Monday, February 8, 2010

Suzi Q

As Marines dumped into Obama's Cold Sore War of Afnamistan's southern al Qaeda IED terror attacks, where said Marines are so frustrated now in being murdered, because terrorists are sniping at Soldiers and then dropping their weapons, stepping out into the open unarmed and not being able to be shot by US Soldiers in response to being attacked, it is time once again for this blog to come to the aid of my US Soldiers.

(I have a warning though first, I personally believe that Obama has set this up in Afnamistan that a My Lai Massacre
will happen, and thereby he will through one of his Obamaling reporters slander US Soldiers in the same way the left did to them in Vietnam.
It will not be old gas bag John Murtha though as he apparently is facing a new Judge and will no longer be slandering US Soldiers.)

What I desire to explain now that IED warfare is running rampant as this blog exclusively predicted would happen as the US military was dumped into southern Afghanistan and Obama let in ever bin Laden's exploding goat from Pakistan, is that there is no reason on God's green earth or Obama's bloody one, for one US Soldier to die from IED's.

IED stands for Improvised Explosive Device. These are not "bouncing betty" type mines which Soldiers would step on in Vietnam nor into in pointed sticks like Colin Powell received his Purple Heart for (look mum I got a splinter) or John Kerry self inflicting with a grenade and blowing rice up his a** (look mummy another Purple Heart), but the Muslim terrorists are using electronic detonation as in cell phones being called which are the activators on the bombs.
In short, these are electronic detonation methods using radio frequency.

(Note* for those unfamiliar with the bouncing betty class of mines, Vietcong communists would plant a mine which when stepped on would elevate about five feet into the air and then detonate which would cause major decapitations of numerous Soldiers, instead of just blowing up the unfortunate who stepped upon it.)

In that, is the solution and I am at a loss why the US military has not simply constructed a broad band telephone "ringer" to simply detonated these IED's harmlessly.
How it would work is simple in a small pack with an antennae would broadcast a "click" over all radio frequencies in a universal dialer which would activate all cell phones, radio frequencies in a mile circumference or up to 10 clicks whichever safety zone the squad prefers.

The pulse would activate every electronic radio frequency in the area and simply detonate the bombs harmlessly or perhaps gloriously in the hands or homes of terrorists holding them.

For this in honor of Bill Ayers who blew up his own terrorists, I will call the project BILL as in Blowing up Indigent Loonie Lefties and will call the broadcasting box carried by the radio man, Suzi Q, in honor of that lunatic lefty, John Fogerty who smeared President George W. Bush with his "Georgie Song" which elected his Barack which is causing American families to bury piles of American Soldiers.

So while my Suzi Q is not Suzi Rotten Crotch as a nemesis of the US military, she will adorn American Soldiers lovingly by protecting them in broadcasting love songs to Muslim terrorist bombs.

While I offer this advice freely, if any company does indeed build Suzi Q and makes money on it, I will demand my legal financial rewards, but there is no reason that John Fogerty and Bill Ayers favorite British subject in Barack Hussein Obama should have his tribal terrorists murdering US Soldiers with IED's when the military has the capability to build a simple squawk box triggering all radio frequencies to detonate these mines harmlessly.

nuff said in another problem solved.


oh baby I love you
I love you
Suzi Q