Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's Superman

I thought it would be interesting to post the photo of what a super genetic human looks like who is the spokesman for the Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller, Barack Obama policy for the slaughter of Gaza and the termination of the Israeli state.
The superman of advanced genetics is Peter Beinart, a gap toothed, little smudge of a person whose brain function appears right up their with his twin who runs Dailykos, and thinks he is running the world too.

I had wondered just where the Rockefellers had been as they absolutely disappeared from the stage, but I found Mr. Beinart on the BBC, the Big British Communist telly network.
Beinart was quite fixated on blowing up Gaza. His main interest was either they got Hamas or Hamas was going to be in control of the east and west bank.
I realize for most people this is like a Star Trek episode in one race was black and white on the right and left side and one race was black and white on the left and right side, so it did not make a great deal of sense in why Islamocommunist Hamas which was allowed to blow up religious Jews and making treaties with George Soros to exploit the wealth there while Islamofascist Fatah is somehow the champion of the world, when both sides are about murdering Jews and ending the Israeli state, but it is all about what is really going on in why things are happening and not the people.

See George Mitchell, the ultimate twister and bribe master has been tapped to "bring peace to the Middle East". Peace in Rockefeller and Rothschild terms means Hamas was allowed to be armed to drive out religious Judeaens from Judah. Once they accomplish enough of that task they will be destroyed, unlike just played with now in weakening them so the Marxist secular Jews can win the election in February.
The Jews don't have a big stock market to crash to herd people like they did for Obama in the states. So wars are unleashed to get the vote count up.
It still looks as though Netanyahu is about to win. That would make things interesting in that little Persian communist duel which is being planned soon, much to the incineration of New York's chagrin.

Fatah has a treaty where Jordan and European troops get to occupy the West Bank until the neo Syrians can raise a government. That will never happen, so the Europeans are going to gain control over both east and west Jerusalem.
Apparently by the salivating of George Soros over the West Bank, there are huge oil reserves there. Probably is why natural gas wells were "discovered" offshore in the Israeli state in a big find.
It is coming time to divide up the land as Antiochos Epiphanese did and for his satanic twin to plant his government outside Jerusalem for the new international capital.

Beinart though so coolly was discussing the issue of smashed Philistines that one could not notice that real people were suffering and dead, never to revive again unlike a Jack Bauer 24 commercial break.
This is the coming face of Obama's supermen, those cartels who invested a fortune in Nazi genetics as they were the supermen looking for the Aryan in the first place and setting up sterilization and euthanizing programs in America, which graduated to Planned Parenthood, another Obama partial birth aborticide backer.

I do not mean to be mean, but when one beholds the people behind these mass slaughter policies, you always feel like watching another gap toothed dink in David Letterman. You ask yourself, this is the guy they pay millions to and he can't figure out Obama is a dork.

It doesn't have to do with Obama being a dork though. It has to do with a massive shift in US policy which is going to make what George Bush was accomplishing in setting the stage for this, look like a weekend vacation. The signs all point to a huge realignment of the entire Middle East.
Obama is going to kill people in Pakistan, kill people in Afghanistan and kill people in Iran.

When this gets rolling, Gaza and Lebanon are going to die. With the Russians in Syria and how things progress in "someone" setting off some WMD, it is highly probable that Damascus will be vaporized. The Russians and Persians were trying to get Assad to commit suicide as they do not want him as a competitor and it is certain the Rothschilds do not want Syrian aggression in their greater Ashkenaz state.
The nuclear pollution of the Middle East has been a protocol for various sides in order to get America out. As was pointed out here in the Caspian Gambit of Zbigniew Brzezinski, it is designed to keep the Russian 2nd Spear occupied so it will not attack Brzezinski's beloved Poland.
As a warning though, Russia in her vital interests if this gets to the progression it can is going to gobble up a great deal of US weaponry and stores stationed in the Middle East. While making the US look very Obama weak, it also exposes an entire Russian division to certain death from advanced firepower as there is nowhere to hide in the flat desert.

This is the reason George Mitchell is bouncing about the Middle East and why Obama, Biden and Clinton are acting like thumpers in bashing Bush policy, as they have a very low key Rockefeller backing for what the Europeans are initiating.

It is difficult to believe that someone who looks like they were hatched out of an egg in Peter Beinart is the privy master of the supermen. But then, there is David Axelrod, looking like Hitler being outed in body language on Charlie Rose telling the world "they" do not want a continued state of Israel.

This is an entire power move to install the Ashkenaz elite as soul and sole possessors of the Jerusalem. It appears a 100% probability allot of megatons of weaponry are about to be unleashed. Mid spring appears the window. This would give the Persians time to retaliate in a New York vaporization, whereby Birdie could plutonium dust clouds deal with Iran, Afghanistan and the Pashtun on a southwest wind day, so the other objective of disrupting communist China could fulfill another Brzezinski player on the board.
That would make a nice September treaty of peace available, but as Birdie was making Muslims glow and being a pest to Asia, perhaps a new superman in Europe bringing peace who does not have a monkey in his pants would bring about a 7 year treaty to cool things off.

Netanyahu appears to have close victory. As he is a trigger puller, that is all that will be required in a skirmish.
Logic would dictate that in all of these explosive things flying about that one will knock a hole in the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount, so a new international temple of peace will be constructed. The religious Jews seem to have all the stone cuts and the service ware, so could assemble it in months.
I doubt they will ever get to be in the place for long though as the Europeans have other plans.

That though is another drama, but the children of the darkness are back and could care less about Russia, North Korea, China or even America. Jerusalem is the focus with that sub continent nation structure of the Himalayas.

I don't suppose anyone noticed both places were where the ancient Aryan, Israelites and Judeaens once trod.

The convert pretenders apparently want squatter's rights in desiring the land for themselves, just like Obama wants his war too to prove he is a big boy now not wearing short pants and a cowboy patrician like George W. Bush.

agtG 238

Obama's Cut

Your love give me such a thrill
But your lovin' don't pay my bills
I need money!
That's what I want.....

It is always nice when the United Nations Crime Chief confirms another interesting fact found here that the profits the major world order banks have been making are now the only profits they have been making to keep them solvent.

What though the United Nations Director, Antonio Maria Costa, should have been looking at is why there is a profit flow problem in banks, because of all of the illegal counterfeit money being laundered into things like the Obama campaign.
300 million dollars appears which is bogus to Obama alone, means there is a 300 million dollar hole in an American bank which needs plugging or pluggin' to caress Peggy Noonan.

Obama was but the tip of a trillion dollar iceberg in embezzlement, laundering, dry cleaning and just plain picking up some poor Slavic girl, promise her a model contract, where she is then sent to Tel Aviv to be a whore if things are good and if things are bad she can whore in Budapest for pennies per bang.

I would invited Mr. Costa to not note as it is actually like a positive that crime money laundering is keeping the world solvent, but instead for him to go to The Hague, as all they are doing now is lynching some Congo black guy for using children as armed thugs (Jack Bauer 24 story) and should indict Nancy Pelosi as her October surprise in holding up the bailout for 2 weeks to assist in electing Barack Obama, raped the retirement accounts of millions of Americans and in Stock Market short and off account selling looted billions from everyone to oil Muslims to Hollywood twerpie actors backing Barack.

As has been pointed out, the banks get away with mafia money transfers, because they are also transferring CIA, MI6, Mosaad etc.... money around the world too. They get free passes to do the things from selling slaves to transferring opium to South African diamonds as long as they are getting a cut.

The lesser banks were looted in this and it was staged that way for CITI and others to get the hurt put on them, because stooges like Robert Rubin were setting the accounts up to transfer this trillion dollar plus deposit into the off book accounts of the major players.
Warren Buffett was caught and exposed by this blog. The story made this nation rapist squirm enough in he had to float a story about "how poor he was" in making 31 billion dollars in his cut.

Imagine that a mere bagman's cut is 31 billion dollars. It just reveals how massive the amount of cash which was being embezzled around the world.

The United Nations of course can note drug flow dollars, but Mr. Costa will neglect to notice Kofi Annan's multi million dollar cut at the UN giving cover to Bill Clinton's oil skimming and Saddam Hussein's oil money bribes flowing into all the western leader's bank accounts via Marc Rich.

Someone in this must have had a wicked account memory as it as revealed supposedly that Marc Rich lost a fortune in this plunder. Well at least he is alive yet as when they stole the money out of Vince Foster's account, he squawked too loud and someone desiring to point the finger at the Saudi government dumped his body across from them.

Mr. Costa refrained to divulge which nations and banks were in the dope cash game, but his story posted via the New York Times is not about Nancy Pelosi nor even dope king, Fidel Castro. It is more about the United Nations rattling their empty piggy bank and the story is designed to blackmail a load of cash to be spread around again.
Such things would be dangerous unless one has a George Soros type backer telling him to plant the story so the folks not paying their cut start to pony up.

To just explain the reality of the world in this on another festive front, if Iran the Persian communists would simply deposit around 100 million dollars into Obama's Swiss Bank Account, it would be amazing how quickly an Iranian bombing campaign would be unnecessary.
None of the Iranian problem would have ever surfaced if the Persians simply had "lost" a few tankers each month to the global oil cartel to dispense to their bigger profits.

Opium out of Afghanistan just doesn't end up in Europe through a dozen nations like Russia to France, with ports and inspections, without an entire generational network each taking a little cut for not seeing a thing while their above the law bosses carry on the trade.
If the cartel gets a cut out of Congo gold, then a black tyrant can rape children and as long as Nancy Pelosi assists in the kickbacks, money laundering and soon to be coming financial plunge of the 3rd world, she can run the House and somehow Antonio Maria Costa just never sees what is happening in certain site.

Barack Obama is part of the largest criminal enterprise ever to set foot in the White House. While he is not as birth connected as Bill Clinton nor as high of station intelligence operative as the Clintons are, he is more the Asian / African street operative which is where this money train is heading. Africa and sub Asia are going to be picked to the bone.
The Rothschilds installed an early version of this in India and as it debuted there perfectly, it will be unleashed on the world as part of a destabilization process which requires some scare nuclear events to cement the power in Europe, and then, will come the massive weapons of mass destruction wars designed to crop several billion people. The European design then will have a vassal American group who by Barack Obama's Mugabe money fund plunder will have America on her knees taking orders, Russia defeated, China fragmented, the Middle East as a dead zone, the Indo region being the sewer it is intended and pax romanus ruling all the defeated peoples perpetually.

I looked at the future and it is not going to turn out quite as they planned. This could still be avoided for America if some Citizens would simply stand up and enforce the Constitution and American law.
It would help if the GOP had someone in it who actually could do more than Sen. DeMint, who is in need of solutions to give the Congress and those pundits for payment on the right something to broadcast.

Until then, Mr. Costa, I hope your extortion is successful as criminals need to be blackmailed by criminals, after all, they now have Obama's American Army to enforce the cut while the Soldiers in honor serve their nation.


brotha obama can you spare a dime

The Obama of my Yesteryear

For all the historical pronunciations, it seems Birdie Obama has not been the first of anything really. In history, the pile of dictators is heaped high in blacks taking on titles of "president" and being nothing but tyrants and despots.

The first grande despot of the America's who was black was in Haiti, named Toussaint L'Ouverture.

This guy liked dressing up as a "General", stealing white peoples everything, including nation, and calling it his own. As Haiti was French, soon enough Napoleon caught the rascal and tossed him into prison.
Soon enough another "General" of the black African American named trade, Jean Dessalines, took his place and was running the show like Robert Mugabe in tossing out white people. The French didn't have it so good as he simply murdered them.
Perhaps after millions of dead French, Napoleon had it right about revolution and change and ended it as it was a great deal healthier for the natives.

What is interesting in the black revolutionary was in order to try and cement his power and show the white folks in France, he could be emperor too, was he decided that one had to make the trains run on time as Hitler did later, or as David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama have pronounced later still, "We got to get those middle class types producin' again".
General Toussaint's solution was to round up all the black people he had just set free, and forced them to be slaves again on the sugar plantations. The slaves figuring out really quick that there was no difference in sweating from Frenchman to sweating from a black guy with a whip decided enough of that, and fled to a revolution.

That is the perpetual cesspool of patricians raping Haiti economically for centuries while poor black people there basically breed a new generation to exploit.
That is the change which Barack Obama is instituting in the United States, in exact mirror of the General or Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.

There are many textbook scenarios played out in Obama's black liberation culture which was set up by Bill Ayers cloning it from the South American despots of Marxism. It is no coincidence that Ayers was playing cuddles with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. It is no coincidence that Obama's "stimulus" is a mirror image of Chavez handing out goodies to bribe the newly orgasmic sheep into a stupor so new "reforms" or power seizure can be instituted in elections.

If you want to see what America is headed for exactly, please visit Bolivia where a Marxist by the name of el presidente Morales, who is of the Indian bloodlines, a good buddy of Chavez, Castro and Ortega, fellow Obamanite Marxists, and behold what he just pulled off.

In America, there is a new murmur about a Constitutional Convention here. In Bolivia, Morales has just in elections changed the Constitution, so he can run for "another term". Americans have already heard about that scenario for Obama too.
What Morales is doing though is organizing communities of poor people for their mass vote. That should sound like Chicago Obama, because it is and is exactly what Ayers was initiating out of the South American socio lab.
The key in Morales is he is taking a mass of poor Indians who exist in the mountains and is by "legal vote" attempting to take from the light skinned Spaniards, their lands, their energy industry and all commerce, which these Spanish elite developed.

For those who think this is a good thing, it is no different than Warren Buffet taking your 401 K retirement plan in legal theft in the Stock Market plunge he helped create or not any different if a group of Mexicans were given a vote in your city and they decided in majority elections that your home will now be handed over to their group which you worked for, because in democracy the laws voted for make it all legal.

Rhodesia in Africa was the breadbasket of the continent. When it became Zimbabwe, Mugabe drove the white people out, the black intellectuals out and then stole the farmland in reforms and gave it to poor, uneducated blacks to "farm". They had no idea what to do with a farm so Zimbabwe starved and is still starving.
For Morales to steal oil and farmlands, and give it to people whose main achievement in life is using a hoe for potatoes and riding a burro, is no different than if Barack Obama handed you a scalpel today and said you were doing heart surgery.
It might make you feel good, might make the nation look like it has allot of doctors, but in the end you would have a pile of dead people and furious families, because you aren't a doctor.

That is the always the problem in this change. Ortega in Nicaragua upon seizing power stole all the car dealerships and made a fortune. Obama in his "stimulus" is starting a trend of rewarding his technology and union buddies. It won't help the nation, but will prosper these "Generals" in their enclaves of liberal cities housing millions of Obama voters.

This Marxist policy works for a few years, but then the poor people get poorer like in Cuba, the criminals start making crime a business as they law is criminal like in Mexico and Venezuela, and soon enough rich Americans will start voting with their feet and taking funds offshore and themselves when a Chavez crackdown comes.

None of this is new and is what George Orwell in Animal Farm and 1984 was recording, as he had studied the Marxist system and witnessed what all these despots had been doing for centuries.

FDR initiated this perpetual voting block with Social Security and other welfare state programs to wean Americans from independence to dependence.
LBJ expanded it and socialist George Bush started the rebate in giving checks out to people further degrading them. They are all part of the same patrician system and Mr. Obama is just going to weld in a few last executive orders to change the democratic socialist United States into a Chinese form of communal capitalism.
No secret for those who have observed these things, but Birdie Obama has been talking up the Chicon slave labor state for months. Why not, because Doc Kissinger is leading the way.

This though is the obamanation which is being cemented and welded into place. Obama states he rules, he signs dictatorial orders, he vilifies all who oppose him and soon enough his "Come on guys" mantra in being disgusted with the press will be, "Come on guys you're under arrest" when he can get away with it as reporters will not dare question Obama as a mob will burn down their house and murder their family.

This is not Molotov Mob warning for headlines. This is textbook in what is occurring in Obama replicants in our modern age from Africa to South America. The exact same patterns are always initiated.

This is why if the GOP had any American love and sense they would have been demanding the 10 Answers to Obama listed here to save this nation.
What is anyone of them or these Obama pundits hiding out in the right offered for one solution?

John Boehner of Ohio comes out against Pelosi 300 million dollar condoms. Wow, they get them removed and the right wingers think something has been accomplished.
Children named Noel Sheppard and Newsbusters who voted for Obama, you know very well that part of the plan was put into place so the GOP would bite on it, it would be taken out by Obama's leadership and then the package would be passed in all it's kickbacks which was intended all along.

I did see though about 35 GOP members in the Senate voted not to confirm the taxpaying Sec. of the Treasury Geithner. That is what Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Bolivia all resemble now.

It is the same old cycle of herding the masses for a Papa Doc on Haiti, well America has it's own Papa Doc Obama looting the store and David Axelrod being caught in body language which never lies in stating Obama has no intention for the state of Israel continuing.

Orwell was only 25 years off in 1984. As the British say, "Long live the tyrant."
