Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ooopppsss Real American History

Kensington Rune Stone

I often smile and roll my eyes in silence whenever I hear liberal Canadians speak of First Peoples or liberal Americans with their Native Americans when the real historical record has even the Hopi teaching of the old ones who were here before them.

Scattered across the interior of North America are numerous mounds which Indians had no part in building and no ancestral heritage, and yet time and again the propaganda speaks of this being Indian lands stole by the white Europeans.

I am going to explain a few things which you have never heard of backed with archaeological and scientific fact to set the record straight on who was in America and why.

Reaching back to Biblical times, the earth at the beginning had one Continent or land mass, called Atlantis. The Bible records that after the Deluge, the world was divided in the days of the Tower of Babel.
Languages were not just made, but the earth was actually broken apart into the known continents and they started drifting to their present positions as God intended.

This is how one finds tropical plants in Antarctica as that patch of land was once thousands of miles north of it's present location.

For the deluge and after, the earth's atmosphere changed. It was no longer heavy with greenhouse gases in compound oxygens, but it started to rain, instead of a mist coming up from the earth to water plants.
Human life cycles began to decrease as did the perfect environment for growing large beasts.

All of that water in freeze cycles actually covered much of northern Europe and North America in glaciers.
One of the greatest scars on the earth is the Grand Canyon, which was not eroded over thousands of years, but was instead created in hours as a huge earthen glacial lake burst forth and cut that deep ravine.

In moving past the Moses composite history of Enoch's time to Abraham's, we come to the era of the glaciers of North America with huge amounts of uncovered soil creating massive dust storms which the Greenland layers of ice record.
All of that sediment which buried fossils was all laid during the deluge when the earth was under that massive sea, compacting and creating layers in a few years what science erroneously thinks took millions of years.

Right after the Assyrian captivity of the northern tribes of Israel, the lost 10 tribes, and the Phoenicians, (Lebanese), their seafaring peoples took to the sea to escape being skinned alive and enslaved.
Some moved into Greece, others founded Carthage, some went to known island of tin, England or land of the Angles, and interestingly in the pre Viking period, which is also Israelite tribes, numbers of these people started trading and settling in North America.

Artifacts and cave writings reveal the 10 Commandments and written structure which is Phoenician on the North American continent.
One record as late as the 1800's revealed a Hebrew speaking group of "Indians" in the Americans southeast.
Yes there were Indians in North America, who genetics have found came from an almost instinct Japanese Indian mountain people, but the vast infusion of blood into North America were these Israelites and now extinct European bloodline peoples.

This is why the eastern Confederacy of Indian tribes who were making genocide on more primitive Japanese Indians were dominating, because they were of Phoenician Israelite civilized origins in the Cherokee mingled peoples.

It was still in the glacial melting period which historical archeology started picking up Leif Erickson and the Israelite Viking explorers. The earth having been in a cooling cycle from all of that moisture and ice, started a period of regrowth and glacial melt.
Once Vinland was discovered from the Phoenicians, the Vikings started pouring into this new North American lands actually joining their predecessor ancestors of chiefly Dan.

All sorts of colonies are found in Canada and in the northeastern United States of these Viking settlers. As they began to spread out by means of ships travelling in the huge glacial connected lakes across the United States, their advanced sciences and tooling came into being.
What was flint arrowheads, soon became metal smelted arrowheads.

The above mark of the Vikings is the Kensington Rune Stone. A rune is simply a marker with writing on it like the Rosetta Stone. It is most interesting that the Viking alphabet resembles the ancient Hebrew, but has already by the year 1000 AD taken the form of the modern English alphabet.
F, R, K, S, P, J, H, T, B, M, L and O all are almost exact copies of modern English alphabets.

What is most noteworthy is the archeology of Barry J. Hanson, who has been with other archaeologist studying the glacial Lake Agassiz structure which covered a greater portion of the central United States.
In this gently flowing landscape, the evidence is being found on those prairies of mooring stones in number. A mooring stone is a huge natural rock, with a hole cut in it, so the Vikings could moor their ships. Science now believes the area was in part under 200 feet of water in these inland seas with vast islands on which the Vikings lives.
A somewhat shocking estimation is science now has concluded that perhaps 40,000 Viking Norwegian Swedes were living in North America in the 1000 AD period. That is a huge population in the American heartland who were constructing medicine wheels for agricultural purposes and to mark season clear into Wyoming.

As the glaciers were depleted though, a vast drying began which made the climate change again in North America. The majority of the Vikings simply disappeared, with the assumption they by majority reversed migrated back into Europe causing marauding problems.

As this drying occurred, the great North American desert began on the Great Plains with only pockets of these Viking mixed peoples remaining.
The Mandan of North Dakota are recorded as blonde Indians. The Snake or Shoshone were known as the "white Indians". These were simply the remnants of the Viking settlers.

It was in this period that the Sioux around 1500 started spilling out of Canada into America committing genocide on teh Ree, Crow, Hadatsa, Mandan and Pawnee. If not for white Americans intervention, the Pawnee would have been exterminated in the mid 1860's massacres the Sioux recorded.

This then brings the reader to known modern recorded American history as the Israelite peoples who possessed the land in Dan, then Gad and Naphtali, were succeeded by the Amyrgian (American) Scyths or the Gilead tribes of Mannaseh, and Ephraim in Joseph.

All of this creation science and Israelite immigration is backed by archeology, linguistics, immigration patterns, genetics and geological science which makes a great deal more sense than people coming out of ooze and Darwinian descended by apes, which even Darwin rejected before his death. The fact is though Godless science has screwed up the entire historical record, so every child hearing it all instinctively know that it doesn't make any sense and rejects it.

Real American history is much more interesting and comforting as people can secure a nativity in knowing they have a book called the Bible which they are in and that those people were in North America exploring it and settling it all in God's plan of transplanting those peoples in the west.

Those are the facts backed by proof. Israelitish Americans were the old ones here before the Indians in specific lands and were part of the original peoples.

agtG 278

This land is your land
This land is my land
From California to New York Island
From the redwood forests to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me.