Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Monkey in Obama's Pants Problem

This blog congratulates Kurt and Lori Haskell in their intrepid pursuit of the Truth in the Flight 253 saga as the US government was in the process of covering up the numerous terrorists involved in this operation, in custody and through Customs was doing it's worst to make the Haskell's appear foolish in "mixing events at the airport".

Ronald G. Smith, of Customs, though of today in feeling the pressure of this cover up emailed the Detroit News and the Haskell's with now the FOURTH STORY from the Obama government in the FBI and Customs, that indeed an Indian man was taken into custody exactly as the Haskell's have reported from the start of this terror attack.

In an exclusive, this blog has noted that this entire Flight 253 terror event looks like a mixed event in itself in being a mule flight tracking diamond shipments into Detroit which was being exchanged for Muslim money raised in America.
Into this federal agents were probably on this flight, and it also appears in evidence that the Indian government was hired in proxy by another government of interest to shepherd this Nigerian al Qaeda terrorist onto this known law enforcement mule flight, knowing he would not be checked, for the expressed purpose of having a torch in the Nigerian's pants not go off, but in this terror event, to pressure the Obama group to start bombing more radical Muslims.

As the core of this is India and Yemen as known entities, it is logical to conclude that as Yemen is the major headache for Saudi Arabia who contracted with Indian agents to set up this little operation, using the intelligence flight number the Obama people blabbed to the allies.
Indian interests would be creating a greater role for America in blowing holes in Pakistan which Obama has been spouting off in doing since 2008, when he was bragging what he would do as commander in chief.

This blog does not believe the foreign allies on current evidence had any thought of endangering anyone on Flight 253. Only an idiot would be on a flight shepherding a suicide bomber, and as the Indian man the bomb sniffing dog found and took into custody did not attempt to detonate his bomb, then it is a conclusion, he carried the condom bomb, and was simply on board to make sure the Nigerian didn't adjust it so it went off as a bomb, instead of a torch.

The exact wording coming now repeated from FBI and Customs is taken into custody. That is a term used when taking foreign agents into detention. The same wording used on Israeli agents after 9 11, and were released.

All of this exposes Barack Hussein Obama's arrogance in believing he is intelligent as other nations play him for the fool he is, and his naive nature which Vice President Cheney noted in trusting and not verifying what his playmates are up to.
This is an international incident if this is develops from what the evidence points to.

To play devil's advocate for a moment, one can see the Saudi reasoning if they have a hand in this, as Barack Obama has hung them out to dry. He has left them to fight the Persian communists in a literal war that has now a front line in Yemen endangering the Kingdom.
Obama in abandoning Iraq now has that erupting into a firestorm, after it was ended a kill zone during Bush 43 policy.

Obama in finding his right war in his Cold Sore War in Afnamistan has now flushed terrorists from al Qaeda and is stirring things up in Afghanistan, so those buddies of Obama in al Qaeda are expanding their warfare into Yemen.
Saudi Arabia can not in military nor in population handle a war like this, and it would be logical for them to give a push to Bowbama to take care of Yemen.

India has been at war with Pakistan, fomenting terror events and receiving terror events. It would behoove the Hindus to have Mr. Obama in a national scare event to start bombing holes in Pakistan which would help keep Pakistan busy, so India would lose it's terror problem.
India has it's hands full in China taking territory, Sikh autonomy and Pakistan in Kashmir disputing territory.

This is what one gets as America from Obama abandonment policy while he cuddles with his "good" terrorists, in other nations see what a dope he is, and start trying to dupe the dolt into drama of his own.

What is emerging from this liars club of Jarrett Inc. is that now the FBI and Customs, two agencies I have the most respect for have been caught in another Obama cover up, deception, lies and worst of all, they impugned the reputations of Kurt and Lori Haskell in attempting to make them look like Flight TWA 800 witnesses as ignorant buffoons.

What should be done is a Federal Judge should be appointed with full authority to out all of this, and international incident be damned, as Obama ineptness has spread like a disease in nations now know they can roll Obama into reacting.
Firings must take place in who pulled this at FBI and Customs, but then Patrick Fitzgerald became head of US Attorneys over such a cover up in Obama and Emmanuel trying to buy a Senate seat for Val-erie Jarrett.
........and Tim Johnson now has his little boy as US Attorney in South Dakota in selling his seat to Obama.

That is the problem with this 3rd world Obama crimes which have engulfed the United States government now entering the 3rd year of Obama on stage. The media, politicians, benefactors and Obama have been lying, covering up, destroying people, degrading fine American law enforcement and piling up impeachable offenses and high crimes.

The warning is Obama has now in his policy and the events with cover up of Flight 253 has positioned America into more Obama Wars.

Do I conclude Obama "knew" of the Flight 253 scam? Evidence shows he was indeed briefed on the matter, but his entire stick his finger up somewhere and grin attitude concludes he was being played for the naive dupe he is, while thinking he is a genius.
The aftermath though is well indeed though Obama cover up as this comes right from Janet Napolitano overseeing FBI and Customs who did not dream up this cover up on their own. That type of operation fits in the Eric Holder, Rahm Emmanuel, Val-erie Jarrett and David Axelrod vacationing and working group of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Jarrett Inc. is the logical source for this criminal cover up which impugned the Haskell's and now has a behind the scenes drama playing out in India is being protected by monkey in his pants Obama.
It doesn't matter at this point why, what matters is a cover up was initiated by the Obama group and that is criminal, and impeachable for Barack Hussein Obama.

As Americans are the targets in these Muslim terror events, it is the right of Americans as their lives are on the line, and in the grave from locations like Fort Hood, to have this legally investigated and those who stand in the way, to face military tribunals.

All of this is being set up for mass American deaths, and Obama forced into mass strikes against Muslim locations in political moves for Pelosi and Obama to try and raise the polling numbers in 2010 elections.
That must be stopped and entire story of Flight 253 must be made known, as Obama's puppy press and the Janet Napolitano machine have proven to be in on the cover up.

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Post note: For those who are interested in what the political photo means, Barack Obama wished upon the Indian monkey demon, hanuman for good luck, which is a spell cast, and is the monkey charm he keeps in his pants to rub on with other charms.
The character in his book is the male female hanuman aimed at children, in this manseuxal mirror of everything gaysexual about these Obamas in having transsexual traits and all their voters like Chris Matthews to Peggy Noonan being beyond odd.

This accepting power from demons is a consuming thing, and almost 300 Americans were consumed in perpetual payment for Obama's "luck". It is a given as demons always take payment that more Americans will die over the monkey in Obama's pants.

Kurt & Lori Haskell