Sunday, March 21, 2010

Come hither Me

Wow, Obamacare is a greater mystery than the Grassy Knoll shooter as ABC not wanting to make a story out of it for two days along with Democrats were making an issue of the Tea Party protesters being blamed for three events:

1. Yelling out the word n*gger at a black Democrat.

2. Spitting on a Democrat.

3. Yelling a love term at sodomite Barney Frank.

Now in viewing the entire tapes of these "episodes" including Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer looking like queerifiles coming out of the closet feeling up Rep. John Lewis who was around the area that the "n" word was used, this blog has few points to make.

Years ago Paul McCartney had a band called Wings. In it, he had his very untalented wife Linda Eastman. Some wise guys in radio decided to expose her and Paul by isolating now, 30 years ago, Linda McCartney's horrid singing.
Now in that non tech era, it sure seemed hard to believe that ABC could not have edited out "queer" or "n*gger" to prove all that was being stated.

What interests the conspiracy angle of this blog is ABC's cameras were present for both events and somehow blacks and Barney Frank were the one's being followed where these words were reported to have been said, but none were heard on the recording.
Furthermore, the "spitting" incident had the camera directly looking the action with a perfect angle on a bright sunny day that the spit would have shown up, if someone was spitting oysters at a Democrat, yet nothing was seen in the least. All that was shown was a Democrat diving at a crowd screaming at people, "You spit on me!"

Readers of this blog might recall that it warned a year ago that the Democrats would resort to tactics to impugn the Patriots in staging events like this. This blog in noting that fact, probably stopped the Obamites then, but when the propaganda was needed, they rolled out the dirty tricks.

NOTE in this that John Lewis or Barney Frank DECLINED to press charges or even to have the people removed which the Capitol Police would have pounced on anyone doing this. Therefore it is concluded this was a pussy trap Bullsh*t bonsai operation which fits exactly that MoveOn crowd of Al Franken stooges who no doubt salted themselves into key positions, knowing ABC was going to following these Democrats who JUST HAPPENED to be in public when they never are...........just like Nancy Pelosi ramped this up today in walking down the Capitol with Hoyer and Lewis hoping that somone would whip a tomatoe at them or they could hear the n word again.
Review the ABC tape and see they edited in the Alabama civil rights violence when nothing of the sort was occurring. This was all staged by the same Ted Koppel Valerie Plame network coup against George W. Bush.

Every indication of this speaks to a propaganda operation meant to smear the Tea Party, and it was all done by Obama supporters themselves.

It is a simple matter to take a tape and isolate sounds, yet ABC did nothing of it, but just stated this event happened, just like the spit, when no spit was found on the Congressman.

At the most, someone was yelling at the Congressman and saliva came out like at a football game. At the least, this was some Obamaniac peppered into the crowd to spit on a black man.

The same holds true for the queer and n*gger words as this did not happen in the least in previous gatherings. These same charges were leveled at the GOP during the 2008 campaign in McCain people were yelling thing and it was bogus.

There is the greatest of probabilities this operation came from David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer.
The FACT is Barney Frank and John Lewis BOTH were out in public making a scene, ABC was deliberately tailing them, because they knew an event was going to take place, and the end result is, this event happened, but we can't hear the words, see the spit or happen to isolate the footage ONTO THE PEOPLE WHO DID IT.

I will repeat that. The ABC cameraman was standing right there in the spitting incident and the cameraman did NOT pan to focus on who the Democrat was screaming at.

Does that make sense?

Hell no it doesn't as they are trained better than that. For that camerman to have that angle means he was told not to photograph the crowd so the person would be tracked down and found to be just like Obama's questioners in town hall events to be Obama paid stooges working for Obama Inc' and voting Democrat before they were born.

So until this honeypot has proof to prove the Diane Sawyer propaganda, this is judged as another ABC smearing of Americans for it's cartel masters.

It is too bad this doesn't have time to become a national story and investigated as it would bring down all of these frauds at ABC and Obama Inc. as it was a stage propaganda operation equal to any Himmler event.

nuff said and only here.

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