Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Drill Baby Drill

I thought today we would have some fun in visiting with Catherine Bach in discussing oil drilling in these United States. The reason we have picked Catherine Bach as our poster girl in daisy dukes is because she comes from the very region which is the example of the salvation in economics which America must implement under President Sarah Palin.

Ms. Bach rears from Faith, South Dakota, cowboy country and a more nothingness land there is which takes in Williston, North Dakota; Miles City, Montana and down to Cody, Wyoming.
This is a land of grass which gave us names like Hugh Glass, George and Libby Custer, Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Buffalo Bill and President Theodore Roosevelt.
It is a land which creates the best in humans and it is a land filled with oil, coal, gold and minerals.

The area I want to focus upon is just north of Catherine Bach's nativity in Dickinson, North Dakota, land of the old west and Roosevelt's beloved Badlands. It holds oil shale deposits which are being drilled and tapped in a most wondrous inventive process that is a marvel of American ingenuity.
It is being conducted by American oil companies investing billions of dollars into this region which is rich with crude oil. The same oil companies which Obama is in the process of trying to destroy.

Before I was born, my family had a number of ties with this region in the eastern Montana region. One of the characters who appeared at our table was the son of an immigrant Russian named Fuzzy.
He delighted the children in his quirkiness as he would wipe his plate with bread and when Fuzzy was done eating, you could never tell the dining utensils had ever been used.

That kind of hunger was reared from his Russian father, named Old Joe. I have often pondered that old Russian in the poor woman who was married to such a beast. A beast you will understand and is why Ronald Reagan mentioned about Russians being Russians, and why Americans had better never underestimate the Asians Obama is cozying up to and reared from, as the worst or brutality is in their veins.

Fuzzy would relate tales at times of Old Joe. How his dad decided that those ridges on every one's teeth was somehow something he did not like, and he took a horse hoof file and flattened all of the children's teeth.
The children when they grew up were going to go to town one day, and Joe said, "No". They started down the steps and Joe produced a Winchester and said he would shoot the lot of them if they went further.
The children returned to the house, because the old man meant it.

Poverty is what Montana was about in those years. Cattle would freeze to death standing up in the winter. It was after Fuzzy left that oil was found on his former ranch, that pure green crude, that is America sweet in being so high grade it refines itself.

Those early wells were all vertical drilled shafts like most people consider oil wells. The new wells though in the Williston Basin drilled by companies like Marathon Oil are absolute marvels of technology as the oil is locked in the shale.
Marathon though drills in a process which goes down 10,000 feet, but then they turn 90 degrees and drill a horizontal shaft 10,000.

The process is just started then, as the "well" is then pumped full of sand, water and under pressure they fracture the shale, like a giant capillary bruise of the base rock. These fractures are what make this regions oil produce as the oil then leaches through the fractures, and pools in the well shaft, where it is then pumped out.
Miracles of technology like this should be championed as it is a marvel to see how Americans figured this out.

As the Russian proved in their deep earth drilling, oil can be found anywhere if one sinks a well deep enough. In that, there is no reason that every state in America should not have oil wells pulling out that black gold. I know for a fact in my geological work of a vast field in an area where no one thinks there is oil. I know it is there as I was blundering along as a child playing in water springs and noticed oil foam on top of the pools. There is in fact oil in America not at 10,000 feet in shale, but oil just under the surface in regions of America.

As this blog has noted, America has vast capped well from Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, the Dakotas and into Alaska.
There is an immense field in Utah and the Alaskan fields of the sweetest of crude hold an oil supply more plentiful than the rest of the world.

Drilling oil is what will balance America's debt, provided Americans cancel Barack Hussein Obama's and Nancy Pelosi's credit cards. It will stimulate the economy with high paying jobs and in tax base pay for the debt being incurred by Democrats.
Federal spending must be capped, but there is an economic way out of this and as I have stated, America could implode it's enemies economies and pay off their debt in 5 years, all the while protecting herself from world war and Chinese blackmail.

I thought I would share that as it is vital to understand that there is a way out of Obamanism in his destruction of America. It though must be done under Conservative leadership and someone like Sarah Palin who understand production, jobs, nature and economics.

America needs to mine coal for electricity and drill for gas and oil, to bring our atmosphere back to a density which will prolong life, stop desert expansion and burn even more hydrocarbons, exactly in opposite of what Obama and the Obamalings are advocating.

There is hope at the end of the oil shaft, so in time as Americans learn there lesson to stop putting usurping Marxists into the White House, let us then drill baby drill under President Sarah Palin for prosperity and security.
