Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama done ate your Dingo

Well, well, well...........or I guess it is monkey in the pants wishes gone kaput, Obama, Obama, Obama, in the curse of Obama has now gone from ruining a Triple Crown winner in Big Brown once Obama associated with him, and now we have Obama entering March Madness and ruining the chances of Kansas, as one Obama picks you, you end up Zero.

Yes the tale was one of Kansas winning it all out of the big tournament. They had a stellar year, they had the best of players, everyone was picking Kansas, so Obama looked at it like a sure pick, so he announced his pick as Kansas..............and as the play began Kansas almost lost to a nothing school in the opening and by Sunday the clutch 3 point shooting of Northern Iowa University, which no one in the nation even knew existed as a school had tanked the Obama pick to the sidelines of history.

Obama made another mistake in this in thinking that March Madness was like Pelosi Madness. See Obama in order to win the tournament needed Blue Dog baby butchers, Democrats who lie, cheat, take bribes and hang up on voters, and, Obama needed the game to be rigged for Kansas.

See Obama needed to send in his lawyers to write briefs for a judge handling his Birther case. See Obama needed to send in Geithner to kickback trillions to Obama benefactors who control the media to keep the puppy press calling plays for him. See Obama needed Jews to take few Muslim nukes in exchange for a March Madness victory.
Instead, Obama looked at the sure thing which all the prognosticators were picking in Kansas, so Bearick pulled out his derrick, took to the tube while Pelosi was committing High Treason with Democrats on Comrade Hill in Obamacrypt, and when the dust settled, there was Kansas beat by God ordained clutch shooting with Angels sitting on Iowa's shoulders and Kansas with monkey in his pants Obama looking limp in the loss.

Now this is not Kansas fault in any way so to speak, as they can not help Obama has been rubbing on a monkey in his pants for good luck. Kansas simply was the fodder for wishes on demons for Obama. See Obama doesn't pay for the evil he gains from, but Americans get screwed with ever increasing larger debt as the Obama bills grow in interest.

Sure into this was Kathy Sibelius, the Democratic Governor, working now for Obama, gave an extra push over to the abyss, but what Kansas does is not like Vegas in it staying there.
The Wizard of Oz explained it all in you tie yourself to a murky tan tornado that the next thing you know is you are not in Kansas anymore, the flying monkeys are tearing your scarecrow to shreds, your lion is cowardly and your tin man doesn't have a heart, and the Ruby Slippers are looking more and more like a rubber bath ducky as Obama slips deeper into the abyss.

The basketball doesn't bounce right and Dorothy rubbing on her Obama ducky finds out after the balloon ride takes off with somebody else, that she is back in Kansas eating dust, with all her belongings back in the Oz of March Madness where flying monkeys are enjoying the life you once had.

Just another Obama omen from his paradise lost. The people of Kansas lost. Kansas lost and Obama keeps rubbing on his monkey. Too bad Dorothy that tan tornado done ate your dingo.
