Sunday, February 7, 2010

Obama's Audi Nazi

The America Super Bowl had one of the most disturbing of commercials allowed on it by CBS which simply left me infuriated, troubled and perplexed to it's meaning.

The commercial was from Audi, the German car maker which is owned by German giant Volkswagen. It featured the song Dream Police from the rock band Cheap Trick, which is a name derived from a whore performing a low cost sexual act to a john.
Audi changed the name the song to the Green Police and thereafter showed a bunch of Al Gore green police running around like Nazi's arresting people for throwing away orange peals instead of composting or having plastic water bottles.

Only the person driving an Audi was allowed to pass freely through to escape the concentration camps.

It is difficult for me to comprehend this deliberate commercial condoned by CBS and Audi as they knew their entire NFL audience is Rush Limbaugh, Tea Partier and Sarah Palin in character.
These globalists know of the terms "food police" and "thought police" which are code words of danger and ridicule of these draconian "global warming police" which American in mass has been throwing off in the exclamation point in the election of Republican Scott Brown to Teddy Kennedy's old seat.

This was all planned by these globalists to take a slap at Americans. The intent was the Obama green police, implementing Nazi tactics would rid America of Americans, and the only safe journey would be provided by a German car maker.

When one understands the history of Audi it starts becoming even more chilling in what was placed before America and championed by CBS.
Audi as stated is owned by Volkswagen which was Adolf Hitler's chosen people's car. Volkswagen
literally means Folks Wagon which starts to send up red flares when you realize this is the entire terminology being expressed by Barack Obama and his Obamalings non stop.
Obama is literally using the term Hitler did for his national socialist germans.

Volkswagen actually is said in the crossed bars of the V and W, be of that era when the hakenkreuz was woven into all symbols in the "S" format as it was known as the swastika.

The Nazi's would also intertwine another symbol into their order and it would be the joined rings, which are the 4 joined rings of Audi, meaning the 4 joined auto makers.

As one proceeds down this Obamanazi path, one finds in history that Hitler was aided greatly from the start by the German unions of auto workers. Chillingly, as this blog has exclusively exposed is the fact that American auto workers in their unions aided Barack Obama in attaining the White House, and were awarded with General Motors as the Europeans chewed up the GM European division.
Mr. Obama is on a quest to expand all unions for his power in making illegal Mexicans as Americans for his SEIU international union which will discard the black vote and replace it with the slave Mexican vote.

The rings were joined in a union to glorify the union of socialists in German in the socialist groups who formed the union under Hitler.

For all of this Nazi infusion going in Audi and the German car divisions, to bring that to American television during the Super Bowl is beyond strange when it is coupled with the very Obama issue of global warming and showing armed uniformed officers in quite black uniforms hauling away Americans to detention camps.
It is equivalent of IG Farben the German chemical giant in it's Nazi past running a commercial showing Jews at Synagogue being "dirty" and needing a good shower, herding them up onto trains and hosing them down in showers for a soap commercial which would reflect of zyklon gas in certain Nazi final solution programs.

This is what is all bizarre in this being all brought back and attacking Americans on one of it's festive days in which every one's guard is down.

These commercials go through vast advertising creation campaigns, reviews, resubmissions, reviews and final reviews of the product in Volkswagen and Audi, before CBS even sees them and then signs on to a commercial which Les Moonves allows on air with a message CBS believes is appropriate.

I had thought NBC's odd "green" programs in turning out lights which made no sense as was explained here that the electricity was still in the lines and had to be produced, so nothing was saved.
This though CBS and Audi just has a mark of a beast slaughtered almost a century ago and in the most disgusting of images was put before the world again in showing people who were just living their lives were rounded up as criminals by green police who have roots in national socialism.

The entire propaganda program of the global warming activists is all equal to that of the Nazi's coming up with connecting Jews to being vermin, in the activists created crazy science, lied about it, pushed it, made enemies of Americans in making them vermin in a problem, and demand a final solution. That solution was put on air by Audi and CBS in hauling Americans away to concentration camps.

Audi still uses a catch phrase as it's company logo in Vorsprung durch Technik or Advantage Through Technology, which is part of a list of Nazi cliches from the 1930's which included Work Brings Freedom, Strength Through Joy and Beauty of Labor which the folks all were programmed with in exact mantra of Change we can believe in which Obama had his folks chanting to the same charismatic mania which had masses following Adolf Hitler.

I simply can not believe I saw this yet, and is proof it seems that Hitler was astute in knowing the bigger the lie, the more the masses could not deal with it, as it was so detestable what Audi and CBS put on television during the American Super Bowl.

The globalists sent a message that Americans were criminals for living, exactly the way the Nazi's labeled the Jews. That is chilling and even more so when one starts noticing odd coincidences to Hitlers march to power and Obama's march to change, involving unions and select auto manufacturers, a chosen enemy to list and it was a historical Nazi car maker who created that message of rounding up criminal Americans and Mr. Obama introduced hisself to the world at Berlin, before Adolf Hitler's favorite monument.

agtG 231

I try to sleep, they're wide awake, they won't let me alone
They don't get paid or take vacations or let me alone
They spy on me, I try to hide, they won't let me alone
They persecute me, they're the judge and jury all in one

'Cause they're waiting for me
They're looking for me
Every single night
They're driving me insane
Those men inside my brain

The dream police, they live inside of my head (live inside of my head)
The dream police, they come to me in my bed (come to me in my bed)
The dream police, they're coming to arrest meItalic

The Audio Logo of Nazi History