Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sahara Palin

The Saraha is a most beautiful place which outsiders fear and dread. She sweeps in winds ceaselessly and sculpts herself daily in ways of beauty in her domain.

Sarah Palin is exactly like that great desert filling a void and inspiring all those who become wanderers of that plain. To the lion and the people who live in the great expanse in embracing her, she is beauty and comfort, a solace to lose oneself in, trusting that the nature of her is so great she is always found, so the soul is never lost in her.
To those fearful and full of dread, they see only danger, a thing to scorn, a frightful thing to label as a dread, a thing they do not understand nor can comprehend, so it all must be a stupid land that is such a waste upon a planet like earth.

It is amusing in Sarah Palin attends the Tea Dunker nationalize rally meant to unite the entire movement in the directors gathering there, giving a profoundly inspiring speech, and the fearful once again seize upon Sarah Palin wrote 5 words on her hand to give the speech, and they are smearing her over it.
These are the same Obamites who were dazzled by Obama who stutters, has his eyes roll back in his head, needs a teleprompter, because he can not remember a speech, and I will repeat needs a teleprompter everywhere he goes just to give a speech, but Obama is not the stupid one in need of mental assistance, no it is Sarah Palin who is attacked.

5 words on her hand as memory notes, compared to 5000 words on a teleprompter. The judgment is Obama is the one in need of mental capacity.

This same media though in Entertainment Tonight and other rags has been busy in the child abuse feature of the Palin children again, in Levi Johnston the redneck pervert who impregnated Bristol Palin, has access to the son he fathered for a few hours a week, and during that time, he has an entire recording crew chasing that little boy around the Johnston house recording every second of that kids life.
Children should not be media events in child custody cases and what Levi Johnston and the Obama puppy press are conducting is disgusting, reprehensible and sick. Even Johnston's cleavage hanging criminal mother was mugging for the camera in the last episode of "Sell my Son".

I have grave concerns over this as this baby is being put on display in a world of maniacs who follow Obama. National celebrities like the Lindbergh's in Charles Lindbergh, American legend who FDR destroyed in spite, because Lindbergh actually said America had no business fighting a European war, had their baby kidnapped due to too much publicity and the end was tragic in murder.

While the Palin's have done their utmost to protect their children and grandchildren, the Johnston's acting like Obama monkey press at the zoo, seeking any way they can to turn the populace into a salivating lynch mob, like Obama had Democrats screaming and spitting at the Supreme Court Justices, is a profound danger for this baby and the entire Palin family.

It is not going to be enough if God forbid someone just doesn't burn down a Church in Alaska, but carries out some act against this family, to have Davie Letterman looking sorrowful like that is a horrid thing, when the whore Johnston, pimp Letterman and brothel press have been instigating vicious attacks like yelling fire in a movie theater which will sooner or later get someone harmed.

Levi Johnston belongs nowhere near the child he fathered, and the glamour press is beyond sick in whoring an infant when common decency should have producers waving off this story, but then this is the group which keeps featuring that sexual pervert Michael Jackson as some sort of heroic figure. I have stated before, if you really listen to Michael Jackson's music in context, one starts hearing how absolutely inept, juvenile and bad that sound was which swept the Pepsi generation so high on coke they could be convinced shaking salt out of a shaker was a really fun game.

Sarah Palin will continue to be Sahara Palin in sweeping across the globe in answer to the absolute failures of Barack Hussein Obama. When one has a Marxist creature like Obama, it becomes easier for people to comprehend how bad is bad, and what the definition of good really is.
A billboard in Wyoming, Minnesota, says it all. I predicted that George W. Bush will be a factor in the upcoming elections as Americans are reminded how savage they were to President Bush, and now see by Obama degradation to America and rapine, just how intelligent, competent and the prowess with which George W. Bush governed.

Sarah Palin is competent while Obama blaming lipstick on pigs, blaming W is only with his ilk revealed every day in the idiotry in how incompetent they are.

The winds of change are blowing in the Reagan Revolution and Sarah Palin with the American are a vista and tempest which the Obamite perverts can not stand against, for it is a Divine Wind coming from God's very Nature.
