Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Lame Cherry Limits

It is so pleasing, well somewhat pleasing, that 18 of these United States have taken this blogs advice in attempting to recall the traitors in Congress also know as Obamite Marxists.

In this though, I have to conclude that there must be a better measure to term limits or investing all of that time in getting rid of an Obama excrement doing a hard flush from the porcelain throne.

So I have been Inspired by God's Grace to suggest that all 50 states by initiative or State Congress pass a most interesting statute which I will modestly call the Lame Cherry Limits. Not that I like my name plastered on official documents or Nobel Prize thangs, but because it just sounds like a good name for a law about perverse deviant politicians sexually addicted to stroking their egos by being bedded forever in Congress in the lamest ways.

Without further ado, I will explain how to get rid of liberals out of Congress.

We will use as example the North Dakota Penis, also known as, Kent Conrad, Democrat, liberal, crook and guy who looks like a penis wearing spectacles.
Also in being in his office, I see he has some sort of Amy Klobuchar dyke looking things with mop haircut, straight unpermed hair, a look on her face like she just got over PMS and it was the best time she ever had in serving Senator Penis Head, and, a skirt cut high to.........well entertain Kent as he apparently likes manly looking masculine mansexuals.

I digress......

Now I am not digressing, so what this entails is Kent Conrad is a crook who got an illegal Countrywide loan or something like that in the meltdown to buy an apartment in North Dakota.
One might ask if one is a Senator from North Dakota, that one might think that Kent the Penis Head would live in North Dakota. Nopers, Kent Conrad lives on the beach in Delaware in some 4 million dollar mansion.
For some reason Conrad is like Tom Dickhead Daschle in being elected from a Nice Dakota state which elects people like crook Tim Johnson, because they feel sorry for him, but none of these Democrats ever live in their states and if they ever leave office, they never retire there but always live on the posh east coast.

In explaining all of this, what I suggest all of these lovely liberals find in a new law attached to all these recall votes. It will read something like this:

Be it known that any federally elected office holder from the State of North Dakota must reside a minimum of 180 days in said state each year while representing said state.

Furthermore, let it be known this statute mandates that said office holder must show up for work in their respective in state offices Monday through Friday to be available to the public from 9 am to 5 pm.

Be it known, that for enforcement, said elected office holders will be required to log in on a time clock monitored by the Secretary of State of said state with spot checks required by any County Auditor or State Police to affirm that the stated Senator or House Representative is serving the people of North Dakota a minimum of 132 days while Congress is not in session. (Time period of 180 residency, equals 6 months, with Saturdays and Sundays off in 8 days per month for a total of 48 days for weekends.)

In this the good people of North Dakota will require elected federal officials to reside in North Dakota and not reside out of state, and be require that stated officials will be required to be available to the people of said state for at least 132 days when Congress is not in session while being in state.

Be it known there will not be any excused absences. If stated elected officials miss one spot check or refuse to serve the people of North Dakota in this elected contract, there will not be any recall, nor impeachment, but this stature will require immediate removal from office.

A minimum of 5 sick days will be allowed with a doctors diagnosis, confirmed by the State Medical Board.

The state elected officials will serve this state first and if not capable or if in violation will be hereby fired immediately and replace at the discretions of the Governor of the State according to State Constitutional Law.

That little law would drive all of these Kent Conrad types from office as they would actually have to live among the people they detest, in the frostbite states they run from, and worse yet, they would actually have to work like normal Americans for the majority of the year, instead of being in Congress on holiday and then perpetually on Obama vacation the rest of the year hiding from people.

Imagine the drooping faces of Kent Conrad or Nancy Pelosi being stuck in offices where real constituents would have access to them 8 hours a day who would be making them defend their National Socialism.

This simple statute would easily pass every state, as Americans would comprehend that if they have to show up for work, their elected officials would have to show up for work and also be available to meet with them, instead of hiding from them.

This is the law of laws, which is better than term limits or recalls, as these liberals will flee from office once they will have to actually work like normal people and then have to sit down with the little people and have to listen to them, as what elected officials are supposed to do in the first place.

I would wager that the majority of Congress would retire within the next 3 years.

Implement the Lame Cherry Law across America and America will be free at last, free at last.


Maybe someday saved by zero
I'll be brought together
Stretched by few words
Thoughts that leave me
Chasing after
My dreams disown me
Loaded with danger
So maybe I'll win saved by zero......