As no one is tracking the constant stock market manipulation by Barack Hussein Obama via Tim Geithner, which is illegal and criminal, it falls to this blog.
On the Monday following the passage of the treasonous Obamacare package by traitorous Democrats, the stock market did a most interesting thing as it should. It PLUNGED!
Plunging is what it normally would do as Rush Limbaugh correctly stated that America was hanging by a thread. When the Massachusetts Treasurer states that America will be bankrupt in 4 years as Massachusetts was destroyed by their own universal coverage, this is a sign that America is in the Obama abyss.
Note though the market after it correctly plunged, it took a huge upturn. Yahoo finance attempted to explain the plunge as not having a thing to do with Obamacrypt, but instead had to do with Greece, which is only a minor factor as the Europeans staged all of that and the markets in New York could care less.
The upturn according to Yahoo Obama placed propaganda, was stated as new investment in health care companies is what caused the surge. That is bogus as there is not that kind of money to be spread around and normal investment is not going to be selling off oil shares (they dropped a few cents) to buy health care stocks, because everyone knows those profits are years down the line if they are not negated by the Courts immediately throwing out Obama's unConstitutional law or the GOP doesn't dismantle it in November election victories.
So the reality answer in what happened really is simple, in Tim Geithner dumped in another trillion dollars to inflate health stocks to make Obama look good and more importantly to reward the cronies in the Rockefeller medical complex for selling out America, and providing places of employment for Democrats about to leave office.
This is the exclusive of this blog, in people speak of Nebraska and Louisiana bribes, well this was a bribe to the Rockefeller medical complex for their support in passage of this unConstitutional bill. It is quite the high crime, and that is what is jigging the markets after Sunday Slaughter followed by a Monday dividing up of the spoils.
Greece has nothing to do with this market and investment by Americans has nothing to do with this market as the money flow is not logical. No one is going to buy a car that might be produced 4 years from now, providing the new owners do not shut the plant down or the courts do not find the thing a road hazard violating US Laws.
Yet that is what Yahoo propaganda is feeding the public that investors would be putting money into something unsure when oil stocks literally are going to keep rising to 100 dollars a barrel.
That is all obvious. That is all crooked, and, it is just one more crime on the piles of Obama crimes.
I guess the tally now for Obama looting has slowed and it is now just 14 trillion dollars he has looted from America in 14 months. That is the reality and that money is coming from American's retirement accounts every time Geithner steals a trillion and dumps it into the markets to launder money to Obama supporters.
The fact is the market numbers do not lie when you know what lies behind them, but Barack Obama does lie and he keeps lying with his puppy propaganda press.
agtG 241
PS: The reason oil stocks dropped is Obama is trying to curb inflation, and, at the same time Geithner sold short to help launder money from oil stocks into the health stocks. Doing this means just how strapped things are in Obama Geithner are robbing Peter to pay Paul.
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