Saturday, November 21, 2009

Catch a Little Star

As I type this, my mind is filled with the visions of life as one of my best friends from school today buried their child.

The child was 17 years old and succumbed to the common reaper of all life reaching it's end in pneumonia, as when he was born his brain was in a vegetative state due to some rare genetics that he and his wife had.
The doctors offered a choice as the baby was born to simply allow the infant to die as he needed special life support, but the parents declined and did all they could to preserve his life as any good Catholic would.

The last time I saw the family I was sitting outside a bank studying people in profiling when I saw a van pull up. I was passively paying attention when I noticed the family get out and this teenager in a wheelchair. It dawned on me then it was my friend, and, I smiled to myself, because this was boy I knew who was from a poor agrarian family, and had built himself into a multi millionaire status in the world. Yet, there he was, with his family, deserving if anyone to be parking in a handicapped spot, but he had refused and saved it for someone else in need.

I know the void they feel will not be replaced with kind words nor the Truth their son whose soul could not communicate with the world through a vegetative brain is now whole in Heaven, because nothing can fill the emptiness when family members die.
I hope though a card I sent him in sympathy will make a difference in someone from his past still is watching over him and cares.

I have seen enough families make the hard decisions in life. I know of a Lady who was told her daughter was going to die at birth, but she refused to abort the child, and carried her 9 months, only to have a few short hours with her, before she died.
When I met her, she was as normal people would be, quite crazy. My pestering her though put her into a world again she could function without her ever knowing what I was up to.

In that, I was observing the other day, Trig Palin, on a Barbara Walters Special. Whenever I see the Downs Syndrome or Mongoloid babies, I always have a bit more gripping my heart as I know the butcher community targets those babies for aborticide with a Dr. Mengele passion.
I saw in my paper a family this week placing a happy birthday notice to a Downs teenager, and I see one of these young adults daily making his way on the sidewalk to wherever his intentions are taking him.
I see them as happy children in their world of limits when the world without limits is so miserable.

Mr. Palin though, especially touched my heart in the footage I witnessed, because I was expecting a more lethargic infant, but Trig is nothing of the sort. The Palins are doing a yeoman's raising of this baby in stimulating him, as he was completely alert, his muscle structure was toned and his head was up.
Trig knew exactly his family and the ABC crew. This child is one of hope in there is a great deal going on in his mind listening to his large soul just waiting to explore the world.

In that, my admiration continues to grow for Gov. Sarah Palin. Her husband shows up for an interview in the old west "Sunday Best" and her daughters are little princesses who unlike some children placed near high public office, have no air of they deserve it, but these bright eyed children are children of humbleness.
So when I see the Palin family, I get perturbed yet in remembering some suckers of the media falling for the smear the McCain camp did to her in making her look uninformed. After her book explained the situation, now they look like the stupid ones of ignorance.

This blog noted that it was going to have Sarah Palin's back no matter what, because of her choice for life in Trig Palin. I find it personally disgusting the Letterman and Tina Fey attacks upon this woman who is literally beautiful, has the textbook perfect family, was repeatedly elected to Alaskan office, was a rising GOP star and when it all came to Trig knocking on the door, Sarah and Todd Palin, brought that burden into their lives instead of running from it.
That is what a Christian Adult looks like.

I know Sarah Palin is a fighter, but I still want to gather that family under my wing to shelter them. It is horrid that Levi Johnston is an oversexed white trash punk. His mother was just involved in criminal possession of prescription drugs. He allows himself to be used as a weapon against the family of the child he fathered.
He is consummate thief, for instead of being an adult and taking responsibility, he runs from his own created family which would have provided him the world of opportunity to be a Playgirl porn page dildo toy. He threatens court action to gain custody of his own child which is further emotional abuse this oldest Palin daughter has had to endure after David Letterman hounded her so badly he could have caused a teenage girl to lose that child.

Yet there is Levi Johnston cuddling up with the very people who were doing things that almost murdered his child and not being bright enough to know they are just making a whore out of him and will discard him faster than he could mumble "Cindy Sheehan".
If he would have been moral, he could have had real titles in Father, Governor or President, but now he just is that immoral thing joined at the hip of the Letterman cocktail crowd.

I know that God and human will, even in little children is the difference between a Ronald Reagan being formed out of his lack and something like Joy Behar forming.
Mother's prayers do indeed hold power in keeping little sick children and progressing them on in life past it's falls and rising them past malevolence to that shining city on a hill.

I deliberately do not go into my bona fides to prove my existential knowledge, but I know in seeing wasted lives of the most putrid form..........that there go I, but for the Grace of God. I in humility know that Jesus is the only reason I have been carried this far and that the Holy Spirit beats my heart for me and gives me breath.
I have been places few have trod, and I have been inside to the place most fear to tread in meeting themselves on levels they do not know exist.

That is why I am blessed by God's Holy Spirit to see the real joves on this planet earth. The people who never make the world stage for the responsible life burdens they carry. Not a one of them like my friend, nor Gov. Palin would ever admit to it being a burden. They would just shrug and give you that look which says it all in, "What else is there but to do the right thing".

........and it is not a question, but a statement of the God blessed virtue of their life.

They do not give away Nobel Prizes for raising mentally retarded children, not even for just showing up and being tan. I wonder though at all those children when they are complete how surprised their parents and families are going to be in seeing that soul hidden away now transformed from that handicapped child, but that person they could always see.

I firmly know that Sarah Palin has tears for Trig in her quite moments in how unfair it all was. I also know in her that she sees Trig as he will be in God's Heaven, even in his Downs state, because when people love you, they can always see the potential and the soul inside.

Catch a little star
I wonder who you are
As you sparkle twinkle bright
Effervescent glittering light
In a heaven filled of star crossed souls
You are my heart glistening whole
I see though who you were born to be
For you are the little star in me