Monday, February 8, 2010

Shades of Obama

I desire to preface this with Barack Obama is a globalist shill, making deals with terror states like Iran and terrorists in al Qaeda, which has McChrystal in Obama's Afnamistan turning an easily winnable war into a body bag pile for US Soldiers.
Obama has the CIA so "fist pulled out of hand" (If you served on a flat top you will know the gesture and it's meaning.), that it is cuddling with terrorists that are blowing up agents while Eric Holder attacks it from within.
Obama has rolled the President Bush crescent for World War IV which should have been fought in the South Asian sea and the Asian steppes where civilians would not be slaughtered by the billions, now into the German Front, Norwegian Front, Balkan Front, Middel East Front, Indian Front and Japanese Front.

In noting all of that with "don't scratch don't yell" in gayifying the US military, the United States even with massive firepower has immense miry clay mixed in with the steel our Forefathers laid in Washington, Miles, Patton, Nimitz and Franks.
That is why when a Admiral Thomas Moore type comes along who saved President Nixon in Vietnam by bombing the B 52 hell out of communists arises again in the skipper of the Pacific, it is a comforting occurrence to note he is directing military policy and not the Obamalings in Washington.

His names is Admiral Robert F. Willard and commands the Pacific. His resume reads like Hollywood, because he flew the MIG flipped the international salute in Top Gun. A Tomcat F 14 fly boy, flagship commander, US Pacific Fleet Commander and now Pacific command who earned medals in both pistol and rifle marksmanship, is a comforting solace in these Obama times.

What is most comforting is Admiral Willard just made US policy in the Pacific in ushering through an arms shipment to Taiwan for that free nation's protection which has the communist Chinese spitting rice and bamboo.
That is why this blog is investing the time to praise Admiral Willard.

In his blog he noted the past in leaving US Fleet in speaking of Admiral Nimitz. Anyone who shoots weapons, flies birds and has a historical appreciation for past warriors is of a delight to me, and when he is arming free Chinese, I might even overlook his only being in the Navy.
I say that in satire as I love Naval Officers from their rich history in John Paul Jones, Porter, Farragut and the host of traditional brave seaman who literally in most of the wars our politicians get American bombed into, is thee line which provides these United States the time to flounder about for God to save this people.

In all honesty, Admiral Willard in his policy, which is extra ordinary if one contemplates that a US Naval Officer just set foreign policy in Asia Pacific, over Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bob gay Gates, Hillary Clinton and her rice wounded John Kerry is something political jealousy can ruin his career, or perhaps like Gen. Marshall in telling Franklin Roosevelt he had sh*t for brains, Admiral Willard might be just what God raised up for America.

I see no notes of Rockefeller whoring which is pleasant. The Navy is unique in this that they are and always have been a sort of country unto themselves in America's fifty first state and floating national status. They have their own government, their intelligence which is surpassed by none, and that includes French CIA, Russian FSB or the Israeli Mosaad.
One never notices this nuclear armed nation, because they behave themselves so well in being led by men like Admiral Willard.

As this blog has noted, America must contain what the Russians, Chinese and central Europeans have created in the aggressive Asian menace. Obama instead of reducing nuclear weapons, must instead with neutron and the more advanced weaponry start redeploying full 800 strength nuclear arsenals in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. This must be America's first line of defense against the Asian menace and allow those nations to protect themselves as part of the American Pacific shield.
The nonsense of Harry Truman handing over China to the Maoists to Carter Brzezinski removing free Taiwan and installing the thugs of Peking to the UN is what started this behavioral problem in Asia.

When Peking wants to expand it's navy, then let Taiwan be an 800 nuclear armed dust cloud storming on the Chicom shores to contend with.

This policy is equal to the Reagan policy which armed through strength destroyed the Soviet Union. This is what was behind the Lame Cherry Doctrine of creating an eastern European bloc led by Poland and Ukraine as a trading block with America, who would arm themselves, develop themselves as Republics and be Putin's headache, instead of his trolling subs off the American east coast after Obama bows to him.

For Brzezinski in his noted prowess in world chessboards, his entire gamesmanship has been utterly patrician in vacuous of security and implementing checks to Russia, Chinese and his Muslim terrorist aggression.
What Poland needs is an American Army General equal to Admiral Willard making Cherry policy to create this Eastern Slavic Block to contain Russia and produce a massive economic gain for them and trading partner America.

That is the way one plays this game in Nixon Reagan genius which keeps the world from blowing up and stops the America as a lone wolf being sniped at by Bolsheviks, Communists and Islamocommunists.

This blog has a great deal of faith in the non political Officers in the US military. Admiral Willard shone brightly in pushing through a small arms sale to Taiwan. What must be initiated as Admiral Willard has exposed how absolute the Obama abandonment policy is the Navy is now conducting Pacific foreign policy, is the Israeli state must be armed and leased all necessary implements of war to deal with all enemies in their arena who are American enemies, the Asian islands must be armed to deal with China with a pro military government coming into the Philippines to give additional support and base, the arming of Poland and Ukraine in a Slavic alliance, and it is past time the cartel stops using Latin and South America as their whore pit to plunder by the likes of Ortega, Chavez and Castro.
Clean up this menace to America, install Republics on the Bolivar mystique and go into the northern Mexican states, Americanize them to make them secure and clear out those Spanish aristocratic socialists making Mexico a cesspool which America is having slaves flushed into.

These are the policies and doctrines which these United States must implement in this 21st century in giving adversaries a headache, or the days are coming when Americans are going to have their heads taken off by nuclear decapitation by this same ilk Mr. Obama is hand holding with.

The Asian Marxists have armed and are arming terror states to destroy America. It is manifest now for America to arm in kind free states to counter this method the Asians have chosen. Give them so much of it, that they will cringe at the day they started this KGB PLA policy.

Make the enemy react to you and you not reacting to the enemy.

nuff said.


Admiral Robert F. Willard

US Pacific Command making Foreign Policy