Who has lost his way
bah, bah, bah.......
As someone who has been shot at several times in my life, had a host nasty demoniac doing things to me which would make a Hollywood movie and have been told by someone they were "going to take me out of this world".
I wondered at the "threats" which had Democrats hiding under their beds and calling for federal police to throw all these Tea Party "terrorists" into prison, just how dangerous this all was.
I started getting information in though from sources which astounded me how absolutely ludicrous these Democrats are who betrayed Americans.
Blue Dud Stupak, the baby butcher who sold out children for thirty pieces of silver, actually has released his "threatening" messages, which one just called him a baby killer and the other said, "You should die".
These aren't even threats as it becomes a threat when someone actually states they are going to murder you, not that you are going to succumb to the end of dying which all humans except a few Saints have been translated too.
I honestly would feel like a coward, a fool and a sissy beyond sissy if I was reporting in the media threats like this. Geez Louise Pilgrims, Lawrence Sinclair and his Mother had actual death threats and the FBI laughed it off.
Poor dead Donald Young died of lead poisoning murder and Obama on John Walsh's America's Most Wanted didn't even bother to mention his dearly departed friend.
So it is beyond hypocritical for Democrats who are in the zoo complaining about being petted by the public, when Stupak and these frauds are going to be butchering babies in the womb.
Do not think for a second that Obama's fraud executive order stopped anything. They will get this monstrosity back and baby butchers will find a loop hole in funding abortions under some heading like "lancing an boil" or "treating a sore throat" for administrating baby toxins.
I always frankly think it is quite lively when the yapping dogs yap at you. Obamalings have been yapping at me for years and it is an interesting study, because the yapping dogs do not bite.
All they are doing is venting and in every case showing how brainless they are. The constituent in Denver who put a coffin on a NeoProg's lawn is quite funny in reality.
I knew several boys in school who burnt a cross on a teacher's lawn. This teacher was my favorite of all teachers as he expected students to think and act out. So a group of the jock Democrats burned a cross on his lawn as part of their incitiative of a school project.
The teachers wife looked out the window and said, "What on earth is that a burned cross?"
The teacher just laughed and discussed it in class.
No police, no newspaper events, just people acting out so violence would not occur.
In many ways, the American populace has been so sheepified by the monkeys of the zoo that none of them do have the option of acting out.
Al Franken bullies and beats up people who he knows will never fight back. If Mr. Franken ever met the fist he needs, it would be Al whining about being beat up and calling in the police. That is what bullies always do.
If there was a Wild Bill setting law and order with a fist, America would be a much better place. In that messages where people aren't being harmed, as coffins or reminding someone that everyone dies, do serve a purpose in keeping the masses from actually doing something violent.
Americans should be praised in actually being so riled up by the left all the time, that Americans as a whole do not act out in violence. In fact, thee only violence which has come in America as of late has been Obamaniacs stalking Citizens or union thugs beating up Americans.
Remember it was Curling Iron Coakley's thug beating up a reporter who asked a question, and it was Eric Holder who couldn't see blacks intimidating and assaulting voters in Philadelphia were crimes to be prosecuted.
So the blog welcomes this examination of these floofy poofer NeoProg thugs who were insulting voters, hanging up on them and intimidating them, getting these passive reminders which have no violence in them at all, as it serves the greater purpose in the call this blog has had for the FBI to investigate Donald Young, Patrick Fitzgerald, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Val-erie Jarrett, David Axelrod etc.... as these crimes have been ignored.
But what is not ignored are Americans speaking out in a healthy way, so they do not turn to violence.........but then is it Americans or more of these Obamalings phone up Congress people for George Soros to make this all a red herring issue?
Blue Dud Stupak is exposed now as the greatest fraud, fool and coward in Congress. For him to be concerned about his constituents reminding him he helped butcher babies is not a threat in the least.
For the record, American Soldiers in Afghanistan being told they can not shoot terrorists until the terrorists shoot them first is a threat. Millions of babies, handicapped and elderly now going to be rationed death is a threat. Millions of Americans made criminals for not taking part in Obama rationed death is a threat.
When Democrats who use words like fag, n*gger, nazi at Letterman cocktail parties and degrading sex afterwards, are all of a sudden calling federal police when those terms are showing up in public, probably from their own plants, and when Democrats are putting out recorded phone messages that are not even threats, it just exposes what absolutely lame floofy poofer whiners the Democrats are.
Ed Schultz said he wanted to rip out Dick Cheney's heart just a few weeks ago, and not FBI was called in, and Democrats laughed.
I didn't get the joke, but Democrats apparently can not take one grain of salt of the mine full they have been loading on Americans for years.
bad boys, bad boys
what cha gonna do when they come for you
what cha gonna do when they come for you