dust means China and Russia both loose interest in the Indian Ocean ports. China is then hemmed in by the Pacific Ocean and 2 billion Indochinese to their south.
This then can pit a dwindling Russian population against an expanding Chin based population for resources.

Russia then has to turn to deal with China, instead of focusing on the central Europeans in their grand Europe from Dublin to Moscow.

There is policy being worked out here. So for those who constantly term Ahmadinejad inept or Obama incompetent, well their policy is designed for the exact reactions their benefactors expect in their results.

Obama is no brilliant mind. He simply is a weak mind easily programmed. He is serving is purpose and masses of people are going to die because of his deliberate policies which are dismantling the United States and are quite treasonous.

So the maniacs for Obama can hope for and delude themselves into imaginations that "if only" things would be better they would be. The reality is the policy is to use nuclear humanicide in dealing with Brzezinski's terrorists, the dust cloud will cause massive problems in China and therefore into Russia as what is Russia going to do with 500 million illegal Chinese invading their lands?
The end result is cancer festering terrorists solving the Obama terror problem his people created.

Of course, the odds are right wing Jews will be cropped along with several American cities vaporized, but Obama will just vacation in Germany and France, probably rule from there too in the fallout.

It is the Crazy World of Arthur Brown who know of the album, when Arthur would descend onto the stage from overhead wires and start singing FIRE.

I am the god of hell fire, and I bring you
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
I'll see you burn

You fought hard and you saved and earned
But all of it's going to burn
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now 's your time, burn your mind
You're falling far too far behind
Oh no, oh no, oh no, you're gonna burn

Fire, to destroy all you've done
Fire, to end all you've become
I'll feel you burn

You've been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now 's your time, burn your mind
You're falling far too far behind
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
You're gonna burn, you're gonna burn
You're gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn

Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
Fire, I'll take you to bed

FIRE - 14/08/1968
1 week at #1 - 14 weeks on chart

agtG 304

Obama /Biden to bomb and invade nuclear Pakistan