Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hong Kong Phooey

I always loved Hong Kong Phooey as a cartoon. Not because the cartoon was that good, but because Scatman Crothers had the coolest of voices for the character.
I love the voices of Hair from the Hair Bear Bunch, Yosemite Sam, the Tasmania Devil from Mel Blanc and the music to the Pink Panther.

In my film days, I learned a great deal from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, because that sophisticated cartoon could entertain children and as the children grew into adults, the humor which went over their heads was finally understood by the adult child.
Dudley Dooright, Go Go Gophers, Calling the Hunter and Sherman and Mr. Peabody are classic examples if Hollywood understood Sherman Schwartz in Gilligan's Island they would be making profits in movies today.
That seems to be in this world of experts what is missing that until someone informs the masses and the pundit steal it from this site, everyone stands around silently waiting to look intelligent without posting anything.

This blog noted that Barack Hussein Obama looted trillions from the US Treasury or American People. This money was not spent though, but instead laundered into European cartel banks. The reason this requires understanding is that much money dumped into the world economy should produce hyper inflation, but as I noted exclusively years ago in economics, there are different economies from main street to your bank to the fraud of the world staged economy which is a make up the rules as they go like Democrats in Congress.
For this reason, there will come from Obama a different form of hyper inflation in crude oil will cap at around 100 dollars a barrel. It is in these Soros interests to keep Obama in power as long as possible to plunder and garner as much power as possible before the next revolution comes.

In that, Americans will experience literally a 20% jump in across the board inflation. Yes that is hyper inflation, but it is a different form from the Carter years in spiked hikes as George Soros inflated in the 2008 Obama crash. 20% is the figure due to crude oil at 80 dollars rising to 100 dollars and 100 being a round 100% figure, twenty dollars more in price means 20% on the 100 percentile scale.
This inflation is meant to shear the sheep while wearing it down to servitude status. Keep the Mexican slaves around and American jump for the poverty jobs. This is all planned out.

In Mexico, the mafia there is noting that there really does not need to be a raising of interest rates as they note there are no social union spiking of wages and demand will not cause prices to raise in consumer goods. Understand that as Keynesian managed poverty where poor people stay poor on horrid wages as the government taxes them more and without funds, they can not go out and buy a Chicom Buffett car.

This brings the commentary to the Hong Kong Phooey which is the Chinese Paper Tiger economy. China has occurring in it the same massive growth spurt which inflated, Iceland, Britain and America by the globalists. All that Chicom investment off of their own slave labor is being poured not into American debt, but the Chinese fraud economy.
China's currency is managed, their fuel prices are managed and their entire nation is managed on a socialist scale where prices are set and the rich get richer and the poor are worked to death as expendable.
Such activity must be noted that if China was managed as an economy in reality, it could due to it's billion plus population actually conduct a series of bubble growth transfers to be a self sustaining economy, needing no other nation to attain superpower status and keep it that way, as it is large enough in poverty to rich statistics to self generate for generations.

The problem is China is a fraud. It has no technological advancement to create a more efficient energy use or population. It feeds like a cancer on the planet in resource and on it's own slave labor force. When China comes to the point of 10 percent expansion, there must be a further expansion to feed the previous expansion, but this is not attainable as gadgets, cars and homes come to the point that the majority have them, and once the market is expanded into, there is nothing left but an implosion as in a bubble bursting.

China has nothing but slave labor manufacturing to expand into, but once that manufacturing process inflates, then as Korea supplanted Japan, Indian or some Indonesian billion population will fill that void of slave labor, and the Pretty Peking Girl will not have any love to sell as no one is buying.

There is friction in this started on China as Russia has withdrawn selling high technology to the Chicoms as the Chinese are raping the Russian frontier of forests and China just staged a invasion exercise on the eastern Russian border.
China has expensive Russian toys, but Russia is signing expensive fighter contracts with India to offset the China card with the India card.

Economies have economic warfare use in China offsets America, but when China comes to the point of being a threat to too many nations, then China begins to be pinched economically and they start the implosion which is more lethal as they have millions of angry young men who have no women to pacify them as the globalists murdered all the Chinese girls 25 years ago.

There are major shifts in dollar flow as Obama has dried up American resources by plundering the dollar and is in the process of making only European banks the banks of high quality loans. Without American consumerism to gear massive capital shifts quickly, the Indians, Chinese and Indonesians can have rapid expansions, but not sustainable expansions as 3 billion cars in Asia have no fuel to drive them.
That is what is missed by all in this, is carbon fuels burn and are gone. Either one is using them to make life easier in working more efficiently to increase wages, or one is just dumping money down an empty well. China is an empty well. Yes it appears working as a managed economy, but the cost is enslaving 1 billion so a few million can live like Rothschilds. Those systems break down as the American system run by the Rockefeller or Obama clique is breaking down as either one produces a culture or one aborts a culture. Barack Hussein Obama is aborting the American culture and replacing it with Mexican peons.
It looks good on Marxist population control and Krelim palaces, but for the populations they begin looking around and saying, "This is unworkable and we refuse to work for it".

The coming economic cycle will be different from all others as it is not real. It is staged for political, tactical, monetary and military power of the few cartels. It is managed for a wearing down of the populations to breaking them, and in time it is managed for a great Eurasian War.

It is all cartoon with the deadliest of consequences. So it is fraud Hong Kong Phooey as much as the dope cartels dumping tons of opium into China in trade during the 1800's. That was not sustainable and it is not sustainable for Peking.
In time, they will have to march their troops out as their paper tiger economy incinerates.

I guess enough of that as it is time for Mr. McGoo and Jim Baucus of Gilligan's Island. Americans playing the role of McGoo who couldn't see things clearly either.

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