Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I had some information given to me today which really surprised me and left me puzzled. In trying to check it out, there appears to be a complete information black out on it in the Obama media which is even more interesting.

The information sourced was from the economists in Canada who actually know more about the US economy than Geithner and Obama combined. What it entailed was a blip that didn't even raise questions with them, but as someone who has a deep affection for the western militaries, this information was an enigma to be dove into as it was no logical.

I have reported that the troop surge by Mr. Obama was already in the chain of deployment flow already in the spring of 2009. Mr. Obama is still though keeping America in suspense in dithering so his cultus personality can have all the attention on a Tuesday speech to the world while more Americans die for his Cold Sore Wars.
In noting that, in noting that already in 2008, Mr. Obama was demanding that his righteous Afghansitan war would be expanded and fought, ask yourself if you would have expected government purchases for the 3rd quarter to have gone up or gone down?

Recall now that Obama has been on this massive push which used up great quantities of supplies in his Afnamistan.

In understanding that base analogy of war data, the purchase data for the United States military coming from Canadian finance, showed a decline which makes absolutely no sense.

The British government were told and leaked to the BBC in September that a US surge was coming.
CBS news one month ago noted the same sources leaking that a US surge was coming. Yet in all of these leaks which noted a vast amount of combat Soldiers who burn up vast amounts of munitions, the US military under Obama Gates direction actually shrank purchases

It does not matter if it was one bullet less, because what matters is at least 35,000 more Soldiers are being sent into Afghanistan theater and it requires quartermasters, transport, helo, medical, com, centcom, kp etc.... for each additional Soldier, as one does not just plug in numbers of combat Soldiers without expanding the base platform support staff.

So Mr. Obama while spending millions on Asian vacations, heaps of more debt to entertain Indian Prime Ministers who at this very moment are funding, backing, equipping terror operations against Pakistan which are filtering into Afghanistan putting US Soldiers in jeopardy, Bearick is busy buying less support for the US military.
I doubt that the cuts were based on psychic knowledge that his Fort Hood massacre would not be equipping those dead Soldiers.

That is what this menagerie is about, because on one vista one beholds the British being told certain things to bank on in US deployments. In the next breath, an Obama NSA operative exclusively exposed here is telling the world that Obama is searching an exit strategy in his Afnamistan. In the next wheeze, Obama is staying the course, and yet in a whisper US inventory purchases for the military have shrunk under Obama.

Every time George W. Bush sent the military into action, the costs expanded in billions of dollars. Yet in the Obama surge, the costs actually shrink billions.

This has now become Barack Hussein Obama is pissing on every one's leg and is telling them it is raining as his data and what is being offered by his clique does not match up with the events.

The last "surge" which was spoken of in detail by the Obama brass was a 4 year trickle like humidity dripping into a hydroelectric dam. It might in scientific instrumentation show the water is expanding, but it certainly is no surge.

So this is nothing but a psychological ploy by Bearick Obama, who is going to diddle away in deaths Americans and British Soldiers, while Germans sit on bases refusing to go off, and absolutely nothing is being accomplished for American security, but in Conan Doyle logical deduction, the only people benefiting from this are Zbigniew Brzezinski's terrorist children born of the muhajadeen terrorists he birthed, along with the Persian Islamocommunists.

The net losers are the American public. The net Middle East loser is the right wing Jewish community. The net loser in the sub Asian theater will be Pakistan and Afghanistan.
If one examines the entire Obama policy, there is no effort to wipe out terrorists. The Pakistani's were moved by Richard Holbrooke to move terrorists out of Pakistan. They are now safe and secure in Afghanistan's South Waziristan to murder Americans, British and Afghani people.

These Muslim terrorists are from familiar groups or mafias. The policy appears to point to Mr. Obama is turning over Afghanistan in parts to the Muslim mafia of his choice as he has wiped out the "bad" mafia terrorists.

These economic numbers show that Barack Obama has no shred of seriousness in fighting terrorism and keeping Americans safe, but what is being shown in this Texas poker draw is that behind the scenes deals have been worked out with murderous terrorists, Islamocommunist nuclear terror nations and Eurasian powers Russia, China and India.
The "war" is but a cover for Obama jumping in bed with the worst of heinous criminals ever produced. If this was about winning in Afghanistan, then the words would match victory and not exit strategy and supplies would be purchased instead of supply purchases shrinking.

Tim Geithner slipped up on this data coming out as he was so concerned about the economic data of his crisis too good to waste in getting him fired, that he included data the Canadians noted in US military supply purchases were declining which was the reason for part of the bad economic numbers.
I would also suggest that the Obama housing purchases rising be looked at carefully as those numbers can be fudged in Obama funding money into JP Morgan's toxic debt holdings where banks are now flipping homes in "purchases" amongst themselves and realtors to rig those numbers too.
Just like "only" 450,000 new jobless claims are trumpeted as good news compared to 500,000 expected never takes into account that a dead body dripping fluids only has so much blood before the blood stops, that decline in job claims means businesses have cannibalized themselves so much that nothing is left as the jobs are all gone.

Remember these same businesses were noted exclusively here in dropping inventory purchases, exactly like Mr. Obama has dropped military purchases.

One can not have a recovery without purchases and one can not have an Obama war without purchases.

I believe that is yellow rain Mr. Obama, woof woof.

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