Monday, February 8, 2010

Obama's Race Problem

A most interesting drama is occurring in the New York Times in they are going after Obama tan political cronies like Gov. Paterson and featuring the Congressional Black Caucus now firing the first salvo to bring to heel Barack Hussein Obama.

For those who do not comprehend this in not being black, this is black Americans telling the tan Obama regime of Obama and Jarrett, that they made him executive in the Oval Office and he has done nothing but treated them like he is still a Chicago slum lord.

Blacks of the left have been kicked off the Obama bus and run over. I championed the progressive affirmative action standards to be applied to the Obama administration, and what did Obama do? He appointed a tan racist in Eric Holder as their “payback” and he gave Mexicans Senora Sotomayer for a “kickback”.

The black caucus had to slap Obama around just to get small business loans a few months ago as Obama and Geithner gave trillions to their cronies.

What people here do not comprehend is this is a catastrophic break between black Americans on the left and tan Mr. Obama. This is all racist, because those who are black know of the brown paper bag test in people of “passing” skin as it used to be called in the 1930’s, do not play with black skinned people nor marry them.
A marriage of 2008 just visited divorce court and has petitioned the judge for alimony and child support as Obama has been cheating on blacks in keeping house with all those union, Buffett, Muslim and central European cronies.

This is beyond wonderful news for America that blacks on the left have taken this step in standing up politically against Obama in demanding their share of the Obama pork trough.
I have told blacks they must do this as Obama’s numbers go down in approval, black people will face a blacklash against them in politics and business as the Harry Smith racists will all point to Obama and say, “See we proved we are not racists and we no longer owe you any place at the table”.

This is the first step for blacks on the left in protecting their interests. If you noticed after Massachusetts, Obama went to Ohio and got all “folksy” with those Ohio folks in talkin’ like them and Obama put on his “blackness” again as Rush Limbaugh noted he would bathe hisself in with Haiti.

The black caucus now has the power to force Pelosi to heel and to force Obama to start acting like a liberal instead of a Marxist NeoProg. Blacks must do this now or Mr. Obama in a few months is going to retaliate on blacks as he fully intended to do in replacing the black vote with a slave Mexican vote in exchange for amnesty.
Trends point to blacks are too expensive in welfare to buy votes and the split is occurring in prosperous blacks voting for Republicans in protecting their assets. Obama’s NeoProgs know this and know the time has come to dump the black voting block.

The more black folks as Obama condescending calls all Americans realize their window of power is closing and time is short, the more they must bring Obama to his political knees.
They can do this in joining the GOP in not passing Obama Marxism and can start whispering the need for hearings into Obama’s birth issue which is being spoken of often in Democratic circles.

Never make the mistake of just viewing this in old politics of hyphenated Americans, because there is a real schism forming here and black liberals in their last chance to not be blamed by Obama for his failures and save themselves by flexing their moment of political muscle like they have never had in history.
If blacks use this correctly in working with people on the right, they can have Pelosi, Obama and Reid jumping to their tune.


Obama's Race Problem