Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Fluke of Nidal Hasan

There is an old adage that a running man with a knife can slit a 1000 throats in one night.

As one ponder that, this blog shares a few thousand word photos from an Islamic demonstration in London with a bobbie keeping the peace as English twits always do.

The reason I share such things is the pyrotechnic reasons one does not import 3rd world Islam into the west no more than one imports 3rd world Catholics from Mexico into America.
3rd world savages and barbarians with religion pasted onto their psyches are still the same brutes and thugs, but now they have a savage and barbaric absolute religion spurring them on.

That is how one has Spanish Inquisitions murdering bushels of people and holy wars in the Roman Catholic religion, because when Muhammed hoists a sword and says murder all infidels, those little beasts in all cultures get loose and become genocidal murderers.

For the record once and for all, the Austrian, Adolf Hitler practiced an ancient order religion with knights mingled with Darwinian science. He was the Muhammed of it and Ahmadinejad is his grandson.
None of this should be lost on Americans as Barack Hussein Obama, Robert Gates, Democrats in Congress all investigate Nidal Hasan, but not venturing to term him a terrorist because of all of that Muslim terror money flowing into the United States.

While Saudi Arabia gets branded for it's monetary flow to terrorist groups in humanitarian aide, no one is looking at those billions of counterfeit US Dollars produced in the Bekaah Valley and North Korea, that flow around the world and flowed into Barack Obama's 2008 election at 300 million dollars.

See the reason this blog warned in why American politicians of the world can not play with terrorists is terrorists always want their pounds of flesh in return.
Mr. Obama gets funding from Philistines, Syrians, Libyans, Persians etc... and they get all sorts of goodies like land from Jews, ambassadors, terrorists released and Twitter Revolutions to round up Persian Patriots, all with the help from Barack Hussein Obama.

Bill Clinton who actually dealt with operatives once removed from terrorists, unlike Mr. Obama who deals directly with terrorists, had Vince Foster find out about not screwing with terrorists.
It was no accident that Vince Foster was dumped at Fort Marcy Park, because it was a message to the world from the people who assassinated Mr. Foster that the Saudi government was blackmailing Bill Clinton on various issues and Clinton was scared of them because of the money Clinton took from........Saddam Hussein.

Vince Foster was a calling card and the assassins seemed to understand the game, because by 2001, Islamofascists who Jamie Gorelick was compartmentalizing started driving US aircraft into buildings in September.

Whenever you start dealing with terrorists, the start following you home like strays. The Muhajadeen followed Bill Clinton into Kosovo and into the Twin Towers.
Mr. Obama in his money dry cleaning now has California wild fires being covered up which were set my Mexican mafia proxies hired by Obama's terror buddies. Now Mr. Obama has blood on his hands in Nidal Hasan, who Obama hired to help in his transition.

This blog warned for a number of years of the cocktail conversations it was privy too in the David Letterman group in how they were all racist, perverted sex and hate speech jokes and conversations. People did not seem to believe me the raunch which was going on even in pointing out public statements to verify the cocktail crowd.
David Letterman is proof of his daddy dearest perversions now in all what this liberal crowd of Obama voters is engaged in. They are all full of perverted secrets.

The same conversations are going on in Islam in the United States as are exposed by the London photos. Nidal Hasan was not some fluke. He was speaking to Muslim clerics, speaking to Muslim Americans and after his family apologized, they went into Muslim outrage in blaming America for Mr. Hasan's murder spree as he had been "called names" they said.

Odd how only liberals act out in being called names. This blog has been repeatedly attacked by liberals lying about it and yet I just smile Christian smiles and turn it all over to God.
Liberals though deem it a right to murder if someone hurts their feelings.

All of those signs are from the same Islamic thug culture found in America. I would not advice anyone to try it, but if any American showed up at a mosque, especially a female, they would be very coolly treated like they had leprosy.
If you ever got beyond the doors, you would soon find yourself after a few sympathetic statements immersed in the above slogans, and how the Islamic dream is to turn America into Muhammedmerica, with Islam and turbans for all.

This blog alone has examined Islam for what it is. It is a group control religion of people out of control. It is martial, male and promotes males as tyrants, so women in veils can castrate them and dominate them in their sphere of power. It is sadist and masochist and without the thug restraints of people like Ahmadinejad beating the vocal protesters to death, it becomes Nidal Hasan blasting up the place with Chuck Schumer once again blaming guns, when the problem is Islam out of it's borders.
Keep Islam bound in a Saudi kingdom of beheading rule, and the natives behave themselves wonderfully. Release it into Marxist states like Chechnya and it attempts to eat Putin. Put it into a democracy and the Muslim mob starts passing Muslim Brotherhood mandates under the cover of oil money and when that ends, Nidal Hasan shows up to terrorize the population.

I am not picking on Islam exclusively as in studying Talmudic Jews who espouse the same Babylonian mystery religion dogma as Islam, I have heard the same rhetoric. Jews though have different venting processes in money and their fictional guilt enslaving them from Jews in the Israeli state keeping them second class on the holocaust scale.
The Christian Identity groups espouse the same mud people rants as the Talmudic and Islamic sects, but the FBI thins them out by lead poisoning to keep the in check.

There must be checks to keep the politics of these fascist, tyrannical and communist religions in balance.

Sheik bin Laden was checked and balanced as an Islamofascist until Putin's Bolsheviks got a hold of Zawahiri and his Islamocommunists, the Marxist killing bin Laden was conned into becoming unbalanced as an American murdering patsy.

It should be noted that Mr. Obama has not gotten Sheik bin Laden as he promised, but has gotten into bed with numbers of his "good" terrorists while using the US military to murder numbers of "bad" terrorists.
The net result was Nidal Hasan who was a good terrorist working for Obama one day, became a few weeks later a bad terrorist murdering Americans at Fort Hood after helping to install Obama into the White House.

There is an old Muslim proverb, well it is going to be about two seconds old as I am making it up as Muslims do not have proverbs warning others that they do bite.

The proverb goes:

A tiger is pretty in the jungle, but when you bring it home, it is still pretty, soft and nice to pet. It is pretty, soft and nice to pet, until the tiger bites the hand off petting it and eats it.

Until Islam incorporates feminine values as this blog has noted in charity, love, virtue, trust and grace, it is going to keep biting Muslim and Muslims in outrage will rabidly bite the world. The only other alternative is to leave it where Ahmadinejad is beating people to death and Egyptians are beating the testicles off terrorists with rubber hoses to make them behave........well until they are released like Zawahiri and then you have an Islamocommunist world class terrorist.

Think that is about it.......oh yeah, one more thing........

Obama Akhbar.

Seems only fitting to link poster boy Obama to his poster patrons above funding him, and who Bowbama is bowing to.

I did not bow to that Saudi king, Monica Lewinski.

agtG 233

PSS: Let us study this some more concerning Nidal Hasan, with Barack Obama's Neoprogs and by Christmas we will find Mr. Hasan is really Jewish, gets marching orders from Rush Limbaugh and a Texas Christian sold him his arsenal.
He ain't Muslim now or a terrorist according to Obama, so might as well make him into who Obama has on his enemies lists.