Thursday, April 29, 2010

Canada has become a Problem

Most Americans are probably a bit too occupied with Obama to make a notice of what is going on north of the United States in Canada. This blog though sees all and knows all, and in all honesty, the Canadians have as much hate and enable hate as the state of Mexico has for America.

This morning I was listening to a feed from CJOB which is in most cases a reasonable station, but on it they had Canuck liberal who decided to retaliate on a Canadian Conservative by lecturing him that Canadian liberals were not "American liberals" nor could Canadians be placed in boxes like Americans could on the right and left, because the intent was that Canadians are some superior species compared to the lowly, loathsome, low class Americans.
The conversation was about how dangerous Winnipeg buses were after dark, and how it was only Pierre Trudeau, a liberal who go tough on crime, which saved all Canadians to stupidity.

Never mind that it was liberal Canadians who enabled and sanctioned perverse misbehavior in making illegal crimes legal which made the provinces unsafe. Nope never mind that this was a liberal policy of policies of national socialism which created all these illegitimate children, who are now dope addicts, wards of the state and raising Trudeau on the buses at night. Nope, instead focus on Conservatives who never bothered to even raise the issue that this snot liberal Canadian was allowed to vent hate speech again on Americans without even raising the criminal issue.

There is now a complete culture in Canada which is fashionable to bash America and Americans. They came into Soros being in hammering President Bush and have grown to the malevolent point that I caught them on a history site last evening rewriting American history in the Indian wars with the Sioux which was so much fabrication and propaganda it read like something out of a Nazi manual.

If you have missed it, these liberal Canadians now think they are able to decide American politics. This group literally savages Sarah Palin in political rapine worse than what David Letterman comes up with. I am not kidding in this, these liberal Canadians are so insane they think they can influence and dictate American politics.

This Conservative writer is not the least bit pleased in this, as I have Canadian ancestry two generations back, have always championed Canucks and this blog stood up for the Canadian Prime Minister when Obama was wagging his finger in front of his face.

I is in this though, that things have got to change. I do not care what the Canadian snotty liberals think they have for protection from the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. I do not appreciate their forgetting that when America is down they are kicking her. I do not condone these children of the left forgetting America is a Superpower and when American sneezes Canada catches pneumonia.
In that I will remind Canadians one and all, as the right in Canada is not putting it's foot down in silencing this hate speech from their left, that when the political winds change, this blog is going to demand that the Conservative Government of these United States initiate a review on Canadian policy.
While I detest Obama's meddling in a coup against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in these Canadian times of political rape of Gov. Sarah Palin, turnabout will be more than fair play. What is good for the Canada goose will roast up nicely in an American frying pan.

In that, it should be the policy to influence and install Conservatives in every facet of the Canadian Governments who are completely in line with American policy. Conservatives should be enabled to own Canada in all of it's raw wealth might and set apart generations of ruling Canucks who are not going to conclude that they can dictate who runs America or ever dare again to forget who the Superpower is.

I have advocated such a policy for the Mexican state to rectify that problem, and now a solution will be set forth in the coming years to manage Canada for the best interests of these United States and Conservative Canadians.
I fully intend for a land reform ethic which will allow Americans to settle into Canada to assist Canadians into transforming their nation into a super state in order to overcome their liberal ilk.
In that, by God's Grace, I advocate a revisiting of the American Manifest Destiny which almost brought Canada into the United States sphere. I see no reason for Canadian Sovereignty to be secure, while both nations as one Confederacy.
If the northern Mexican states Americanize as this blog advocates in speaking English, I am open to this solution too.

Make no doubts this is not some united North American Rockefeller states, but it is an American led progression to Americanizing parts of Mexico and all of Canada while maintaining complete Canadian ideals and stereotypes. I do not want Canada acting as America, but desire Canada as a moral anchor for Americans to reaffirm their moral Christian past in the Anglo Saxon race.

It has come to this and must now be a Conservative issue, as I am not about to stand for liberal Canadians bashing America, no more than I stand for liberal Obama's bashing Canadians. There is a rule of law and order and if the Conservative Canadians can not advocate that as such now, it will be up to American Conservatives to manifest the Teddy Roosevelt destiny for this Continent and simply reward and enhance America's Mexican and Canadian allies, while prosecuting liberal Canadians under their own hate crime laws, because the attacks I am reading and hearing, are hate crimes and this will not be allowed to stand.

Canada has become a problem by their liberal mouths. America will solve this problem as it should have accomplished a century ago.

There would not be Obama rationed death if the Rothschilds and Rockefellers had not gotten liberal Canadians to pass their rationed death. They made this an American problem now, and Americans will once they get off their knees solve this and set Canadians free under American leadership, because the Conservative Canadians have enabled this far too long in not defeating the liberals.........but instead praise liberal Pierre Trudeau whose immoral liberal laws enabled all of this rapine in the first place.

It will be so.
