It is very interesting to watch the secular Israeli globalists joining in on attempting to destroy their own Prime Minister in Benjamin Netanayhu all for Barack Hussein Obama.
It ranged from Maariv, Yediot Aharonot, Haaretz and Israeli Army Radio all piled on with Mr. Netanyahu said to have his back against the wall and Obama was humiliating him and now calling the shots.
The statements ranged from:
"disgraced and isolated" after a flurry of meetings that unusually included no public statement or joint photo opportunity.
was at best a "disappointment" and at worst a "resounding failure."
"Bibi received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of Equatorial Guinea,"
The last "Bibi" line is the term which asses like Tom Friedman use to belittle the Jewish Prime Minister in his "nickname".
This blog instead beholds this as a completely different view as always, and that view is always correct.
What Obama did was the same humiliation which he did to the Dali Lama in showing him out the backdoor, barefoot in the snow and stepping over the trash. This sends messages around the world from what Obama humiliated Gordon Brown over, to Obama betraying Nic Sarkozy over the Iranian weapons plant, in every nation in the world now knows that Obama is a cheap, tawdry, backbiting little man who is not strong enough to deal diplomatically with anyone in the world, but resorts to girl cat fight spiteful retribution in thinking that would intimidate someone like the Dali Lama or Benjamin Netanyahu.
In effect, the humiliation which Obama Inc. heaped upon Benjamin Netanyahu already had Jewish Americans like Ed Koch writing profusely and passionately about thee absolute betrayal of the Israeli state and Jews.
The American majority might not comprehend the Jewish question, but Jews on the right and left in America very much understand Jewish history from 1948 and they are the ones with the finance, media and power to run Obama and Emmanuel / Axelrod into a brick wall.
Congress will not allow this humiliation to go unchallenged. The American Christian groups who support Israel in Jack Van Impe are not going to allow this slight to stand.
Barack Obama can and is illegally running a coup against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and when the tide turns on this, the force who understand that a stable, secure and prosperous Jewish community in the Israeli state will find a way to make the stomach of this turn on the contents of Obama.
It might be the current call for a Special Prosector of Obama tampering illegally in Pennsylvania elections by trying to bribe a candidate with the post of Sec. of the Navy or it might be the Virginia challenge to Obama mandates bringing up his foreign birth, but what Obama just did to Jews will percolate and will be noted in court cases, justice, corporations and the media.
This blog also notes when the United States Navy figures out that Obama considers the premier post of Sec. of Navy as nothing but a bribery tool, that the Navy, Naval Intelligence and NCIS will not appreciate that slap no more than Jews did being slapped about by Barack Hussein Obama.
The Sec. of the Navy is one of the most prestigious of places in the executive. In the hands of someone like John Lehman, it rose to prominence in changing the world in the Reagan years for freedom. Obama has now degraded it to 30 pieces of silver.
There seems to be a great deal of this going on in treachery of selling souls for coinage.
In that, this blog now puts forward a request to not just initiate an investigation in this illegal coup on Benjamin Netanyahu, but a deeper investigation in just who in Mitchell's Gang of 6 was influencing and by what means that influence was pedaled to the Jewish media for these attack stories on the Israeli Prime Minister?
Israeli Army Radio is in on this coup? Ehud Barak is heading Defense, is this more of his doing in using the IDF now in attacking the sitting Prime Minister of Israel?
This cesspool of Obama crimes continues to grow and is there before the public in the biggest garbage dump in history, equal to Castro, Stalin and Mao for the Chavez refuse of the stench of Marxist cancer destroying the world body politic of freedom.
It time for Jewish Americans like Mort Zuckerman to gather his people together with Ed Koch and decide how to handle this in Congress as Mr. Obama is not out of control, Mr. Obama is a national socialist maniac rounding up Jews into walled ghettos, engaging in Kristallnacht and he just paraded thee elected leader of Jewish people around like Warsaw 1942.
One is surprised Obama didn't demand Israeli Jews wear a yellow Star of David on their sleeve.
Obama betrays Jews