Saturday, January 2, 2010

No more Muslims in the World

I am quite alarmed that something during 2009 in the Barack Hussein Obama tenure, that all the Muslims in the world disappeared. I know this to be true as one can look at Nidal Hassan and not find one word in the stories about him, associating his rampage with Isalm or being a Muslim.

The AP's newest propaganda by Phillip Elliot is literally void of the words Islam and Muslim, concerning the terror event of Flight 253. The only time the word terror surfaces is connected to anti-terror agencies and terrorists only surface when speaking of al Qaeda in Asia. Flight 253 according to Obama and his puppy press states that there were not Muslims connected with it, Islam was not associated with it and the Nigerian Nightmare, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was neither Islamic nor a terrorist.
The Nigerian is not even noted as a passenger on Flight 253. It is alarming as apparently he was not even on the flight and Muslims around the world have likewise vanished.

What has not vanished though is what this blog predicted in the Obama cool attitude of:

Obama has ordered a thorough look at the shortcomings that permitted the plot, which failed not because of U.S. actions but because the would-be attacker was unable to ignite an explosive device.

Ah, how is it that Democrat Chris Dodd gutting airport security funding, Janet Napolitano not allowing full body screening, Barack Obama stopping the Dutch from using their own scanners, Barack Obama not insisting that Nigeria use the machines they had, and Barack Hussein Obama bombing al Qaeda terrorists in Yemen who then responded after this lengthy 2009 war by his proxy Saudi Arabia (because Obama refuses to stabilize the Arabian penninsula) is not because of US actions in permitting this plot?

This blog maintains the reason the Nigerian could not get his bomb lit, is because his Indian handlers built him a bad condom bomb, that was only meant to be a torch, whose heat would put Obama into the frying pan to order US forces to expand his Cold Sore wars into Pakistan and Yemen.
The torch has actually worked as intended, as one month ago we found an exact African with exploding underwear, and Janet Napolitano not even issuing a ghetto green alert to warn American passengers that Obama policy had terrorists coming to America.
Coupled with this now, this Indian operation (India was in proxy control for another nation I will not name here as Obama bows to them and they are getting fed up with is policy of using them as fodder for Obama's strengthening Ahmadinejad's position policy) has now set the stage that when the next plane goes down, blown up, over a real Obamabomb, that Barack Obama in order to save hisself and the Democrats in Congress is going to have to blow up some poor little Muslim state.
There will be no "studying" the situation, but Obama striding out and announcing that fire and brimstone have rained down on evil as he has judged it, and even though smoked chickens, smouldering puppies and charred brown skinned babies are all over the news, the American people can be assured that mahdi Junior Mooselum Obama has damned these God's creatures as necessary dead like aborticide babies and death panel care in America.

That is the tripwire in this now as the line has been drawn and Obama in his cool dude policy has by making friends with terrorists and following Brzezinski's create thy terrorist has painted hisself into a corner which he will have to expand his Cold Sore Wars as Obama voters again scream for some type of action as they demanded from George W. Bush after 9 11.

Fortunately though, there are no more Muslims in the world for Obama to harm. The next terror event will not even be terror related, it will instead be positive detonator application to complete the mission, to which Obama will be off firing million dollar missiles, but not at camels and tents as Bill Clinton got away with, because America saw how savvy George W. Bush was in actually slaughtering terrorists, nope Obama is going to have to make a big show for the little peepers in his shorts as all weak leaders do who steal elections.

This blog invested a great deal of time in saving Muslims from nuclear bombs. We invested hours in designing chic Islam costumes. We stood up for Saudi Arabia, but now we feel cheated in there are no more Muslims in the world to save.
Personally as the voice of the Cherry, I would like to see the United Nations launch an investigation into who a billion Muslims disappeared.

Who are these aliens now in Asia and America? Are they Aliens like on V?

Are they all China's billions hiding behind burkas? If that is the case, then is China empty as I would like to go there and hunt Marco Polo sheep.

The biggest question now remains though as Muslims and Islam are not any part of these terror or defective fuse events, how is Obama going to know who to bomb when Nancy Pelosi demands it to save herself?
Will Obama launch nuclear missiles on Detroit as he has already destroyed that with Democrats in 50% of the city is out of work.

Will Janet Napolitano with her terror watch lists of white Christian Veteran folks, tell Obama that the next Nigerian, real black guy, is really a white guy who looks like Rush Limbaugh and they will attempt to assassinate him again?
Or is Rush Limbaugh really a black man, as this all gets so confusing when white tan guy Obama is black.

All satire aside, America under Obama policy is now painted into a corner where the next staged terror event will drag United States Soldiers into a new abyss. It will either be from Obama allies setting up the terror event to get Obama to attack their nemesis or it will be from al Qaeda proxies for Iran, intending to lure Americans into another kill zone of their making.

Barack Obama and his puppy press have spent 2009 destroying these United States in standing and policy, so fear has been replaced with contempt. His deliberate loathing policies have now set the stage for on ground terror attacks like Nidal Hasan, for Nigerian air attacks and for the next nuclear and biological rounds of attacks.
A condom filled with explosives can even more readily be a condom filled with a biological agent using the already proven method of infecting Americans. (Do you really think all those food poisoning outbreaks are just accidents? People used to eat dirt and not get sick and now peanuts are making them sick?)

This is just the start of it, but rest assured all of these foreigners will be given US Citizen rights, taken care of by their American slaves, given a platform to spew their Muslim sounding terrorists sounding doctrines (not defined as such) on the piles of dead Americans being created by Obama policy.

Michigan would still be picking up pieces of dead Americans which the eagles and coyotes were not consuming as winter chow, as funerals went on until spring for the American dead.
Think about it people, because there are hundreds of these terrorists coming and hundreds of these Muslim terrorists already inside America.........and oh look, Obama is allowing assylum seekers now not to be held until citizenship is proved, but to be allowed to roam and bomb America as al Qaeda sees fit.

Some might call that terror enabling. Barack Hussein Obama calls it policy.


Where have all the Mulims gone?